5 research outputs found

    New records of lichens and allied fungi from the Leningrad Region, Russia

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    Twelve species of lichenized and two lichenicolous fungi, and one non-lichenized calicioid fungus are reported from the Leningrad Region (Eastern, Western or Saint-Petersburg). Lecanora norvegica and Opegrapha lamyi are reported for the first time for Russia. Six taxa are also new to the whole Leningrad Region; four, Lecidella flavosorediata, Ochrolechia bahusiensis, Phaeocalicium praecedens and Tremella lichenicola – to North-Western European Russia, and one, the anamorphic lichen Dictyocatenulata alba is new to European Russia. Brief discussions on the species are included.

    The lichens and lichenicolous fungi of South Greenland

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    This list enumerates all lichenized and lichenicolous fungi known from the west coast of South Greenland between 60o10’N and 61o20’N. 744 lichen species and infraspecific taxa, 156 lichenicolous and six allied fungi are treated. New to Greenland are: Absconditella trivialis, Acarospora complanata, A. wahlenbergii, Agonimia gelatinosa, Anema nummularium, Arthonia nephromiaria, Arthrorhaphis aeruginosa, A. olivaceae, Bacidia beckhausii, Bellemerea diamarta, Biatora pullata, Botryolepraria lesdainii, Buellia arnoldii, B. erubescens, B. ocellata, B. thiopoliza, Caloplaca citrina, Cercidospora verrucosaria, Cliostomum pallens, Clypeococcum cetrariae, Dactylospora deminuta, Endococcus verrucisporus, E. verrucosus, Epibryon conduc- trix, Epicladonia simplex, Fuscidea mollis var. caesioalbescens, Hypogymnia vittata, Lecanora aitema, L. cadubriae, L.campestris, L. carpoides, L. subaurea, Lecidea turgidula, Lecidella anomaloides, Lepraria eburnea chemotype II, L. rigidula, Leucocarpia dictyospora, Lichenoconium edgewoodensis, L. pyxidatae, Lichenostigma arctoparmeliae, Merismatium decolorans, Micarea prasina, Muellerella ventosicola, Mycobilimbia epixanthoides, Mycoblastus fucatus, Nigropuncta rugulosa, Pertusaria corallina, Phacopsis doerfeltii, P. huuskonenii, Phoma cladoniicola, Placynthiella dasaea, Polyblastia inumbrata, Porpidia superba, Protoblastenia rupestris ssp. rhodothecia, Protoparmelia leproloma, Pyrrhospora rubiginans, Rhagadostoma brevisporum, Rhizocarpon lindsayanum, R. roridulum, Rhizoplaca glaucophana, Rimularia fuscosora, Rinodina gennarii, R. septentrionalis, Sagediopsis aquatica, Sarcopyrenia gibba, Sphaerellothecium atryneae, S. stereocaulorum, Squamarina nivalis, Stereocaulon pileatum, S. subcoralloides, Stigmidium joergensenii, S. mitchelii, S. mycobilimbiae, S. pumilum, Taeniolella verrucosa, Thelidium zwackhii, Thelocarpon impressellum, Thrombium basalticum, Toninia ruginosa, Trapelia involuta, Xylographa trunciseda, X. vitilago, Zwackhiomyces coepulonus, and Z. lacustris. Further 77 species of lichens and 57 species of lichenicolous fungi are new to the area. The new combination Naetrocymbe kentrospora is proposed.

    New Estonian records: Lichenized and lichenicolous fungi

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    30 fungal species, 18 of them lichenized and 12 lichenicolous fungi, are recorded for the first time for Estonia. One species, Buellia badia, has been re-discovered after 140 years.

    The lichen biota of three nature reserves in island Saaremaa, Estonia

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    A description of the lichen biota of three nature reserves – Kaugatoma-Lõo, Odalätsi and Viieristi reserves in Saaremaa island, Estonia is presented. In total 404 species are listed, of them 228 are recorded from Kaugatoma-Lõo, 169 from Odalätsi and 167 from Viieristi reserves. The composition of the lichen biota of the reserves reflects the availability of habitats (alvar grasslands, sand dunes, different types of forests) in the area. The share of rare and protected species is the highest in Kaugatoma-Lõo reserve because of the rare in Estonia habitats (thin calcium-rich soils) and substrata (lignum of old, dead junipers). Ramalina elegans, previously considered as extinct in Estonia, was re-found from Odalätsi and Viieristi reserves.

    New Estonian records. Helotiales, Ascomycota. Pezizales, Ascomycota. Lichens and lichenicolous fungi.

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    23 new fungal species, 3 of them nonlichenized, 8 lichenized and 12 lichenicolous fungi, are recorded first time here.