13 research outputs found

    Multiplex Analysis of the Activation of the Immune System after Transection of the Rat’s Sciatic Nerve

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.In this study, using the model of sciatic nerve transection in rats, the cytokine profile of peripheral blood serum and rat sciatic nerve fragments was measured 3, 7 and 14 days after the injury. Histological analysis of sciatic nerve longitudinal sections was carried out at the same periods of time. The cytokine profile of peripheral blood serum of an intact rat as well as the cytokine profile of an intact homogenized sciatic nerve of a rat was examined. Comparative study of changes in quantitative measures before and after the injury was carried out. It was shown that in peripheral blood serum after the sciatic nerve transection, there was a change in quantitative measures of IL­1a, Leptin, IL6, MCP1, and MIP­2. In the samples of the rat sciatic nerve, the changes were found in the levels of EGF, Fractalkine, G­CSF, IFNg, IL10, IL17A, IL18, IL2, IL6, IP10, Leptin, LIX, MCP1, MIP­1a, MIP­2, and RANTES

    Allogenic adipose derived stem cells transplantation improved sciatic nerve regeneration in rats: Autologous nerve graft model

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    © 2018 Masgutov, Masgutova, Mukhametova, Garanina, Arkhipova, Zakirova, Mukhamedshina, Margarita, Gilazieva, Syromiatnikova, Mullakhmetova, Kadyrova, Nigmetzyanova, Mikhail, Igor, Yagudin and Rizvanov. We examined the effect of transplantation of allogenic adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) with properties of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) on posttraumatic sciatic nerve regeneration in rats. We suggested an approach to rat sciatic nerve reconstruction using the nerve from the other leg as a graft. The comparison was that of a critical 10 mm nerve defect repaired by means of autologous nerve grafting versus an identical lesion on the contralateral side. In this experimental model, the same animal acts simultaneously as a test model, and control. Regeneration of the left nerve was enhanced by the use of ADSCs, whereas the right nerve healed under natural conditions. Thus the effects of individual differences were excluded and a result closer to clinical practice obtained. We observed significant destructive changes in the sciatic nerve tissue after surgery which resulted in the formation of combined contractures in knee and ankle joints of both limbs and neurotrophic ulcers only on the right limb. The stimulation of regeneration by ADSCs increased the survival of spinal L5 ganglia neurons by 26.4%, improved sciatic nerve vascularization by 35.68% and increased the number of myelin fibers in the distal nerve by 41.87%. Moreover, we have demonstrated that S100, PMP2, and PMP22 gene expression levels are suppressed in response to trauma as compared to intact animals. We have shown that ADSC-based therapy contributes to significant improvement in the regeneration

    Proangiogenic Effect of 2A-Peptide Based Multicistronic Recombinant Constructs Encoding VEGF and FGF2 Growth Factors

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    Coronary artery disease remains one of the primary healthcare problems due to the high cost of treatment, increased number of patients, poor clinical outcomes, and lack of effective therapy. Though pharmacological and surgical treatments positively affect symptoms and arrest the disease progression, they generally exhibit a limited effect on the disease outcome. The development of alternative therapeutic approaches towards ischemic disease treatment, especially of decompensated forms, is therefore relevant. Therapeutic angiogenesis, stimulated by various cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors, provides the possibility of restoring functional blood flow in ischemic tissues, thereby ensuring the regeneration of the damaged area. In the current study, based on the clinically approved plasmid vector pVax1, multigenic constructs were developed encoding vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), fibroblast growth factors (FGF2), and the DsRed fluorescent protein, integrated via picornaviruses’ furin-2A peptide sequences. In vitro experiments demonstrated that genetically modified cells with engineered plasmid constructs expressed the target proteins. Overexpression of VEGF and FGF2 resulted in increased levels of the recombinant proteins. Concomitantly, these did not lead to a significant shift in the general secretory profile of modified HEK293T cells. Simultaneously, the secretome of genetically modified cells showed significant stimulating effects on the formation of capillary-like structures by HUVEC (endothelial cells) in vitro. Our results revealed that when the multicistronic multigene vectors encoding 2A peptide sequences are created, transient transgene co-expression is ensured. The results obtained indicated the mutual synergistic effects of the growth factors VEGF and FGF2 on the proliferation of endothelial cells in vitro. Thus, recombinant multicistronic multigenic constructs might serve as a promising approach for establishing safe and effective systems to treat ischemic diseases

    Genesis of terxritories with a special business regime

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    © 2019, Dorma Journals. All rights reserved. The article considers the emergence and classification of numerous "dispersed" territorial development institutions of Russia as a tool for economy diversification in order to improve partnership between the state and entrepreneurs. The first Russian territories with a special regime of functioning were created in 1990 in the form of free economic zones, and there were already 14 types of special territories in the country, including more than 600 management objects, by mid-2019. The article considers the problem of the lack of mechanisms for extrapolating the positive experience of the previously created territories with a special regime of doing business to increase the efficiency of using state and municipal investments in creating new types of similar territories. A comparative characteristic of the special factors of doing business in the special economic zones, territorial development zones, territories of priority social and economic development, and free port of Vladivostok revealed both differences and similar state preferences. In particular, tax incentives, a minimum level of investment, preferential connection to infrastructure facilities, etc. were established for residents of special territories. Based on the study results, it was concluded that it is necessary to develop a strategy for the functioning of territories with a special regime for conducting entrepreneurial activities based on the implementation of industrial policy

    Genesis of terxritories with a special business regime

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    © 2019, Dorma Journals. All rights reserved. The article considers the emergence and classification of numerous "dispersed" territorial development institutions of Russia as a tool for economy diversification in order to improve partnership between the state and entrepreneurs. The first Russian territories with a special regime of functioning were created in 1990 in the form of free economic zones, and there were already 14 types of special territories in the country, including more than 600 management objects, by mid-2019. The article considers the problem of the lack of mechanisms for extrapolating the positive experience of the previously created territories with a special regime of doing business to increase the efficiency of using state and municipal investments in creating new types of similar territories. A comparative characteristic of the special factors of doing business in the special economic zones, territorial development zones, territories of priority social and economic development, and free port of Vladivostok revealed both differences and similar state preferences. In particular, tax incentives, a minimum level of investment, preferential connection to infrastructure facilities, etc. were established for residents of special territories. Based on the study results, it was concluded that it is necessary to develop a strategy for the functioning of territories with a special regime for conducting entrepreneurial activities based on the implementation of industrial policy

    Репрезентация иранской политики кибербезопасности в СМИ Исламской Республики Иран

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    The relevance of the research topic is due to the increased attention to the problems of cybersecurity in the modern world. The purpose of the study is to identify the position of the Iranian authorities on the issue of cybersecurity. The main method of research is content analysis of the Iranian online versions of newspapers, news websites and news agencies publishing information on this topic in Farsi and English. A result of the conducted research made by the authors is the main conclusion that the majority of Iranian information publications focus on the positive aspects of cybersecurity policy aimed at protection against foreign interference in Iran’s internal affairs. At the same time, the study has revealed a number of publications that highlight not only the advantages of the Iranian government’s cybersecurity policy, but also shortcomings and gaps.Актуальность темы обусловлена повышенным вниманием к проблемам кибербезопасности в современном мире. Цель работы - выявить позицию иранских властей по проблеме кибербезопасности. Основным методом исследования является анализ содержания иранских онлайн-версий газет, новостных веб-сайтов и информационных агентств, публикующих информацию по указанной тематике на персидском и английском языках. В результате авторы делают вывод, что большинство иранских информационных изданий акцентируют внимание на положительных сторонах политики кибербезопасности, направленной на защиту от иностранного вмешательства во внутренние дела Ирана. В то же время в ходе работы удалось выявить ряд публикаций, в которых освещаются не только преимущества политики правительства Ирана в области кибербезопасности, но также недостатки и пробелы

    Multiplex Analysis of the Activation of the Immune System after Transection of the Rat’s Sciatic Nerve

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.In this study, using the model of sciatic nerve transection in rats, the cytokine profile of peripheral blood serum and rat sciatic nerve fragments was measured 3, 7 and 14 days after the injury. Histological analysis of sciatic nerve longitudinal sections was carried out at the same periods of time. The cytokine profile of peripheral blood serum of an intact rat as well as the cytokine profile of an intact homogenized sciatic nerve of a rat was examined. Comparative study of changes in quantitative measures before and after the injury was carried out. It was shown that in peripheral blood serum after the sciatic nerve transection, there was a change in quantitative measures of IL­1a, Leptin, IL6, MCP1, and MIP­2. In the samples of the rat sciatic nerve, the changes were found in the levels of EGF, Fractalkine, G­CSF, IFNg, IL10, IL17A, IL18, IL2, IL6, IP10, Leptin, LIX, MCP1, MIP­1a, MIP­2, and RANTES

    IDRC report to UNDP-CIDA, annex 2 : marco lógico / área de investigación; UNAH semestral report 05-3

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media New York.In this study, using the model of sciatic nerve transection in rats, the cytokine profile of peripheral blood serum and rat sciatic nerve fragments was measured 3, 7 and 14 days after the injury. Histological analysis of sciatic nerve longitudinal sections was carried out at the same periods of time. The cytokine profile of peripheral blood serum of an intact rat as well as the cytokine profile of an intact homogenized sciatic nerve of a rat was examined. Comparative study of changes in quantitative measures before and after the injury was carried out. It was shown that in peripheral blood serum after the sciatic nerve transection, there was a change in quantitative measures of IL­1a, Leptin, IL6, MCP1, and MIP­2. In the samples of the rat sciatic nerve, the changes were found in the levels of EGF, Fractalkine, G­CSF, IFNg, IL10, IL17A, IL18, IL2, IL6, IP10, Leptin, LIX, MCP1, MIP­1a, MIP­2, and RANTES

    Allogenic adipose derived stem cells transplantation improved sciatic nerve regeneration in rats: Autologous nerve graft model

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    © 2018 Masgutov, Masgutova, Mukhametova, Garanina, Arkhipova, Zakirova, Mukhamedshina, Margarita, Gilazieva, Syromiatnikova, Mullakhmetova, Kadyrova, Nigmetzyanova, Mikhail, Igor, Yagudin and Rizvanov. We examined the effect of transplantation of allogenic adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) with properties of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) on posttraumatic sciatic nerve regeneration in rats. We suggested an approach to rat sciatic nerve reconstruction using the nerve from the other leg as a graft. The comparison was that of a critical 10 mm nerve defect repaired by means of autologous nerve grafting versus an identical lesion on the contralateral side. In this experimental model, the same animal acts simultaneously as a test model, and control. Regeneration of the left nerve was enhanced by the use of ADSCs, whereas the right nerve healed under natural conditions. Thus the effects of individual differences were excluded and a result closer to clinical practice obtained. We observed significant destructive changes in the sciatic nerve tissue after surgery which resulted in the formation of combined contractures in knee and ankle joints of both limbs and neurotrophic ulcers only on the right limb. The stimulation of regeneration by ADSCs increased the survival of spinal L5 ganglia neurons by 26.4%, improved sciatic nerve vascularization by 35.68% and increased the number of myelin fibers in the distal nerve by 41.87%. Moreover, we have demonstrated that S100, PMP2, and PMP22 gene expression levels are suppressed in response to trauma as compared to intact animals. We have shown that ADSC-based therapy contributes to significant improvement in the regeneration

    Analyzing the Effectiveness of Adipose Tissue Stem Cell and Microvesicle Therapy in Premature Skin Aging Caused by Chronic Exposure to Ultraviolet Radiation

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    © 2020, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs) and microvesicles (MVs) isolated from ADSCs are promising therapeutic agents for various pathological and physiological skin conditions. Investigate the effects of ADSC and MV therapy on skin regeneration under photoaging conditions in vivo. CD-1 mice were exposed to a course of UV radiation exposure for 6 weeks. After 4 weeks, the animals were injected by multiple intradermal punctures with ADSCs, MVs, or PBS. To analyze the effectiveness of ADSCs and MVs, changes in the microcirculation within the dorsal skin of the mice was assessed using laser Doppler flowmetry. Morphometric and morphological assessment of histological changes were also performed. No differences in skin perfusion were identified at 4 weeks post-injection of ADSCs and MVs. However, histological analysis showed treatment with ADSCs and MVs both led to a decrease in UV-mediated epidermal thickening and improved organization of the dermal layer. ADSC- and ADSC-MV-based therapy acts to prevent skin damage caused by UV photoaging