5 research outputs found

    The psychological aspects of alcohol consumption

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    Catedra Economie, management şi psihopedagogie în medicină, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The problem of excessive alcohol consumption worries the brains of many scientific researchers in many fields: like medicine psychology, sociology, as well as politicians that search for efficient solutions in solving this problem at psychosocial and medical level. Billboards and mass-media are overloaded with advertisement which encourage the population to alcohol consumption, after that to be worrned with hypocrisy by the following phrase “The excessive consumption of alcohol affects seriously your health”. The study of psychological aspects of excessive consumption of alcohol is one of the preventive ways in diminishing the spread of alcoholism as a medical-social disorder. Problema consumului excesiv de alcool frământă cugetele multor cercetători din domeniul medicinei, psihologiei, sociologiei, cât şi politicienilor, ce caută soluţii eficiente de rezolvare a acestor probleme la nivel psihosocial şi medical. Panourile publicitare, mass-media sunt supraîncărcate de reclamele ce îndeamnă populaţia la consumul de alcool, ca mai apoi să fie avertizaţi cu ipocrizie prin fraza „Consumul excesiv de alcool dăunează grav sănătăţii dumneavoastră!” Studierea aspectelor psihosociale ale consumului abuziv de alcool prezintă una din căile de prevenire şi diminuare a răspândirii alcoolismului ca maladie medico-socială

    Травматизм как социально-гигиеническая проблема в Республике Молдова

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu“Analysis of statistical data for the years 2007–2012 showed growth rate of injuries, especially in the urban locality of a 828,6 in 2007 to 1307,6 of cases per 10.000 population in 2010, in Moldova. The injury rate in the rural location is much lower than166, 6 and 206,0‰ 0. In the structure of the population mortality injuries hold third place and constitute from 8.0 to 10,4‰ in different years. In the primary disability injuries hold from 6,3 to 6,8%. in the whole republic. Thus, injuries in the Republic of Moldova are an actual problem and require the development of effective preventive measures.Анализ статистических данных за 2007-2012 годы показал, что за данный период в Молдове имело место рост показателя травматизма, особенно в городской местности, с 828,6 в 2007 до 1307,6 случаев на 10.000 населения в 2010 году. Уровень травматизма в сельской местности гораздо ниже и составляет 166,6–206,0‰0 . В структуре смертности населения страны травмы занимают 3-е место и составляют в разные годы от 8,0 до 10,4‰. В первичной инвалидности травмы занимают в целом по республике 6,3–6,8%. Таким образом, травматизм в Республике Молдова является актуальной проблемой и требует разработку эффективных мер профилактики

    Implementing mechanisms for Pay for Performance in the Mandatory Health Insurance

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    Catedra Economie, Management şi Psihopedagogie, USMF „N.Testemiţanu”In the Republic of Moldova, like in the most European countries, in order to optimise the reimbursement schemes for health services, the methods of payment are combined. Thus, for types of health care for which the basic method of financing is passive (ie "per capita" ), usually it is combined with active methods of payment - payment "per service " . In the local system , such situations are found in urgent health care at pre-hospital stage and primary health care. It should be noted, that in some forms of payment mechanism like"per service", such payment like per " case treated ", could also be implemented incentives for performance . In this study were elucidated mechanisms for performance incentive currently in use in the field of Mandatory Health Insurance

    Dinamica mortalităţii copiilor de la 0 la 18 ani în Republica Moldova, pentru perioada anilor 2003 – 2008

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    Catedra Economie, management si psihopedagogie în medicinaThe general mortality level is the main criterion of the efficiency of Health System activity, but children’s mortality – is the ctiterion of the efficiency of the whole society and it means the positive reproduction of population. The phenomenon of children’s mortality negatively influences the demographic, social, economic and culture of a country. Comparatively with the European countries, the Republic of Moldova is the country with rather high level of children’s mortality, our country takes the second place in the East Europe to according this index. During 2006 – 2008 years the children’s mortality in the the Republic of Moldova has rised twice comparatively with previous years 2003 – 2005. Nivelul mortalita tii generale este un criteriu de baza a eficient ei activitatii sistemului de sanatate, iar mortalitatea copiilor – este criteriul eficientei unei societati în mentinerea unei reproductivitati pozitive a populatiei. Fenomenul de mortalitate a copiilor influenteaza negativ indicatorii demografici, sociali, economici si culturali ai tarii. Comparativ cu tarile europene, Republica Moldova se numara ca o tara cu o mortalitate a copiilor destul de ridicata , ocupând locul doi în Europa de Est dupa acest indicator. Pe parcursul anilor 2006-2008 mortalitatea copiilor în Republica Moldova a crescut de 2 ori fata de anii precedenti 2003 – 2005

    The efficiency of emergent medical assistance within obligatory medical assistance insurance

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    Laboratorul ştiinţific Management şi Psihologie, USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”The efficiency of emergent medical assistance service (EMAS) is in a direct interrelation with operational activity and the quality of medical services offered to population. The operational activity depends of means of transport and medical teams insurance level. According to our research, EMAS is supplied with means of transport in 73,0% cases, from which only 40,0% has less than 50% of efficiency. The medical teams requirements cover 61,70% of cases. At the same time, the medical transport and medical teams insurance differs essentially in a various localities and places. The system needs more preferment EMAS management to improve the situation. Also, the emergency medical assistance services narrowing, within obligatory medical assistance insurance (OMAI) is required. Eficienţa activităţii serviciului de asistenţă medicală de urgenţă (SAMU) depinde de operativitatea şi calitatea serviciilor medicale prestate populaţiei. Operativitatea este direct dependent de gradul de asigurare a SAMU cu transport sanitar şi echipe de medici. SAMU este asigurat cu transport sanitar doar în 73,0% cazuri, dintre care peste 40,0% din el are o uzură de peste 50,0%. Ponderea solicitării echipei de medici este de 61,70%. Există o divergenţă semnificativă pe diferite zone în asigurarea cu transport sanitar şi pe echipe de medici a SAMU, fapt ce necesită un management al SAMU mult mai performant. Se cere aplicarea unor mecanisme mai eficiente de contractare a serviciilor de asistenţă medicală de urgenţă în cadrul AOAM