6 research outputs found

    International property rights and international trade: consequences for developing countries

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    The purpose of this article is to reveal the impact of the protection of intellectual property rights (IPR) on the technological growth of developing countries within the context of their integration into the multilateral trade system. The author generalizes the theoretical studies in IPR protection for open and closed economies, traces the consequences of enforcing IPR protection on the economic growth and diffusion of technologies in the world, analyzes the multilateral regulations of the WTO in trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights, and assesses the impact of the introduction of this system on developing countries. The article explores the prospects for developing the multilateral system of IPR protection to ensure a balance between countries with different levels of development, and outlines the internal policy instruments of IPR that would comply with the interests of technological growth in the developing countries. These findings would benefit the formulation of a balanced policy of IPR protection related to Ukraine’s trade and other policies to invigorate technological development within the context of its integration into the world trade system

    Formation of V. Vernadsky's noospheric ideas as the basis of the educational pedagogical policy strategy

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    The aim of the scientific research is a philosophical comprehension of the noosphere ideas of Academician V.I. Vernadsky under the prism of temporal and socio-political changes. Spirituality is considered as an educational goal of the human true. The study focuses on the analysis and design of future humanity - a biosphere cell-the region's noosphere and its unit matrix - a noosphere-educated integral personality. The authors of the study intend to carry out a philosophical analysis of the world life under the conditions of civilizational changes and transformations.The theoretical research is based on the works of V.I. Vernadsky and his followers: Whitehead A., Fedorov N., Schelling F.I.J., Spengler O., Samodrin A. and others. The application of methods that helped to conduct theoretical research-analysis and synthesis, systematization of materials, historical and logical, comparative, systemic and structural, allowed to study the essence of the research problem. Our study is an attempt through the prism of V.I. Vernadsky's personality to notice the guidelines for improving the noosphere personal potential formation mechanisms of the Ukrainian for the success of effective shifts of education and science in the direction of noosphere consciousness revolution