36 research outputs found

    Against rigid rules: Keynes's economic theory

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    This paper provides textual evidence of Keynes's position on monetary policy and shaping international monetary relations. One result of my contribution is that the famous dichotomy rules versus discretion is of no relevance to his economic theory, because he used the term rules not in the meaning of a formal brilliantly designed notion.He definitely made a distinction between non-rigidly-fixed-rules and discretion. I give an explanation why his economic theory is not compatible with principles of constructivism, empiricism and ontological realism by referring to a key term of his economic writings, i.e., discretionary decision. --History of economic thought since 1925,Methodology,Central Banking,Inernational monetary arrangements and instititions

    Against Rigid Rules - Keynes's Economic Theory

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    This paper provides textual evidence of Keynes�s position on monetary policy and shaping international monetary relations. One result of my contribution is that the famous dichotomy 'rules versus discretion' is of no relevance to his economic theory, because he used the term 'rules' not in the meaning of a formal brilliantly designed notion. He definitely made a distinction between non-rigidly-fixed-rules and discretion. I give an explanation why his economic theory is not compatible with principles of constructivism, empiricism and ontological realism by referring to a key term of his economic writings, i.e., discretionary decision.Key words: History of Economic Thought since 1925, Methodology, Central Banking, International Monetary Arrangements and Institutions

    Anregungen fĂĽr die deutschsprachige Diskussion

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    This paper provides textual evidence of Keynes’s writing and composing on issues which are linked to philosophy, moral science and economics. As a philosopher Keynes was concerned with contemporary discussion on knowledge, probability, judgment and methods of reasoning. He participated in the Bloomsbury Group. He developed a distinct view on ethics, egoism, individual and conventional judgment, animal spirits and responsibility. He denied that expectations can be reduced to mathematical calculation. He developed ways to theorize about uncertainty, confidence and the future. The project Keynes as a philosopher is of great importance in English-and French-speaking discourses. Unfortunately it has not been received and recognized in German discourses

    Die Rezeption der John Maynard Keynes Manuskripte von 1904 bis 1911. Anregungen fĂĽr die deutschsprachige Diskussion

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    This paper provides textual evidence of Keynes's writing and composing on issues which are linked to philosophy, moral science and economics. As a philosopher Keynes was concerned with contemporary discussion on knowledge, probability, judgment and methods of reasoning. He participated in the Bloomsbury Group. He developed a distinct view on ethics, egoism, individual and conventional judgment, animal spirits and responsibility. He denied that expectations can be reduced to mathematical calculation. He developed ways to theorize about uncertainty, confidence and the future. The project Keynes as a philosopher is of great importance in English-and French-speaking discourses. Unfortunately it has not been received and recognized in German discourses

    Metaphern, Begriffe und Bedeutungen – das Beispiel internationale monetäre Institutionen

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    Das Ziel des Forschungsvorhabens besteht zum einen darin, die Bedeutungskonstitution zu untersuchen. Zum anderen soll gezeigt werden, dass nationale und internationale monetäre Institutionen in ihren Kommunikationsformen nicht einem linear-kausalen Kommunikationsmodell folgen. Der neue methodische Ansatz versteht sich komplementär zu den formal analytischen Begriffskonstruktionen. Ökonomie als Erfahrungswissenschaft bedarf eines vielfältigen Methodenrepertoires. Die Unabdingbarkeit der Methodenvielfalt resultiert aus dem Mandat der Preisstabilität der Zentralbanken, das sie im Kontext von Unsicherheit über die Steuerung der Erwartungen der Finanzmarktakteure zu erfüllen versuchen. Die Erwartungssteuerung gelingt nicht als lineare Projektion gegebener Erwartungen oder Bedeutungen. Sie gelingt über die Sprachvermitteltheit, die Verwendung von Metaphern und Begriffen in ökonomischen Interaktionen. Bedeutungen sind nicht ex ante gegeben. Der innovative Ansatz soll anhand der Entwicklung der Amerikanischen und Europäischen Zentralbank sowie der Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich weiterentwickelt und überprüft werden. Das Projekt verbindet den Forschungsstand zu monetären Institutionen mit der Wissenschaftstheorie und Analytischen Philosophie

    Against rigid rules - Keynes's economic theory

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    This paper provides textual evidence of Keynes's position on monetary policy and shaping international monetary relations. One result of my contribution is that the famous dichotomy "rules versus discretion" is of no relevance to his economic theory, because he used the term "rules" not in the meaning of a formal brilliantly designed notion.He definitely made a distinction between non-rigidly-fixed-rules and discretion. I give an explanation why his economic theory is not compatible with principles of constructivism, empiricism and ontological realism by referring to a key term of his economic writings, i.e., discretionary decision

    Kontroversen in der internationalen Währungspolitik: Retrospektive zu Keynes-White-Boughton & IMF

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