61 research outputs found

    A Friction of Cultural Values and Characteristics of Imperial Mosque in Ternate

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    Indonesia has many religious culture that should be preserved one of which is the imperial mosque. Most of the imperial mosque has its own characteristics in carrying out activities both religious and cultural. Sultanate of Ternate is the largest sultanates in eastern Indonesia which would give other peculiarities that need to be raised as a typical Indonesian culture. The purpose of this study is to identify the type of tradition in doing at the mosque sultanate by people of Ternate and changes in cultural values of the people of Ternate in the imperial mosque. In this study found the phenomenon characteristic changes in cultural values by linking changes in the physical aspect and non-physical. To determine the effect of these factors, the method used is the method of observation of physical traces. This method is expected to be able to explain the effect of the change occurred. Based on the results of the study indicate compliance is still customary rules of religious traditions in the imperial mosque although some traditions that formerly taboo has been done, the progress of the times, increase knowledge, and make the implementation of the reform and renewal of cultural values carried by the community for various reasons theTernate

    Implementasi Peraturan Menteri Perhubungan Republik Indonesia Nomor 10 Tahun 2012 Tentang Standar Pelayanan Minimal Angkutan Massal Berbasis Jalan (Studi Kasus Program Trans Metro Pekanbaru Tahun 2012-2013)

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    Regulation of the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 Year 2012 on Minimum Service Standards -Based Bulk Road Transport regulates the minimum service standards that should be applied in the implementation of a mass public transport system based on the way each region . Standard services may include security , safety , comfort , affordability , equality and regularity . The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that affect the implementation process of the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Indonesia Regulation No. 10 Year 2012 on Minimum Standards of Road Transport Based on Mass Trans Metro Pekanbaru program 2012-2013 . Location of the study was conducted in the Department of Communication and Information Pekanbaru . This research is descriptive qualitative research method . The nature of this research is a case study . The results showed that the implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Transport of the Republic of Indonesia Number 10 Year 2012 on Minimum Service Standards -Based Bulk Road Transport can not run optimally . Several factors are influencing policy measures , financial resources , human resources , time resources , the characteristics of the implementing agency , the attitude trends , communication between the implementing organization and activist , social environment , economic environment , political environmentKeywords : Implementation of policy , Minimum Service Standards -Based Bulk Road Transport , Trans Metro Pekanbaru Progra

    Implementasi Kebijakan Pengelolaan Air Bawah Tanah di Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2012-2014

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    This study aims to identify and analyze the management of underground water in the city pekanbaru.persoalan arising in practice on pnelolaan underground water in the city of pekanbaru is licensing only partisan (not exhaustive) without control is also a real phenomenon discovered, almost all objects both individual and corporate policies almost no reported utilization of the amount of underground water to pemerintah.kondisi is caused also by weak supervision by pemerintah.pengelolaan underground water in more development leads to good commercial activity undertaken individuals and business entities .sehingga authors formulate this research is how the implementation of an underground water management policy in the city of pekanbaru in 2012-2014? What are the factors that affect the implementation of an underground water management policy in the city of pekanbaru in 2012-2014?.This type of research used in this research is kualitatif.lokasi this research is in the head office handsome, bukit raya subdistrict office and department of spatial planning and building in the city pekanbaru.dalam collect data sampling.purposive researchers used a technique purposive sampling is a sampling technique source data with particular consideration, for example, the person considered most knowledgeable about what is expected, so it will be easier for researchers to explore objects and social situation in teliti.untuk get the data in this study, the authors used data of observation, interviews, and documentation. Theory of policy implementation is a theoretical foundation in this study using a model of policy implementation grindle namely the emphasis on content and context aspects linkunganya. Based on the results of the study the factors that influence the implementation of an underground water management policy in the city of pekanbaru is the contents of the policy aspect is the interest affected by the policy, administration and eliminate motivation semakinmempersempit initial formation of the desired degree perda.akibatnya not optimal because the provincial government does not expressly and do not have the ability to manage up to his level terendah.serta eroded by the municipal government program policies more emphasis on it because the levy as well as information and clarity regarding the management of the policy are not detailed by a user pelaksanaannya.dari environmental context, which is a factor influencing the policy of regulation power and administrative factors.Keywords; management, policy, water resources, conservatio

    Evaluasi Program Pemerintah Tentang Hiv/aids di Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2012

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    Based on the phenomenon in the implementation of government programs on HIV / AIDS is the responsibility of the Local Government Pekanbaru. For its implementation, local governments will delegate authority to the KPA Pekanbaru. While in charge is Deputy Mayor. Evaluation of programs implemented in Pekanbaru City Government with respect to the Program Counter is not running as it should. It is seen not sanggupnya government in response to the spread of HIV / AIDS in the city of Pekanbaru, even people with HIV / AIDS continues to increase every year. Thus, prevention programs can not be implemented that require evaluation in order to know the cause of this reduction programs can not reach the target.The purpose of this study was to determine and analyze Evaluation of Government Programs on HIV / AIDS in the city of Pekanbaru in 2012. Data obtained from respondents will be grouped by type, and then processed and presented in tabular form and then analyzed qualitatively and eventually will get conclusions about the results of the research.The results of the study concluded that the implementation of the program is the reduction of HIV / AIDS due to the limited amount of budgetary funds provided for the KPA limited so as not sufficient to carry out the work program primarily working in AIDS prevention programs in City Pekanbaru. Facilities and infrastructure lacking in the work program that caused the KPA is an independent institution which is not a government-owned institution. So the government needs to support the NAC effort in order to implement the program of work as are assigned. Solidaristas society lacking in addressing the problem of HIV / AIDS. Places that can cause infections such as AIDS where prostitution is still widely available in the city of Pekanbaru.Keywords: Evaluation, Government Programs, HIV / AID

    Peran Pemerintah Daerah Provinsi Riau dalam Pengelolaan DAS Siak: Studi Kasus Daerah Hilir DAS Siak Tahun 2010-2013

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    This reseacrh is aimed to figure out how is the role of Riau Province Local Governmenton Siak Watershed Management (known as Daerah Aliran Sungai, DAS). It is focused to thedownstream watershed of Siak River area considering to the most complex problem exists on it.Those problems consist of domestic waste, industry waste, residential issue. The role of localgovernment on DAS management especially for downstream area is based on main duty and thefunction of each related government Departement. On this management there are no specificregulation in DAS management area. Based on this background, the research is aimed toanalyze the role of Local Government in the Province of Riau on DAS management that isfocused on the downstream of DAS.The type of this reseacrh is description, which means the researcher gives a descriptionor illustration about related phenomenon or social symptom which is analyzed by describingindependent variable systematicly and accurately. Data collection method is done by IndepthInterview and documnetation study.The result of analysis shows that the role of local government on DAS management ofdownstream is based on TUPOKSI (Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi) of each Departement.Departement of Living Environment (known as Badan Lingkungan Hidup, BLH) has a role onmanaging industry waste, domestic waste, Departement of Public Project (known as DinasPekerja Umum, PU) Riau Province Resicence Division has a role on resident management.While cooperation of each Departement is needed on DAS management.Keywords: Role, Local Government, River Stream Distric

    Formulasi Kebijakan Penetapan Upah Minimum Kota Pekanbaru Tahun 2015

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    The background of this research with the wage policy is an important component in employment, ie as one element in the implementation of the employment relationship has a strategic role in the implementation of industrial relations. In industrial relations, government, employers and workers are interrelated. Normatively they have the same interest on the continuity of the company. Employers have an interest in the continuity of the company, due to his responsibilities as leader and orientation for profit in accordance with the capital invested. Workers have an interest in the company as a source of income and livelihood. While the government also has an interest in the continuity of the company with regard to economic growth both on a local and nasional.Perbedaan views on the establishment of wage levels often trigger disputes between workers and employers. Therefore, to reach agreement on the determination of wage rates and the role of government intervention need to be involved. Based on research carried out can be concluded that in setting the minimum wage figures cities (UMK) Pekanbaru in 2015, there are several considerations, namely the number KHL, productivity, economic growth, labor market conditions, business conditions are least able and the companys ability. Policy formulation is done at the start of the survey numbers KHL, discussion consideration of the proposal UMK, UMK submit a proposal to the Mayor and confirmed by the Governor in accordance with all applicable regulations.Keyword : policy formulation, the Minimum Wages City, Pekanbar
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