73 research outputs found

    Utilizarea electromiografiei de suprafață în ajustarea restaurărilor totale fixe cu suport implantar

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    Background. The static and dynamic controls of mechanoreceptors in dentate patients strongly differ from the ones with full implant restorations. The surface electromyography can serve as a control element during the or after the dental treatment. Objective of the study. Evaluation of surface electromyography indexes during the adjustment and delivery of fixed full implant supported restorations. Material and Methods. The study included 13 completely edentulous patients aged between 38 and 68 years old (55.76 ±2.62 years). Ten parameters were assessed during the electromyography: TAL, TAM, MMR, MML, PocTA, PocTL, BAR, IMPACT, ASYM, TORS comparing with the conventional method of occlusal adjustment during prostheses fixation. Results. In seven patients the clinical occlusal adjustments coincided with the parameters provided by the software presenting symmetrical muscular function. High values above 50µV, were recorded in 5 muscles (left temporalis 2 cases, right temporalis 3 cases, left masseter 3 cases, right masseter 2 cases). Three cases presented clinically acceptable symmetry of muscle function. In 3 cases out of 13 was not possible to equilibrate the muscular function despite the clinically adjusted prostheses. Conclusion. There are multiple factors that can influence the results of surface electromyography giving different values even in same patients. Thus, this method must not replace but complete the conventional occlusal adjustment procedures providing additional information. Introducere. Controlul dinamic și static al mecanoreceptorilor la pacienții dentați diferă mult de cel al pacienților cu proteze cu suport implantar. Electromiografia de suprafață poate servi ca element de control al tratamentului stomatologic pe parcursul și după finalizarea acestuia. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea indicilor electromiografiei de suprafață la etapele de ajustare și fixare a restaurărilor totale fixe cu suport implantar. Material și Metode. În cadrul studiului au fost incluși 13 pacienți cu vârsta cuprinsă între 38 și 68 ani (55.76 ±2.62 ani) cu edentații totale. În cadrul investigațiilor au fost determinați 10 parametri ai electromiografiei: TAL, TAM, MMR, MML, PocTA, PocTL, BAR, IMPACT, ASYM, TORS comparând cu metoda convențională de ajustare ocluzală la etapa de aplicare a protezelor. Rezultate. La 7 pacienți contactele ocluzale ajustate convențional erau în concordanță cu parametrii electromiografici funcționând simetric. În 5 cazuri au fost depistate valori crescute, mai mari de 50µV ale mușchilor temporali și maseteri (2 temporal stâng, 3 cazuri temporal drept, 3 cazuri maseter stâng și 2 cazuri maseter drept). În 3 cazuri au prezentat ușoare asimetrii, clinic acceptabile. În 3 cazuri din 13 nu s-a putut obține o echilibrare a funcției musculare la electromiografie în pofida unor contacte ocluzale echilibrate clinic. Concluzii. Există multipli factori care pot influența rezultatul electromiografiei de suprafață cu obținerea diferitor valori la același pacient. Deci, această metodă nu trebuie să înlocuiască, ci mai degrabă să completeze cu date suplimentare metoda convențională de ajustare ocluzală

    Rehabilitation particularities of completely mandibulary edentulous patients with overdentures supported by implants

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    Department of Prosthetic Dentistry “I. Postolachi”, State Medical and Pharmaceutical University ’’Nicolae Testemitanu”, Chisinau, Republic of MoldovaIntroduction: Prosthetic constructions with a muco-oseus support have a small performance, lead to a faster atrophy of the bone and anatomical elemnts cannot provide adequate stability of the prosthetic construction during function. The McGhill Consensus (2002) cites that conventional prosthesis isn’t anymore the optimal treatment modality for completely edentulous patients. That’s why nowadays the overdentures popularity is rapidly increasing. The huge variety of elements for prosthesis anchorage, support and stabilization allows its application in different clinical situations. Purpose and Objectives: The treatment evaluation of completely mandibulary edentulous patients with removable overdentures suported by 2 and 4 two stage dental implants and comparative analysis of the methods reported to the literature data. Materials and methods: Two completely mandibulary edentulous patients have been included in the study. Both cases have been solved initialy by removable prostheses. Because of poor stability and speaking difficulties, the removable prostheses have been transformed into implant supported overdentures at 8 weeks after surgery. The first case has been solved by an overdenture supported by 2 dental implants the second patient -phased, only two implants have been loaded after the second stage, the other two had special releasing holes in the prosthesis. They were connected only after 8 weeks, to create a time for patient adaptation to the prosthesis. The following steps were performed in both cases: impression obtaining with silicone material, determination of intermaxillary positions, bail-attachment fixation, oclusal adjustment, periodic control. The following values have been monitored for one year: Mombelli plaque indices measured on the o-ring, implant stability (Periotest Classic, Siemens AG, Bensheim, Germany), the satus of denture and anchorage system. Results: Because of a small implant number, the two implants suported overdenture is less stable during function and accelerates the bone resorption from the lateral regions of mandible and stabilization sistem wearing. 4 implants supporteded overdenture provided a better stabilization and lesser wearing of the o-ring. Both patients had second degree plaque deposits (Mombelli) during the control visit after 3 months from prosthetic delivery. After a short instructing in oral hygiene the plaque indice the following visit was I (Mombelli). The secondary stability values were -6 for implants and-7 for 1 implant. Conclusion: The choose of one or another method depends mostly from bone volume, arch form, the demands and possibility of patients. The use of overdentures suported by two and four dental implants have a better stability than conventional prosthesis, provide a good esthetic appearance, improve the function of masticatory system

    The evaluation of two-stage dental implants’ stability installed in one surgical step without flap

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    Rezumat. Integrarea implanturilor dentare este bazată pe regenerarea ţesuturilor moi şi dure periimplantare, care la rîndul ei depinde de un şir de factori şi diferă de la caz la caz. Unul din criteriile de apreciere a osteointegrării este stabilitatea implanturilor dentare. Evaluarea ei pe parcursul perioadei de vindecare determina momentul în care implantul poate fi considerat osteointegrat, în mod individual, iar utilizarea chirurgiei minimal invazive conduce la micşorarea traumatismului şi reabilitarea pacienţilor în termeni reduşi comparativ cu metodele convenţionale.Summary. Dental implants’ integration is based on periimplant soft and hard tissues healing, which depends on different factors and may vary from a case to another. Implants’ stability represents one of osseointegration criteria. It’s evaluation during healing period may individually determine the moment when the implant is considered to be osseointegrated. In comparison with conventional methods, the usage of minimally invasive surgery leads to a smaller trauma and shortens the rehabilitation terms of patients

    Formarea spaţiului biologic periimplantar în tehnica flapless în dependenţă de tipul mucoasei

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    Studiul a fost efectuat în baza a 65 de pacienţi cu vârsta medie de 40,8±0,39 de ani la care au fost instalate 167 de implanturi dentare de stadiul doi, utilizând metoda fără lambou. Grupul de studiu a fost constituit din 83 implanturi instalate într-o şedinţă chirurgicală, iar în cel de control (84 implanturi) – în două şedinţe. În dependenţă de fenotipul gingival ambele grupe au fost divizate în subgrupuri: cu fenotip subţire şi gros. Au fost analizate: stabilitatea implanturilor (Periotest), indicii de placă şi sângerare Mombelli, resorbţia osoasă periimplantară. Rezultatele obţinute denotă infl uenţa fenotipului gingival şi a microspaţiului asupra resorbţiei osului cortical periimplantar. Utilizarea metodei fără lambou într-o şedinţă chirurgicală în anumite situaţii clinice conduce la optimizarea reabilitării implanto-protetice a pacienţilor

    Periimplant biological width formation in flapless technique in dependence of gingival biotype and relation between platform and bone crest

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    Rezumat Scopul studiului a fost de a determina influienţa fenotipului gingival şi a profunzimii plasării platformei implantului asupra modelării osului periimplantar şi formării spaţiului biologic la instalarea implanturilor prin metoda fără lambou. În studiu au fost incluse implanturi dentare de stadiul doi instalate într-o şedinţă (Grup de studiu) şi două şedinţe chirurgicale (Grup de control) în sectoarele posterioare mandibulare. Analiza rezultatelor a demonstrat că fenotipul mucoasei şi profunzimea instalării implantului are impact asupra resorbţiei osului periimplantar în perioada de vindecare şi nu asupra stabilităţii implantelor. Utilizarea tehnicilor miniinvazive (întrun timp chirurgical) facilitează integrarea gingivoimplantară simultan cu cea osoasă şi reabilitarea implantoprotetică a pacienţilor.Summary The aim of the study was to determine the influence of the gingival biotype and the depth of implant platform upon periimplant bone modeling and biological width formation during healing period, in case flapless placement. The study was axed on two stage dental implants installed in one and two surgical steps in posterior sides of the mandible. The results demonstrated that the gingival biotype and implants’ placement depth influence the periimplant bone loss and doesn’t influence their stability. The usage of minimally invasive technique (one-step placement) facilitates simultaneously soft and hard tissue integration as well as implant-prosthetic rehabilitation of patients

    The use of surface electromyography in the adjustment of fixed full implant supported restorations

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    Rezumat Introducere. Controlul dinamic şi static al mecanoreceptorilor la pacienţii dentaţi diferă mult de cel al pacienţilor cu proteze cu suport implantar. Electromiografia de suprafaţă poate servi ca element de control al tratamentului stomatologic pe parcursul şi după finalizarea acestuia. Scop. Evaluarea indicilor electromiografiei de suprafaţă la etapele de ajustare şi fixare a restaurărilor totale fixe cu suport implantar. Material si metode. În cadrul studiului au fost incluşi 13 pacienţi cu vârsta cuprinsă între 38 şi 68 ani (55.76 ±2.62 ani) cu edentaţii totale. În cadrul investigaţiilor au fost determinaţi 10 parametri ai electromiografiei: TAL, TAM, MMR, MML, PocTA, PocTL, BAR, IMPACT, ASYM, TORS comparând cu metoda convenţională de ajustare ocluzală la etapa de aplicare a protezelor. Rezultate. La 7 pacienţi contactele ocluzale ajustate convenţional erau în concordanţă cu parametrii electromiografici funcţionând simetric. În 5 cazuri au fost depistate valori crescute, mai mari de 50µV ale muşchilor temporali şi maseteri (2 temporal stâng, 3 cazuri temporal drept, 3 cazuri maseter stâng şi 2 cazuri maseter drept). În 3 cazuri au prezentat uşoare asimetrii, clinic acceptabile. În 3 cazuri din 13 nu s-a putut obţine o echilibrare a funcţiei musculare la electromiografie în pofida unor contacte ocluzale echilibrate clinic. Concluzii. Există multipli factori care pot influenţa rezultatul electromiografiei de suprafaţă cu obţinerea diferitor valori la acelaşi pacient. Deci această metodă nu trebuie să înlocuiască ci mai degrabă să completeze cu date suplimentare metoda convenţională de ajustare ocluzală.Summary Introduction. The static and dynamic controls of mechanoreceptors in dentate patients strongly differ from the ones with full implant restorations. The surface electromyography can serve as a control element during the or after the dental treatment. Aim. Evaluation of surface electromyography indexes during the adjustment and delivery of fixed full implant supported restorations. Material and methods. The study included 13 completely edentulous patients aged between 38 and 68 years old (55.76 ±2.62 years). Ten parameters were assessed during the electromyography: TAL, TAM, MMR, MML, PocTA, PocTL, BAR, IMPACT, ASYM, TORS comparing with the conventional method of occlusal adjustment during prostheses fixation. Results. In seven patients the clinical occlusal adjustments coincided with the parameters provided by the software presenting symmetrical muscular function. High values above 50µV, were recorded in 5 muscles (left temporalis 2 cases, right temporalis 3 cases, left masseter 3 cases, right masseter 2 cases). Three cases presented clinically acceptable symmetry of muscle function. In 3 cases out of 13 was not possible to equilibrate the muscular function despite the clinically adjusted prostheses. Conclusions. There are multiple factors that can influence the results of surface electromyography giving different values even in same patients. Thus, this method must not replace but complete the conventional occlusal adjustment procedures providing additional information

    Particularities of the prosthetic treatment by using modified dowel - cores in case of small prostheti

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    Particularities of the prosthetic treatment by using modified dowel-cores in case of small prosthetic abutments in side areas The essence of the subject is in using modified dowel-core in order to increase the contact surface with the future prosthetic constmction which will reduce the risk of decementation and increase retention of the construction. For herewith subject-matter research was used the comparison method of analysis. The comparison was acted upon the dimensions of contact surfaces with future prosthetic construction in case of using standard dowel-core and the modified dowel-core with occlusal depression proposed and described in this paper. After calculation it was found that using modified dowel-core total surface increased by approximative 25%, and occlusal surface in comparison with the standard one by 95%. The particularity of modified dowel-core is also presented in clinical case. In dental practice a frequently met problem is that the prosthetic treatment becomes difficult or even impossible because of bad retention connected with insufficient height of the abutment. Such situations lead to decementation of the prosthesis as well as cause insufficient space for ceramic layer. Such complications may be observed in the following cases like: small dental crowns, some vertical dental and dento-alveolar migrations which leads to shifting the occlusal area and tooth lapping by decreasing the height of the crown, in cases of total and subtotal defects of the crown which are followed by migration of antagonists. The proposed method of treatment using modified dowel-cores (with the occlusal depression) can compensate the insufficiency of the surface and height of the abutments by increasing both the retention zone and the contact surface with the future prosthetic construction. In conclusion we underline insufficient dimensions of prosthetic abutments in different clinical situations create difficulties in prosthetic treatment and often compromise prosthetic construction; - the usage of dowel-cores with occlusal depression increase contact surface and retention with future prosthesis; - due to particularities of this modified dowelcore it is possible to increase the space for ceramic layer; - advantages of using the modified dowelcores prevail its disadvantages, therefore, the herewith proposed method permits to solve the space and surface deficiency accrued in the prosthetic treatment of the special clinical situations as described, without loosening the root support

    The use of cone-beam computed tomography for diagnostic of tempormandibular disorders

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    Rezumat Introducere: Dezvoltarea tehnologiilor imagistice a permis utilizarea pe scară largă a computer-tomografiei cu fascicol în diagnosticarea disfuncţiilor articulaţiei temporo-mandibuîare. Cu toate acestea nu există o metoda unanim acceptată de apreciere a poziţiei condilului în fosa articulară. Scopul: Utilizarea CBCT-ului în diagnosticarea pacienţilor cu disfuncţii ale articulaţiei temporo-mandibulare. Material şi metode: Studiul efectuat a cuprins examinarea tomografiilor (CBCT) a 9 pacienţi cu virsta cuprinsă între 18 si 40 de ani. Tomografiile au fost examinate în OnDemnd3D si SIDEXIS software, avînd la bază metoda lui Kazumi Ikeda. Au fost calculate următoarele valori: anterior (SA), posterior (SP), superior (SS) - în plan sagital. în plan frontal: medial (MS), superior (SS), lateral (LS), iar in cel axial: medial (MS) si lateral OS). Rezultatul şi discuţii: Valorile medii obţinute în cadrul acestei cercetări în plan sagital SUntSP-2,13 (±0,4);SS-2.94 (±0.01) ;SA-3.02 (±0,5). Plan frontal: SL-2.28 (±0,5); SS-2,42 (±0,4); SM-2.01 (±0,6). Plan axial: SM-4.01 (±0.9), SL-nu a putut fi obţinut din cauza poziţionării înalte a arcadei zigomatice. Concluzia: Tomografia computerizată cu fascicol conic reprezintă o metodă de investigaţie informativă în cazul pacienţilor cu disfuncţii ale ATM ce poate facilita stabilirea diagnosticului fără utilziarea RMN-ului. Cu toate acestea în cadrul cercetării nu a fost posibil întotdeauna analiza CBCT-urilor conform metodei descrise datorită particularităţilor anatomice.Summary Introduction: The development of imaging technologies has allowed widespread use of computed tomography in diagnosis of temporomandibular joint disorders. However, there is no unanimously accepted method of assessing the position of the condyle in the glenoid fossa. Purpose: The use of CBCT in diagnosing in patients with temporomandibular joint disorders. Material and methods: The study included CT scans of 9 patients between 18 and 40 years old. CBCTs were examined through Onl)emand3D and SIDEXIS softwires, based on Kazumi Ikedas method. The following distances were measured: anterior (SSA), posterior (SSP), superior (SSS) - in sagittal projection sagittal. Coronal view: medial (CMS), upper (CSS), lateral (CLS), and in axial view: medial (AMS) and lateral (ALS). Results: The mean values obtained in this research are: SSP-2.13 (± 0.4); SSS-2.94 (± 0.01); SSA-3.02 (± 0,5) - in sagittal view. In coronal section: CSL-2.28 (± 0.5); CSS-2.42 (± 0.4); CSM-2.01 (± 0.6). Axial view: ASM-4.01 (± 0.9), ASL-could not be obtained due to the high positioning of the zygomatic arch. Conclusion: The cone-beam computed tomography is an informative method used to investigate the patients with TMD that can facilitate diagnosing without using MRI. However, in the research it was not always possible to analyze CBCTs according to the described method due to anatomic particularitie

    Guided surgery in implant– prosthetic rehabilitation

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    Rezumat. Rezultatul protetic precum şi succesul pe termen lung în reabilitarea implanto-protetică depind de un şir de factori precum: poziţia şi numărul implanturilor, tehnica chirurgicală, oferta osoasă şi mucoasă ş.a. Chirurgia convenţională (free hand surgery) nu permite în toate cazurile plasarea implanturilor în cea mai bună poziţie din punct de vedere protetic şi biomecanic. Odată cu dezvoltarea tehnologiilor de scanare şi printare tridimensională, planificarea rezultatului final permite realizarea ghidurilor chirurgicale pentru asigurarea unei poziţionări cât mai exacte a implanturilor dentare [1,2]. Analiza comparativă a metodelor de instalare convenţională şi ghidată de instalare a implanturilor a demonstrat avantaje semnificative în poziţionarea implanturilor în favoarea chirurgiei ghidate. Totuşi, odată cu aplicarea diferitor manevre suplimentare în realizarea tratamentului (amprentare, scanare, planificare, realizare ghid), au fost observate un şir de neajunsuri şi erori ce pot periclita realizarea tratamentului.Summary. The prosthetic result as well as the long– term success in implant–prosthetic rehabilitation depends on a series of factors such as: position, number of implants, surgical technique, bone and mucosal offer, and others. Usually, free hand surgery does not allow in all the cases to place implants in best position from the prosthetic and biomechanical point of view. Due to the development of scanning technologies and three–dimensional printing, the planning of final results allows the printing of surgical guides, to ensure the most accurate position of dental implants [1,2]. The comparative analysis of conventional and guided implant placement methods has demonstrated significant advantages in favor of guided surgery. However, with the application of additional maneuvers in the treatment (impression, scanning, planning, template fabrication), a number of disadvantages and errors were observed that may affect both, the treatment and results

    Clinical features and differential diagnosis of orofacial pain

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    Rezumat. Conform literaturii de specialitate cele mai des întâlnite dureri orofaciale care nu își au originea în structurile sistemului stomatognat, dar care sunt întâlnite în cabinetele medicilor stomatologi sunt durerea de tip tensional, nevralgia trigeminală și migrena. Prin urmare, sarcina noastră principală este să facem diferenţierea între durerile faciale de origine stomatologică, care sunt în competenţa noastră de a le menaja și celelalte patologii dureroase orofaciale, care necesită solidarizarea mai multor specialiști. Durerea facială de origine stomatologică, fie ea musculară sau articulară, are calităţile unei dureri somatice profunde, apare întotdeauna în urma unui eveniment recent (traumă, fractură dentară, tratament stomatologic, schimbări ocluzale), este însoţită de perturbarea funcţiilor (masticaţie, fonaţie) și adesea cauzează limitarea mișcărilor mandibulare. Prezenţa structurilor musculare, articulare, vasculare și neurologice într-un teritoriu anatomic restrâns îngreunează adesea stabilirea corectă a diagnosticului din care motiv abordarea interdisciplinară este inevitabilă și recomandată.Summary. According to the literature, the most common orofacial pains whose origin are not in the structures of the stomatognathic system, but which are encountered in the offices of dentists are tension pain, trigeminal neuralgia and migraine. Therefore, our main task is to differentiate between facial pain of dental origin, which are in our competence to manage them and other painful orofacial pathologies, which require the cooperation of several specialists. Facial pain, whether muscular or joint origin, has the qualities of a deep somatic pain, always occurs after a recent event (trauma, dental fracture, dental treatment, occlusal changes), is accompanied by disruption of functions (mastication, phonation) and it often causes limited mandibular movements. The presence of muscular, articular, vascular and neurological structures in a restricted anatomical territory often makes difficult to establish the correct diagnosis, that’s why the interdisciplinary approach is inevitable and recommended