5,077 research outputs found

    Understanding complex magnetic order in disordered cobalt hydroxides through analysis of the local structure

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    In many ostensibly crystalline materials, unit-cell-based descriptions do not always capture the complete physics of the system due to disruption in long-range order. In the series of cobalt hydroxides studied here, Co(OH)2−x_{2-x}(Cl)x_x(H2_2O)n_{n}, magnetic Bragg diffraction reveals a fully compensated N\'eel state, yet the materials show significant and open magnetization loops. A detailed analysis of the local structure defines the aperiodic arrangement of cobalt coordination polyhedra. Representation of the structure as a combination of distinct polyhedral motifs explains the existence of locally uncompensated moments and provides a quantitative agreement with bulk magnetic measurements and magnetic Bragg diffraction

    Angioedema Presenting As Chronic Gastrointestinal Symptoms

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72177/1/j.1572-0241.1993.tb07563.x.pd

    A Novel Nanoionics-Based Switch for Microwave Applications

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    This paper reports the development and characterization of a novel switching device for use in microwave systems. The device utilizes a switching mechanism based on nanoionics, in which mobile ions within a solid electrolyte undergo an electrochemical process to form and remove a conductive metallic "bridge" to define the change of state. The nanoionics-based switch has demonstrated an insertion loss of approx.0.5dB, isolation of >30dB, low voltage operation (1V), low power (approx. micro-W) and low energy (approx. nJ) consumption, and excellent linearity up to 6 GHz. The switch requires fewer bias operations (due to non-volatile nature) and has a simple planar geometry allowing for novel device structures and easy integration into microwave power distribution circuits

    On the growth and form of spherulites

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    Many structural materials (metal alloys, polymers, minerals, etc.) are formed by quenching liquids into crystalline solids. This highly non-equilibrium process often leads to polycrystalline growth patterns that are broadly termed "spherulites" because of their large-scale average spherical shape. Despite the prevalence and practical importance of spherulite formation, only rather qualitative concepts of this phenomenon exist. The present work explains the growth and form of these fundamental condensed matter structures on the basis of a unified field theoretic approach. Our phase field model is the first to incorporate the essential ingredients for this type crystal growth: anisotropies in both the surface energy and interface mobilities that are responsible for needle-like growth, trapping of local orientational order due to either static heterogeneities (impurities) or dynamic heterogeneities in highly supercooled liquids, and a preferred relative grain orientation induced by a misorientation-dependent grain boundary energy. Our calculations indicate that the diversity of spherulite growth forms arises from a competition between the ordering effect of discrete local crystallographic symmetries and the randomization of the local crystallographic orientation that accompanies crystal grain nucleation at the growth front (growth front nucleation or GFN). The large-scale isotropy of spherulitic growth arises from the predominance of GFN.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Optical Structure and Proper-Motion Age of the Oxygen-rich Supernova Remnant 1E 0102-7219 in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    We present new optical emission-line images of the young SNR 1E 0102-7219 (E0102) in the SMC obtained with the HST Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS). E0102 is a member of the oxygen-rich class of SNRs showing strong oxygen, neon , and other metal-line emissions in its optical and X-ray spectra, and an absence of H and He. The progenitor of E0102 may have been a Wolf-Rayet star that underwent considerable mass loss prior to exploding as a Type Ib/c or IIL/b SN. The ejecta in this SNR are fast-moving (V > 1000 km/s) and emit as they are compressed and heated in the reverse shock. In 2003, we obtained optical [O III], H-alpha, and continuum images with the ACS Wide Field Camera. The [O III] image captures the full velocity range of the ejecta, and shows considerable high-velocity emission projected in the middle of the SNR that was Doppler-shifted out of the narrow F502N bandpass of a previous Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 image from 1995. Using these two epochs separated by ~8.5 years, we measure the transverse expansion of the ejecta around the outer rim in this SNR for the first time at visible wavelengths. From proper-motion measurements of 12 ejecta filaments, we estimate a mean expansion velocity for the bright ejecta of ~2000 km/s and an inferred kinematic age for the SNR of \~2050 +/- 600 years. The age we derive from HST data is about twice that inferred by Hughes et al.(2000) from X-ray data, though our 1-sigma error bars overlap. Our proper-motion age is consistent with an independent optical kinematic age derived by Eriksen et al.(2003) using spatially resolved [O III] radial-velocity data. We derive an expansion center that lies very close to X-ray and radio hotspots, which could indicate the presence of a compact remnant (neutron star or black hole).Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures. Accepted to the Astrophysical Journal, to appear in 20 April 2006 issue. Full resolution figures are posted at: http://stevenf.asu.edu/figure

    Influence of Exposure to Imidacloprid on Survivorship, Reproduction and Vitellin Content of the Carmine Spider Mite, Tetranychus cinnabarinus

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    Occasional reports linking neonicotinoid insecticide applications to field population outbreaks of the spider mite have been a topic of concern for integrated pest management programs. To elucidate the impacts of a neonicotinoid insecticide on the carmine spider mite, Tetranychus cinnabarinus Boisduval (Acari: Tetranychidae), the survivorship, reproduction, and vitellin contents of the mite were investigated after exposure to various concentrations of imidacloprid on the V. unguiculata leaf discs at 25°C, 80% RH and a photoperiod of 14:10 (L:D) in the laboratory. The results showed that the field-relevant dose of imidacloprid did not significantly affect the hatch rate of eggs or pre-imaginal survivorship of the mite, while sublethal doses of imidacloprid, previously determined for Myzus persicae, led to a significant increase in the hatch rate of eggs and pre-imaginal survivorship of the mite compared to the untreated control. Adult longevity and fecundity of T. cinnabarinus for imidacloprid-treated populations were slightly prolonged and increased, respectively, but the difference from the untreated control was not significant. The vitellin content in eggs increased significantly after exposure to imidacloprid. Imidacloprid may be one of the major reasons for the outbreak of T. cinnabarinus in the field

    Flux-Induced Vortex in Mesoscopic Superconducting Loops

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    We predict the existence of a quantum vortex for an unusual situation. We study the order parameter in doubly connected superconducting samples embedded in a uniform magnetic field. For samples with perfect cylindrical symmetry, the order parameter has been known for long and no vortices are present in the linear regime. However, if the sample is not symmetric, there exist ranges of the field for which the order parameter vanishes along a line, parallel to the field. In many respects, the behavior of this line is qualitatively different from that of the vortices encountered in type II superconductivity. For samples with mirror symmetry, this flux-induced vortex appears at the thin side for small fluxes and at the opposite side for large fluxes. We propose direct and indirect experimental methods which could test our predictions.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, 4 figs., uses RevTex, extended to situations far from cylindrical symmetr

    The inflationary trispectrum

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    We calculate the trispectrum of the primordial curvature perturbation generated by an epoch of slow-roll inflation in the early universe, and demonstrate that the non-gaussian signature imprinted at horizon crossing is unobservably small, of order tau_NL < r/50, where r < 1 is the tensor-to-scalar ratio. Therefore any primordial non-gaussianity observed in future microwave background experiments is likely to have been synthesized by gravitational effects on superhorizon scales. We discuss the application of Maldacena's consistency condition to the trispectrum.Comment: 23 pages, 2 diagrams drawn with feynmp.sty, uses iopart.cls. v2, replaced with version accepted by JCAP. Estimate of maximal tau_NL refined in Section 5, resulting in smaller numerical value. Sign errors in Eq. (44) and Eq. (48) corrected. Some minor notational change

    The Cost of Simplifying Air Travel When Modeling Disease Spread

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    BACKGROUND: Air travel plays a key role in the spread of many pathogens. Modeling the long distance spread of infectious disease in these cases requires an air travel model. Highly detailed air transportation models can be over determined and computationally problematic. We compared the predictions of a simplified air transport model with those of a model of all routes and assessed the impact of differences on models of infectious disease. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using U.S. ticket data from 2007, we compared a simplified "pipe" model, in which individuals flow in and out of the air transport system based on the number of arrivals and departures from a given airport, to a fully saturated model where all routes are modeled individually. We also compared the pipe model to a "gravity" model where the probability of travel is scaled by physical distance; the gravity model did not differ significantly from the pipe model. The pipe model roughly approximated actual air travel, but tended to overestimate the number of trips between small airports and underestimate travel between major east and west coast airports. For most routes, the maximum number of false (or missed) introductions of disease is small (<1 per day) but for a few routes this rate is greatly underestimated by the pipe model. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: If our interest is in large scale regional and national effects of disease, the simplified pipe model may be adequate. If we are interested in specific effects of interventions on particular air routes or the time for the disease to reach a particular location, a more complex point-to-point model will be more accurate. For many problems a hybrid model that independently models some frequently traveled routes may be the best choice. Regardless of the model used, the effect of simplifications and sensitivity to errors in parameter estimation should be analyzed

    Acoustic Energy and Momentum in a Moving Medium

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    By exploiting the mathematical analogy between the propagation of sound in a non-homogeneous potential flow and the propagation of a scalar field in a background gravitational field, various wave ``energy'' and wave ``momentum'' conservation laws are established in a systematic manner. In particular the acoustic energy conservation law due to Blokhintsev appears as the result of the conservation of a mixed co- and contravariant energy-momentum tensor, while the exchange of relative energy between the wave and the mean flow mediated by the radiation stress tensor, first noted by Longuet-Higgins and Stewart in the context of ocean waves, appears as the covariant conservation of the doubly contravariant form of the same energy-momentum tensor.Comment: 25 Pages, Late
