1,636 research outputs found

    On the complexity of the relations of isomorphism and bi-embeddability

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    Given an L_{\omega_1 \omega}-elementary class C, that is the collection of the countable models of some L_{\omega_1 \omega}-sentence, denote by \cong_C and \equiv_C the analytic equivalence relations of, respectively, isomorphism and bi-embeddability on C. Generalizing some questions of Louveau and Rosendal [LR05], in [FMR09] it was proposed the problem of determining which pairs of analytic equivalence relations (E,F) can be realized (up to Borel bireducibility) as pairs of the form (\cong_C,\equiv_C), C some L_{\omega_1 \omega}-elementary class (together with a partial answer for some specific cases). Here we will provide an almost complete solution to such problem: under very mild conditions on E and F, it is always possible to find such an L_{\omega_1 \omega}-elementary class C.Comment: 15 page

    On the structure of finite level and \omega-decomposable Borel functions

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    We give a full description of the structure under inclusion of all finite level Borel classes of functions, and provide an elementary proof of the well-known fact that not every Borel function can be written as a countable union of \Sigma^0_\alpha-measurable functions (for every fixed 1 \leq \alpha < \omega_1). Moreover, we present some results concerning those Borel functions which are \omega-decomposable into continuous functions (also called countably continuous functions in the literature): such results should be viewed as a contribution towards the goal of generalizing a remarkable theorem of Jayne and Rogers to all finite levels, and in fact they allow us to prove some restricted forms of such generalizations. We also analyze finite level Borel functions in terms of composition of simpler functions, and we finally present an application to Banach space theory.Comment: 31 pages, 2 figures, revised version, accepted for publication on the Journal of Symbolic Logi

    Beyond Borel-amenability: scales and superamenable reducibilities

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    We analyze the degree-structure induced by large reducibilities under the Axiom of Determinacy. This generalizes the analysis of Borel reducibilities given in references [1], [6] and [5] e.g. to the projective levels.Comment: 13 page

    Baire reductions and good Borel reducibilities

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    In reference [8] we have considered a wide class of "well-behaved" reducibilities for sets of reals. In this paper we continue with the study of Borel reducibilities by proving a dichotomy theorem for the degree-structures induced by good Borel reducibilities. This extends and improves the results of [8] allowing to deal with a larger class of notions of reduction (including, among others, the Baire class Ο\xi functions).Comment: 21 page

    Lipschitz and uniformly continuous reducibilities on ultrametric Polish spaces

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    We analyze the reducibilities induced by, respectively, uniformly continuous, Lipschitz, and nonexpansive functions on arbitrary ultrametric Polish spaces, and determine whether under suitable set-theoretical assumptions the induced degree-structures are well-behaved.Comment: 37 pages, 2 figures, revised version, accepted for publication in the Festschrift that will be published on the occasion of Victor Selivanov's 60th birthday by Ontos-Verlag. A mistake has been corrected in Section

    Universality of group embeddability

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    Working in the framework of Borel reducibility, we study various notions of embeddability between groups. We prove that the embeddability between countable groups, the topological embeddability between (discrete) Polish groups, and the isometric embeddability between separable groups with a bounded bi-invariant complete metric are all invariantly universal analytic quasi-orders. This strengthens some results from [Wil14] and [FLR09].Comment: Minor corrections. 15 pages, submitte

    Invariantly universal analytic quasi-orders

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    We introduce the notion of an invariantly universal pair (S,E) where S is an analytic quasi-order and E \subseteq S is an analytic equivalence relation. This means that for any analytic quasi-order R there is a Borel set B invariant under E such that R is Borel bireducible with the restriction of S to B. We prove a general result giving a sufficient condition for invariant universality, and we demonstrate several applications of this theorem by showing that the phenomenon of invariant universality is widespread. In fact it occurs for a great number of complete analytic quasi-orders, arising in different areas of mathematics, when they are paired with natural equivalence relations.Comment: 31 pages, 1 figure, to appear in Transactions of the American Mathematical Societ

    The Hurewicz dichotomy for generalized Baire spaces

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    By classical results of Hurewicz, Kechris and Saint-Raymond, an analytic subset of a Polish space XX is covered by a KσK_\sigma subset of XX if and only if it does not contain a closed-in-XX subset homeomorphic to the Baire space ωω{}^\omega \omega. We consider the analogous statement (which we call Hurewicz dichotomy) for ÎŁ11\Sigma^1_1 subsets of the generalized Baire space ÎșÎș{}^\kappa \kappa for a given uncountable cardinal Îș\kappa with Îș=Îș<Îș\kappa=\kappa^{<\kappa}, and show how to force it to be true in a cardinal and cofinality preserving extension of the ground model. Moreover, we show that if the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis (GCH) holds, then there is a cardinal preserving class-forcing extension in which the Hurewicz dichotomy for ÎŁ11\Sigma^1_1 subsets of ÎșÎș{}^\kappa \kappa holds at all uncountable regular cardinals Îș\kappa, while strongly unfoldable and supercompact cardinals are preserved. On the other hand, in the constructible universe L the dichotomy for ÎŁ11\Sigma^1_1 sets fails at all uncountable regular cardinals, and the same happens in any generic extension obtained by adding a Cohen real to a model of GCH. We also discuss connections with some regularity properties, like the Îș\kappa-perfect set property, the Îș\kappa-Miller measurability, and the Îș\kappa-Sacks measurability.Comment: 33 pages, final versio
