4 research outputs found

    Class Exploitation in Ron Rash's Serena Novel: A Marxist Criticism

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    This research has examined the marxist feminist and patriarchy as the types and form of female issues based on research questions. By using qualitative method, this research uses qualitative research managed to find the issues that occur in this film about how capitalists and patriarchy create the issues toward women. This research tries to identify the types of woman issues contained in the film Suffragette. This film is directed by Sara Gavron. The Suffragette film was inspired by the true story of a group of women activists led by Emmeline Pankhurst, in fighting for women's rights to political and economic participation. Suffragette tells the story using the perspective of the character of Maud Watts, a laundry service worker who joined Pankhurst in raising the issue of women's rights to vote before Parliament; which allowed mainly for upper class men. This research shows the imbalance of political opportunity between the upper class and lower class the dominance of masculinity over female workers. The values of Marxist Feminism were seen through scenes when the character of Maud Watts testifies before the court and in the Horse Race scene in which the Suffragette groups protest. The court scene shows opposition from women's labor groups, representing women to fight for equality between men and women

    The Unfair Treatment Issues Towards African-american Women as Portrayed in Hidden Figures Film

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    This study describes the types of gender discrimination and racial discrimination that are obtained by African-American women characters the in Hidden Figures film. In order to describe the two unfair treatments, this study uses two theories such as Lorber's gender inequality and Miles' racism. The research design was descriptive qualitative. The data of this study were taken from Hidden Figures film in the forms of words and scenes related to the two concerns of unfair treatment. This study found eight data of gender discrimination and ten data of racial discrimination that were obtained by the three African-American women characters of Hidden Figures film. The result of this study showed that: (1) Katherine obtained the treatments of gender discrimination through educational and cultural aspects and racially discriminated through the institutional and ultimately teleological racisms; (2) Dorothy obtained the gender discrimination treatments through the aspect of culture and racially discriminated by the institutional and ultimately teleological racisms; and (3) Mary obtained the gender discrimination treatments through the educational, cultural, and racial aspects and racially discriminated by the institutional racism. This study concludes that the three African-American women experience unfair treatments in two forms which are the gender discrimination and racial discrimination

    Class Exploitation in Ron Rash's Serena Novel: A Marxist Criticism

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    Penelitian ini mengkaji novel Serena yang ditulis oleh Ron Rash sebagai objek penelitian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan gambaran perbedaan kelas dan eksploitasi pekerja di dalam novel. Untuk memperoleh tujuan penelitian, penelitian ini menggunakan teori Kelas Sosial dan Eksploitasi oleh Karl Marx, dan teori Indikator Eksploitasi Pekerja oleh International Labor Organization (ILO). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dan kritik Marxis untuk menganalisis isu sosial yaitu eksploitasi kelas di dalam novel. Data penelitian ini adalah kata, frasa, kalimat dan paragraf yang menunjukkan kelas sosial dan eksploitasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan dua kelas sosial, yaitu borjuis dan proletar. Borjuis adalah Serena, Pemberton, Buchanan dan Wilkie, yaitu pemilik dari bisnis kayu, sedangkan proletar adalah para pekerja yang hidupnya hanya bergantung pada pekerjaan yang diberikan oleh borjuis. Sementara itu. ada empat bentuk eksploitasi pekerja. Pertama adalah hari dan waktu kerja yang berlebihan, seperti bekerja dengan selama sebelas jam per hari dan limas belas menit istirahat. Kedua adalah gaji rendah, seperti pekerja murah dan gaji yang tidak sesuai. Ketiga adalah kondisi tempat tinggal yang buruk, seperti kondisi tempat tinggal yang terbatas dan tidak nyaman, ditempatkan di sebuah mobil kotak dari kayu yang murah dan compang-camping. Dan keempat adalah kerja yang penuh resiko, seperti tidak ada peralatan keamanan, alat kerja manual dan berbahaya, dipaksa untuk berkerja di lahan berlumpur dan melawan cuaca dingin yang ekstrim