97 research outputs found

    Hybrid incompatibility between \u3ci\u3eLDrosophila virilis\u3c/i\u3e and \u3ci\u3eD. lummei\u3c/i\u3e is stronger in the presence of transposable elements

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    Mismatches between parental genomes in selfish elements are frequently hypothesized to underlie hybrid dysfunction and drive speciation. However, because the genetic basis of most hybrid incompatibilities is unknown, testing the contribution of selfish elements to reproductive isolation is difficult. Here, we evaluated the role of transposable elements (TEs) in hybrid incompatibilities between Drosophila virilis and D. lummei by experimentally comparing hybrid incompatibility in a cross where active TEs are present in D. virilis (TE+) and absent in D. lummei, to a cross where these TEs are absent from both D. virilis (TE−) and D. lummei genotypes. Using genomic data, we confirmed copy number differences in TEs between the D. virilis (TE+) strain and both the D. virilis (TE−) strain and D. lummei. We observed F1 postzygotic reproductive isolation exclusively in the interspecific cross involving TE+ D. virilis but not in crosses involving TE− D. virilis. This mirrors intraspecies dysgenesis where atrophied testes only occur when TE+ D. virilis is the paternal parent. A series of backcross experiments, that accounted for alternative models of hybrid incompatibility, showed that both F1 hybrid incompatibility and intrastrain dysgenesis are consistent with the action of TEs rather than genic interactions. Thus, our data suggest that this TE mechanism manifests as two different incompatibility phenotypes. A further Y-autosome interaction contributes to additional, sex-specific, inviability in one direction of this cross-combination. These experiments demonstrate that TEs that cause intraspecies dysgenesis can increase reproductive isolation between closely related lineages, thereby adding to the processes that consolidate speciation

    Evolutionary Implications of Mechanistic Models of TE-Mediated Hybrid Incompatibility

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    New models of TE repression in plants (specifically Arabidopsis) have suggested specific mechanisms by which TE misregulation in hybrids might result in the expression of hybrid inviability. If true, these models suggest as yet undescribed consequences for (1) mechanistic connections between hybrid problems expressed at different postzygotic stages (e.g., inviability versus sterility), (2) the predicted strength, stage, and direction of isolation between diverging lineages that differ in TE activity, and (3) the association between species attributes that influence TE dynamics (e.g., mode of reproduction, geographical structure) and the rate at which they could accumulate incompatibilities. In this paper, we explore these implications and outline future empirical directions for generating data necessary to evaluate them

    Mechanisms of Speciation

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    Asymmetrical crossing barriers in angiosperms

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    Patterns of reproductive isolation between species may provide insight into the mechanisms and evolution of barriers to interspeci¢c gene exchange. We used data from published interspeci¢c hybridization experiments from 14 genera of angiosperms in order to test for the presence of asymmetrical barriers to gene exchange. Reproductive isolation was examined at three life-history stages: the ability of interspeci¢c crosses to produce seeds, the viability of F 1 hybrids, and the fertility of F 1 hybrids. Statistically signi¢cant asymmetries in the strength of reproductive isolation between species were detected in all genera and at each of the three life-history stages. Asymmetries in seed production may be caused by a variety of mechanisms including di¡erences in stigma/style lengths, self compatibility and di¡erential fruit abortion. Asymmetries in post-zygotic isolation are probably caused by nuclear^cytoplasmic interactions. Asymmetrical reproductive isolation between plant taxa may have important implications for the dynamics of hybrid zones, the direction of genetic introgression and the probability of reinforcement

    Asymmetric Postmating Isolation: Darwin's Corollary to Haldane's Rule

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    Asymmetric postmating isolation, where reciprocal interspecific crosses produce different levels of fertilization success or hybrid sterility/inviability, is very common. Darwin emphasized its pervasiveness in plants, but it occurs in all taxa assayed. This asymmetry often results from Dobzhansky–Muller incompatibilities (DMIs) involving uniparentally inherited genetic factors (e.g., gametophyte–sporophyte interactions in plants or cytoplasmic–nuclear interactions). Typically, unidirectional (U) DMIs act simultaneously with bidirectional (B) DMIs between autosomal loci that affect reciprocal crosses equally. We model both classes of two-locus DMIs to make quantitative and qualitative predictions concerning patterns of isolation asymmetry in parental species crosses and in the hybrid F1 generation. First, we find conditions that produce expected differences. Second, we present a stochastic analysis of DMI accumulation to predict probable levels of asymmetry as divergence time increases. We find that systematic interspecific differences in relative rates of evolution for autosomal vs. nonautosomal loci can lead to different expected F1 fitnesses from reciprocal crosses, but asymmetries are more simply explained by stochastic differences in the accumulation of U DMIs. The magnitude of asymmetry depends primarily on the cumulative effects of U vs. B DMIs (which depend on heterozygous effects of DMIs), the average number of DMIs required to produce complete reproductive isolation (more asymmetry occurs when fewer DMIs are required), and the shape of the function describing how fitness declines as DMIs accumulate. Comparing our predictions to data from diverse taxa indicates that unidirectional DMIs, specifically involving sex chromosomes, cytoplasmic elements, and maternal effects, are likely to play an important role in postmating isolation

    Complex Epistasis for Dobzhansky–Muller Hybrid Incompatibility in Solanum

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    We examined the prevalence of interactions between pairs of short chromosomal regions from one species (Solanum habrochaites) co-introgressed into a heterospecific genetic background (Solanum lycopersicum). Of 105 double introgression line (DIL) families generated from a complete diallele combination of 15 chromosomal segments, 39 (∼38%) showed evidence for complex epistasis in the form of genotypic and/or allelic marker transmission distortion in DIL F2 populations