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    筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201

    Independence of plasma membrane blebbing from other biochemical and biological characteristics of apoptotic cells

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    金沢大学医薬保健研究域薬学系Plasma membrane blebs are observed in many types of apoptotic cells, but their physiological roles remain to be clarified. We examined whether there is a causative connection between membrane blebbing and other apoptotic changes in Jurkat cells induced to undergo apoptosis by doxorubicin in the presence or absence of Y-27632, an inhibitor of the Rho kinase ROCK-I. The inclusion of the drug made most membrane blebs disappear, while other changes, such as chromatin condensation, inactivation of mitochondrial enzymes, externalization of the membrane phospholipid phosphatidylserine, and removal of cell surface sialic acid, remained unaffected. Furthermore, these apoptotic cells were phagocytosed by macrophages as efficiently as normally apoptosing cells. These results indicate that blebbing of the plasma membrane occurs independently from other apoptotic changes and is not involved in the recognition and engulfment of apoptotic cells by macrophages

    ゲルマン ミンゾク ダイイドウ ト キショウ ヘンドウ ノ インガ カンケイ オ サグル

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    紀元前2世紀末、北欧のゲルマン系譜族が南下し、ローマを脅かす動きを示したことは書誌学的に証明できる。より良い居住地を獲得するための第一次の南下と移動は、ローマ人に撃退され、ゲルマン人は所期の目的を果たせず、都市や農村を略奪して北へ戻っている。ただし、この際に捕えられたゲルマン人は小グループに分けられて北ガリアに屯田兵として入植させられた。この時期の北欧は,温暖化による海面上昇の時代にあり,北海沿岸の集落では防潮のため,さかんに盛り土がなされている。ゲルマン系諸族は、第二次移動期において、ローマ帝国の国境域や領内での土地占取に成功した。4世紀末のアルデンヌ高地、5世紀前半のボーデン潮周辺地域では,長期にわたる低温化と悪天候が生じていたと推定される。ボーデン湖畔のアレマン人は越境を開始し、北海沿岸の二つの集落の住民も離村し、この集落は廃村となっている。西ローマ帝国は、ゲルマン系譜族の移動によって,476年に終焉を迎えた。文書証拠のない時代の民族移動を跡付けることは、歴史家にとっては困難を極める。本稿は、ゲルマン民族の移動という歴史現象を,気象学上のデータとつきあわせ,前者の原因を気象変動に求めてみるという、一つの試論である。Roman Bibliographies give evidence that the Germanic tribes of Nothern Europe began to migrate southward at the end of 2nd century BC. When the migration of the first stage to get better settlements in the south, was driven back by the Roman army, the Germanic peoples plundered Roman cities and villages, and then returned northward. The other side, the Germanic peoples captured in these battles were settled in small groups throughout northern Gaul to serve as Roman soldiers. The climate of Northern Europe at the same period was warm, and the surface of the sea went up. Therefore, in the settlements faced toward the North Sea, the land level had to be raised to make seawalls. In the migration of the second stage, the Germanic tribes succeeded to settle down in the territory of the Roman border and even into the Empire itself. In the Ardenne-highlands at the end of the 4th Century and the Bodensee district at the beginning of 5th Century, low temperatures and bad weather extended over a long period of time. The Alamanic peoples began to cross the frontier of the Roman Empire, and the inhabitants of the two settlements that faced toward the North Sea leaved their villeges, and so the settlements eventually disappeared. The end of the Wester Roman Empire was marked by such movements of the Germanic peoples. The Germanic Migration in pre-literate age is very difficult for historians to follow. This essay is no more than a tentative assumption, to examine the causal relationships between the Germanic Migration and the data of meteoric change