4,821 research outputs found

    Notes on the identification of the black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus xanthonotus)

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    Through the courtesy of Mr. M. W. Harrison, I have been permitted to examine the egg of the Black Cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus xanthonotus), and the following interesting data has been kindly supplied to me by that gentleman. The bird was seen by Mr. Leslie Burbury on several occasions to fly from a hole in a gum tree, also by a shepherd in Mr. Burbury's employ. Both saw the bird leave the nest on the occasion of taking the eggs

    Description of a new species of shark

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    During the month I had brought to the Museum a peculiar-looking fish, having been found washed up on the beach at Bruny Island. On examination it proved to be a species of Centrina ; at first I was inclined to believe it was C. salviani, but on closer examination it seemed to differ.' A specimen of C. salviani having been found off the coast of New Zealand some few years back, I had a photo, of the Tasmanian specimen sent to Professor Hutton, F.R.S., Curator Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. Professor Hutton wrote, stating that, judging from the photo., he was inclined to think that the Tasmanian Centrina differed from the one in New Zealand, which he considered was Centrina salviani. Before finally deciding on making a new species, Mr. Ogilby, the able Ichthiologist of the Australian Museum, kindly undertook to compare the Tasmanian shark with the C. salviani in the Sydney Museum

    What science and commerce may gain from an Antarctic expedition

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    What is to be gained from an Antarctic Expedition is a question so frequently asked that some notice should be taken of it, and an answer framed that, if possible, shall be satisfactory. Perhaps a reference to what has been done by Arctic Exploration may encourage belief that some benefit would accrue from a properly equipped expedition to the Antarctic region. Observations in the far north have been of incalculable value for the confirmation or correction of scientific theories relating to ocean currents, magnetic deviations, climatology, geographical distribution of plants and animals, and a host of similar subjects; while, as to commerce, it is only necessary to mention the discovery of the White Sea route to Russia, with its consequent trade, the establishment of the Spitzbergen fisheries, and the opening up of new and lucrative whaling grounds in Baffin's Bay and Prince Regent's Inlet, as convincing proofs of the usefulness of many expeditions that promised less in the way of discovery than one to the Antarctic regions. An Antarctic expedition is thought to be of vital importance but should not be left to any other country other than England and her loyal Australasian subjects

    Description of two new fishes

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    Detailed description of two new species of fishes, Eurumetopos johnstonii,nov. sp. and Triptergium clarkei, nov. sp. Eurumetopos johnstonii, nov. sp. This very remarkable fish was found washed on the beach at Bridgewater. Unfortunately the crows had eaten a great part of one side, taking the eyes and the intestines out. I have great pleasure in giving this very remarkable genus the specific name of Johnstonii, in honour of R. M. Johnston, Esq., F.L.S., whose very valuable works in all matters relating to the Natural History of Tasmania and the Geological features of the Island place him as the foremost scientist in Tasmania


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    Description of Lampris Luna. This very interesting specimen, the first on record of having been captured in Australia, was forwarded to the Museum by Mr. Alfred Lovett on December 18th, 1895. Mr. Lovett states that it was found washed up on the beach near Port Arthur, and weighed 130lbs. Unfortunately the crows had picked and destroyed one side

    Testing an Original Story in Multiple Artistic Mediums

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    The Story is one of the oldest forms of communication between humans. Various methods have enhanced and updated the Art in a variety of ways since the concept was created. In modern times, a story can exist in multiple mediums because of the variations that humans use today to tell stories. I present an artistic project that will show my development of an original universe, plot, and characters into a storyline introduction for enjoyable purposes. The belief was that these ideas I created could succeed in multiple formats, but I would need to narrow it down and test what I had created. I chose two different mediums, a Written Narrative and a Video Game, as means to tell my story as much as I could within the time frame. By using the opinions of others, I’ll learn if either project can be successful in telling my story and which method offered the best experience with my particular story ideas to share with an individual

    Notes on the discovery of a Ganoid fish in the Knocklofty sandstones, Hobart

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    ln the Tasmanian Museum there is a most valuable collection of fossil leaves belonging to the earlier tertiary period of Tasmania, but in respect of which there is no record as to the locality from which they were originally obtained. I was long of opinion that this peculiar group of fossil plants was obtained by Dr. Milligan from Macquarie Harbour in the early days of the colony's history, and this conviction was one of the main reasons which induced me to visit and examine the leaf deposits of Macquarie Harbour in the year 1887. Includes illustrative plates
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