69 research outputs found

    Household Economics Analysis of Mina Mendong Farmers (Case Study in Wajak Village – Malang Regency)

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    Mina mendong farming is an agricultural activity which combines fish farming with crop cultivation in the rice fields mendong. Mina mendong farming is very important for farmers with small land area or middle and lower economic in the Wajak village. For the farmers, it can be optimize land use and reduce the risk of farming because it produces more than one output. The objectives of this research are: (1) analyzing the factors that affect the production of mina mendong; (2) analyzing the contribution of mina mending farming income to the revenue of farmers’ households. This research is use econometric model of mina mendong farmers’ households’ economy into simultaneous analysis model. The result shows that the factors affecting farm production is the use of fertilizers, the quantity of seeds mina mendong fish, and the use of pellets mina mendong. The income of mina mending farming contributes to the revenue of farmers’ households amounting 61.54 percent. Keywords: mina mendong, mendong, fish, income, revenue, household economi

    Does Brazil Ethanol Price Affect Brazil Sugar Export? An Indonesians’ Perspective

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    The research is financed by The Brawijaya University Abstract Besides the biggest ethanol producer, Brazil has been known as the largest sugar producer and exporter.  Different from the USA, ethanol from Brazil is made from sugarcane. The sugarcane can also be processed into sugar. Still, ethanol and sugar are not meant to substitute each other, although both are the product of sugarcane. But the apprehension may appear as one of those could be lack of stock. This ultimately leads to an increased price. An increase in sugar price is worthy for Indonesia, the largest sugar importer. The above situation urges a study to find out how far ethanol could alarm sugar export at Brazil as the primary producer for both. The result reveals that ethanol price does not affect Brazil sugar export and even the world sugar price. Brazil sugar export is noninterventionist from that situation. Factors influencing Brazil sugar exports are the country’s sugar production and domestic sugar demand. Despite this, world sugar price is affected by world sugar import, whereas world sugar export does not interrupt world sugar price. Keywords: world sugar price, ethanol price, Brazil, world sugar export and import. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-25-09 Publication date:September 30th 201

    Strategy of Risk Adaptation for Local Maize Farmers Based on Livelihood Assets in Madura

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    Local maize is the main food for Madura’s farmers. The initiation of superior hybrid seeds which causes the conversion of commodities from local corn to hybrid corn creates a lot of risks and losses. This study aims to 1) Analyze the level of access to livelihood assets of local corn farmers 2) Analyze the level of risk and level of adoption of local corn farmers’ adaptation strategies based on livelihood assets 3) The Effect of livelihood assets on strategy adoption. The research was conducted in Guluk-Guluk, Sumenep Regency. The analysis used is pentagonal assets analysis, descriptive analysis, and binary logistic regression. The results showed that the highest access of farmers to livelihood assets was access to social capital. The highest risk experienced by farmers is a technological risk. Meanwhile, the adaptation strategy chosen by the majority of farmers is hybrid crop diversification. Human capital, natural capital, and financial capital have a significant influence on the decision to adopt the adaptation strategy. So farmers need to adapt by maximizing their livelihood assets for better livelihood sustainabilit

    Characteristics of Farmers and Technical Efficiency in Cocoa Farming at Sigi Regency - Indonesia with Approach Stochastic Frontier Production Function

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    This research used cross section data to analyze the factors that affected the production and technical efficiency in the cocoa farming.  The Sampling was done by simple random and the size of samples were 98 cocoa farmers.  Analysis of the stochastic frontier production function with Cobb-Douglas models were used to answer the research objectives.  The results showed fertilizer, pesticide and labor significant effect on cocoa production.  Farmer characteristics such as education, farming experience, and frequency of follow counseling could help to increase the technical efficiency so that  the cocoa production could be increased. Keywords: production, technical efficiency, coco

    The Causality Relationship between Management in Supply Chain Collaboration with the Prosperity of Corn Farmers in West Nusa Tenggara – Indonesia

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    The objective of this research is to analyze factors determining the supply chain management and the prosperity of corn farmers. Data was collected using survey method by interviewing 120 farmers. The chain sampling was determined using snowballing technique from farmers to intermediate traders and consumers. Result of the research indicates that the supply chain management is influenced by business process integration, supply chain collaboration and organizational performance. The prosperity rate of the farmers is directly influenced by supply chain management, supply chain collaboration, and organizational performance, but it is indirectly influenced by business process of integration and of competitive advantage. Keywords: supply chain collaboration, business process integration, supply chain management, organizational performance, and the prosperity of corn farmers

    Analisis Respon Petani Apel terhadap Penerapan Sistem Pertanian Organik di Bumiaji, Batu

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    Sistem Pertanian Organik merupakan alternatif untuk mengatasi penurunan kesuburan lahan dan kerusakan lingkungan yang lebih parah serta mahalnya harga pupuk dan obat-obatan kimia yang diperlukan dalam kegiatan USAhatani. Tetapi sejauh ini masih banyak petani yang belum menerapkan teknologi tersebut dalam USAhataninya termasuk petani apel di Bumiaji, Batu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk : menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keuntungan USAhatani apel organik, menganalisis resiko produksi USAhatani apel organik, dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi keputusan petani apel dalam penerapan sistem pertanian organik. Penelitian dilakukan di Bumiaji, Batu selama 5 bulan dimulai pada bulan Oktober 2011 sampai bulan Februari 2012, menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif dengan jumlah sampel sebesar 50 petani apel. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode sampel gugus (cluster sampling metode) yaitu populasi dibagi ke dalam satuan-satuan (cluster) sampling yang besar yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan pembagian desa di Kecamatan Bumiaji. Hasil analisis regresi fungsi keuntungan Cobb Douglass menyimpulkan bahwa variabel yang berpengaruh nyata terhadap keuntungan USAhatani apel organik adalah harga bibit, harga pupuk kandang, harga herbisida, dan upah tenaga kerja, dengan pengaruh terbesar adalah variabel harga bibit. Sedangkan hasil analisis fungsi resiko produksi Cobb Douglass menyimpulkan bahwa harga bibit, harga fungisida, harga herbisida pengaruhnya kecil terhadap produksi apel organik, sedangkan harga output dan iklim mempunyai pengaruh yang cukup besar terhadap produksi apel organik. Sementara itu harga pupuk kandang, insektisida, upah tenaga kerja dan hama penyakit tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap resiko produksi USAhatani apel organik. Berdasarkan hasil analisis menggunakan model logit menunjukkan bahwa luas lahan, jumlah anggota keluarga, pengalaman dan pendapatan berpengaruh terhadap keputusan petani apel untuk menerapkan sistem pertanian organik. Variabel yang mempunyai pengaruh terbesar terhadap keputusan petani untuk menerapkan sistem pertanian organik adalah pendapatan USAhatani apel. Sedangkan variabel umur dan pendidikan petani tidak berpengaruh terhadap keputusan petani untuk menerapkan sistem pertanian organik

    Multiplier Income Impact of Economy on Maluku Province – Analisys Input Outpout

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    Economic development has been undertaken to improve the community and government revenue. One response indicated by the central government is a change of policy more autonomy to the regions, namely the granting of authority to local governments to determine the direction of regional development policies that are expected to affect national development targets, such as economic growth, job creation and distribution of income will be affected by the investment. To see the impact on the economy of Maluku revenue based on data input and output. Economic sectors Maluku province that has the largest income multiplier value indicates that if there is an increase in revenue of the unit in these sectors will have an impact on improving people's income multiplier of income in the sector. Maluku Province as an archipelago in various capacities or local potential (local specific), would have the ultimate goal of the development process does. For that if the local government wants to achieve a goal or a target goal to be achieved is to increase the income of the people of Maluku province and local governments should encourage each sector in accordance with the income multiplier value. As the field actors (stakeholders) society can allocate each unit earned income that can be spent to output the sectors that have the greatest income multiplier value. Thus if the income multiplier becoming a target or targets local governments must optimize the increase in revenue to the economy in the province of Maluku. Keywords: Output, Income, Economic and Maluku

    Agricultural Sector Investment Impact of Economy Province Maluku

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    Development of the agricultural sector is part of the economic development undertaken over the years. The agricultural sector used as a leading sector in improving society and government revenue. One response indicated by the central government is a change of policy more autonomy to the regions, namely the granting of authority to local governments to determine the direction of regional development policies that are expected to affect national development targets, such as economic growth, job creation and distribution of income will be affected by the investment. To see the impact of agricultural investment on the economy of Maluku used two approaches that approaches based on data input and output are formed using process simulation approach to the agricultural sector investment activities. Impact Investment agricultural sector is capable of forming revenues of 455.00 billion dollars and form as much as 333 314 people jobs. The role of the agricultural sector is still quite dominant in the Moluccas economy, while the downstream industry sector has not evolved significantly. This condition is a challenge and an opportunity for economic development of the Moluccas. Development opportunities are open to industrial processing and preserving of fish and other food processing. This condition will be achieved if accompanied by investment, improving the quality of human resources, entrepreneurship, and the development of appropriate technology. Keywords: Output, Income, and Labo


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    Abstract: The most famous coffee in Malang Regency is Amstirdam coffee and one of them is Sumawe coffee. Sumawe coffee is a robusta coffee from Sumbermanjing Wetan Sub District but not widely known yet. However this coffee has the potential of coffee to be improved to satisfy consumers. Producers who are able to satisfy consumers and have loyal consumers tend to survive in the competition. The purpose of this research is analyzing the influence of satisfaction on consumer loyalty Sumawe coffee. The sampling data was gathered from consumers Sumawe coffee with the number of sample is 40 respondents. The data are analyzed by using a Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) technique. The results of analysis showed that product quality and price perception have a positive and significant influence on consumer satisfaction. Consumer satisfaction has a positive and significant influence on consumer loyalty. Product quality and price perception also have a positive and significant influence on consumer loyalty

    Improving Employee Productivity Through TQM with the Meditating effect of ICR

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    Because of the high level of competition, businesses need to have an excellent quality management system, which they may attain through Total Quality Management (TQM), to improve their chances of succeeding in the marketplace. It will benefit the productivity of the company's personnel, who are the primary resource in any activity the organization undertakes. ICR needs to be supported by the deployment of TQM in the organization. This demands the company's employees be prepared to face change and improve the quality of their products and processes. This study aims to investigate the impact of TQM dimensions on employee productivity and the function that ICR plays as a mediator in the connection between TQM and employee productivity. Between the months of January and March of 2022, this investigation was carried out at a cocoa agroindustry company located in Bali. Total sampling, also known as a census, is the method of data collection, and structural equation modeling using partial least squares is the approach selected for data analysis (SEM-PLS). According to the findings, the TQM component has a beneficial impact on staff productivity and helps to promote the effect of change readiness, which acts as a mediator
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