8 research outputs found

    Kajian Konsep Taman Islam Berdasarkan Al Quran dan Hadits

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    Islam concept is comprehensive (syumuliyyah), including planning and designing a garden. Nowdays, there are various studies regarding Islamic garden. However, in general, the studies do not refer to the Islamic law. This study compares the concept of Islamic garden that emerge in Islamic glory period and the basic concept of Islamic law. The data collection method is study literature from two major literatures in Islam (Quran and hadith), and other literatures (books, journals, and research reports). The result analysis shows concept of Islamic garden does not refer to the primary sources of Islamic law, and it is more restrictive. It is emphasized that basically the planning and designing concept of Islamic garden could be free. It should be suitable with the location and the needs of garden users

    Agribisnis Terpadu Bersistem Leisa di Lahan Basah : Model Hipotetik

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    LEISA refers to forms of agriculture that seek to optimize the use of locally available resources by combining the different components of the farm system (i.e. plants, animals, soil, water, climate and people) so that they complement each other and have the greatest possible synergetic effects: In the system of LEISA proposed here, ecological risks generated by the external inputs are avoided; and reversally, the farm system performance is enriched by the use of internal inputs (including by products)p reduced in the agro-ecosystem. The external inputs in the form of agro-chemicals (inorganic fertilizers and pesticides) are used in a limited to replace nutrients transported out of the agro-ecosystem through harvest. Selecting a hypothetical model of LEISA by integrating crop production (1.25 ha),fish nursery (0.50 ha), and duck husbandry (1000 ducks at the dike of pond) shows that the system being feasible. The hypothetical model needs investation cost as much as Rp 64 195 000 and operational cost of Rp 41289825, giving a total cost of Rp 105484825 (as lending cost). Based on the estimation of monthly cash flow with annual DF 18% and grace period of 11 months, the hypothetical model gives NPV at the 36th month = Rp 38 556 960, Net B/C = 1.43, IRR = 39.42. and payback periods = 25 months

    Pengaruh Waktu dan Cara Pemberian N sebagai Pupuk Tambahan terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Kedelai (Glycine Max (L.) Merr.) pada Budidaya Basah

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    An experiment was conducted at Muara Experimental Station, Research Institute of Food Crops Biotechnology, Bogor, from October 1996 to January 1997. Split block design was used in this experiment. Factors of experiment consisted of time of fertilizer application (3 week after planting (wap), 3 and 5 wap, and 3, 5, and 7 wap) and method of N fertilizer application (100% fertilizer through soil; 75% through soil, 25% through leaves; 50% through soil, 50% through leaves; 25% through soil, 75% through leaves; and 100% through leaves). Result of experiment showed that N application at 3 and 5 wap with 50% through soils and 50% through leaves increased dry weight to 11.4% if compared to 100% N through foliar application. Time of N application to 7 wap increased empty pod/plant to 31%. Method of N fertilizer application through leaves damaged the soybean leaves

    Respon Pertumbuhan Kedelai yang Diinokulasi Mikoriza pada Cekaman Ganda Alumunium dan Kekeringan

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    Growth Response of Soybean with Mycorrizal Inoculation at Critical Condition of Aluminium and Draying DoubleABSTRACT. High level of aluminium in acid soil can restrict nutrient and water. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) have been shown to decrease plant yield losses in acid soil. The objective of this study was to examine the growth responses of green house-grown soy bean colonization by AMF. The experiment was conducted at Cikabayan experimental of Bogor Agricultural University from August 2003 to February 2004. Six genotypes soy bean that result of root bioassay treated by Al by saturated (Al 25 %, Al 50 %, and Al 75 %), field capacity (80 % and 40 % FC) and Inoculated by mycorrhizae (without AMF and by AMF). Root and shoot dry matter were higher in mycorrhizal than in non mycorrhizal plants