10 research outputs found

    Analisis USAhatani Tebu Di Lahan Tegalan Kasus Di Kabupaten Bondowoso

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    The objectives of the research are to know the description of sugarcane enterprise especially concerning with coat and income, to know the sugarcane practice as a guide to farmers within their enterprise, and to increase input guarantee of raw material to sugarcane factory. The research was carriedout through gathering primary data by using questionaire with farmers as respondents. The respondents were selected by method of Stratified Purposive Random Sampling. The field survey was done in Bondowoso Regency, from 24th August untill 7th September 2004. The data was analyzed by using: hypothesis testing, break even point analysis, and sensitivity analysis. The results of the research show that the average of net farmers income from new planted sugarcane reach to a high of Rp. 4,507,584,-/year whereas from ratoon sugarcane reach to a high of Rp 3,272,307,-/year. The recommendation for sugarcane self sufficiency is by using productive arid land especially in Java with optimally agricultural inputs and cultivate according to standard operational procedure

    Pengaruh Pupuk Akar (Npk) Dengan Pupuk Daun (Multimikro) Dan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh (Ethrel) Terhadap Pertumbuhan Vegetatif Tanaman Lada

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    The objective of the research was to investigate the effect of root fertilizers NPK (Nitrogen, Phospor, and Potassium) combined with leaf fertilizer (Multimikro) and Growth Regulating Substance (Ethrel) to the vegetative growth of pepper plants. Theresults of the research showed that the use of root fertilizers NPK (dosage: 2.5; 5.0; and 10.0 g/plant) increased the plants height of 12,0 cm, 19,8 cm, and 23,1 cm respectively. The use of root fertilizers NPK (dosage: 2.5; 5.0; and 10.0 g/plant) combined with leaf fertilizer Multimikro (dosage 1.5 ml/l) increased plant height significantly 15.4 cm, 23.3 cm, and 26.9 cm respectively. Moreover, the use of root fertilizer NPK (dosage: 2.5; 5.0; and 10.0 g/plant) combined with Growth Regulating Substance Ethrel (dosage 1.5 ml/l) increased the vegetative growth of pepper plants significantly to a high of 18.4 cm, 28.4 cm, and 32.5 cm respectively. Conclution of the research indicated that the combination between NPK fertilizer and Ethrel was better than the combination between NPK fertilizer and Multimikro to the vegetative growth of pepper plants

    Analisis Kesesuaian Lahan Dan Evaluasi Jenis Tanah Dalam Budidaya Tanaman Tebu Untuk Pengembangan Daerah Kabupaten Tegal

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    The objectives of the research were to make land suitability map for sugarcane plant (Saccharum officinarum), to give recommendation of location including area for sugarcane plant cultivation and to increase sugarcane plant productivity. The research used maps overlay and Geographical Information System (GIS) which used Arch-View Spatial Analysis version 2,0 A in Remote Sensing Laboratory, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT), Jakarta. The research was carried out in Tegal Regency starting from June to October 2004.The results of the research showed that the suitable, conditionally suitable, and not suitable land for sugarcane cultivation in Tegal Regency reached to a high of 20,227 ha, 144 ha, and 81,599 ha respectively. There were six most dominant kind of soil: alluvial (32,735 ha), grumosol 5,760 ha), mediteran (17,067 ha), latosol (18,595 ha), glei humus (596 ha), and regosol (22,721 ha)

    Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Dan Arahan Pemupukan N, P, Dan K Dalam Budidaya Tebu Untuk Pengembangan Daerah Kabupaten Tulungagung

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    The objectives of the research are to evaluate the suitability of land for sugarcane growth and give recommendation through land fertilization for optimal sugarcane cultivation. Furthermore, the impacts of this action are to increase the planting area of sugarcane and productivity. The research use GeographicalInformation System (GIS) in Tulungagung Regency, starting from June until October 2004. The results of the research showed that the suitable, conditionally suitable, and not suitable land for sugarcane cultivation in Tulungagung Regency reach to a high of 45,651 ha, 61,547 ha, and 6,038 ha respectively. Based on the soil condition with low contents of N, P and K, the dosage calculation of N, P, and K fertilizers for optimal sugarcane cultivation reach to a high of: N (ZA) = 500 kg/ha, P (SP-36) = 215 kg/ha, and K (KCl) = 260 kg/ha

    Pengaruh Kombinasi Intensitas Naungan Dengan Zat Pengatur Tumbuh Indole Butiric Acid (Iba), Naphthalene Acetic Acid (Naa), Dan Vitamin B1 Dalam Aklimatisasi Pertumbuhan Bibit Gaharu (Aquilaria Beccariana)

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    The objective of this research is to know the optimal formula of Indole Butiric Acid (IBA), Naphthalene Acetic Acid (NAA), Vitamine B1 and the combination with shading intensities to the acclimatization of Gaharu stump (Aquilaria beccariana). This research used Factorial Design with basic analysis of Complete Randomized Design in order to know theeffect of treatment. The research was carried out in Agroindustry and Biotechnology Laboratory, Ciampea, Bogor, from July to September 2007. The results of the research showed that after 8 weeks of treatment: (a). The combination of 55 % shading intensity with IBA 15 mg/l + NAA 10 mg/l + Vitamine B1 1 mg/l was the best formula for increasingheight of Gaharu stump 4.660 cm. (b). The combination of 55 % shading intensity with IBA 15 mg/l + NAA 30 mg/l + Vitamine B1 1 mg/l was the best formula for increasing sum of Gaharu leaf stump 12.337 leafs, (c). The combination of 55 % shading intensity with IBA 15 mg/l + NAA 40 mg/l + Vitamine B1 1 mg/l was the best formula for increasing sumof Gaharu root stump 3.783 roots, and (d). The combination of 55 % shading intensity with IBA 15 mg/l + NAA 40 mg/l + Vitamine B1 1 mg/l was the best formula for increasing length of Gaharu root stump 3.686 cm

    Pemanfaatan Kotoran Ternak Sebagai Sumber Energi Alternatif Dan Peningkatan Sanitasi Lingkungan

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    The effort to discover alternative source of energy in the world is still continued because the dependency from the fossil fuel should be aleviated. Since the energy crisis in 1973, the problem of energy become world hudge intention. In every energy crisis, the price of oil increase sharply and cause lack of stock. Therefore, several countries are trying to diversificate their source of energy. One of the alternative energy is biogas. The biogas can be produced from livestock waste. Through the fermentation processing of livestock waste, it can be produced biogas and the other side product and effect from this processing are: organic fertilizer, animals feeding, and prevent pollution. With the several benefits can be taken from the fermentation of livestock waste, the USAge of livestock waste become biogas is necessary to be disseminated in Indonesia, where most of people are living in rural area and depending their livelihood on agriculture