29 research outputs found

    Spectral Signatures of the Diffusional Anomaly in Water

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    Analysis of power spectrum profiles for various tagged particle quantities in bulk SPC/E water is used to demonstrate that variations in mobility associated with the diffusional anomaly are mirrored in the exponent of the \onebyf\ region. Monitoring of \onebyf behaviour is shown to be a simple and direct method for linking phenomena on three distinctive length and time scales: the local molecular environment, hydrogen bond network reorganisations and the diffusivity. The results indicate that experimental studies of supercooled water to probe the density dependence of 1/fα1/f^\alpha spectral features, or equivalent stretched exponential behaviour in time-correlation functions, will be of interest.Comment: 5 Pages, 4 Figure

    "Smoking gun" signatures of topological milestones in trivial materials by measurement fine-tuning and data postselection

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    Exploring the topology of electronic bands is a way to realize new states of matter with possible implications for information technology. Because bands cannot always be observed directly, a central question is how to tell that a topological regime has been achieved. Experiments are often guided by a prediction of a unique signal or a pattern, called "the smoking gun". Examples include peaks in conductivity, microwave resonances, and shifts in interference fringes. However, many condensed matter experiments are performed on relatively small, micron or nanometer-scale, specimens. These structures are in the so-called mesoscopic regime, between atomic and macroscopic physics, where phenomenology is particularly rich. In this paper, we demonstrate that the trivial effects of quantum confinement, quantum interference and charge dynamics in nanostructures can reproduce accepted smoking gun signatures of triplet supercurrents, Majorana modes, topological Josephson junctions and fractionalized particles. The examples we use correspond to milestones of topological quantum computing: qubit spectroscopy, fusion and braiding. None of the samples we use are in the topological regime. The smoking gun patterns are achieved by fine-tuning during data acquisition and by subsequent data selection to pick non-representative examples out of a fluid multitude of similar patterns that do not generally fit the "smoking gun" designation. Building on this insight, we discuss ways that experimentalists can rigorously delineate between topological and non-topological effects, and the effects of fine-tuning by deeper analysis of larger volumes of data.Comment: Data are available through Zenodo at DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.834930

    In vitro Anticancer Screening of 24 Locally Used Nigerian Medicinal Plants

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    Background: Plants that are used as traditional medicine represent a relevant pool for selecting plant candidates that may have anticancer properties. In this study, the ethnomedicinal approach was used to select several medicinal plants native to Nigeria, on the basis of their local or traditional uses. The collected plants were then evaluated for cytoxicity. Methods: The antitumor activity of methanolic extracts obtained from 24 of the selected plants, were evaluated in vitro on five human cancer cell lines. Results: Results obtained from the plants screened indicate that 18 plant extracts of folk medicine exhibited promising cytotoxic activity against human carcinoma cell lines. Erythrophleum suaveolens (Guill. & Perr.) Brenan was found to demonstrate potent anti-cancer activity in this study exhibiting IC50 = 0.2-1.3 μ\mug/ml. Conclusions: Based on the significantly potent activity of some plants extracts reported here, further studies aimed at mechanism elucidation and bio-guided isolation of active anticancer compounds is currently underway.Chemistry and Chemical Biolog

    A Self-Tuning Fuzzy PD Controller

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