1,386 research outputs found

    Die gemeinsame Stärke ausspielen

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    Wenn Bauern ihre Produkte gemeinschaftlich vermarkten, kommt das gut, möchte man meinen. Doch so einfach ist es nicht. Für jede Initiative braucht es ein klares Konzept und eine professionelle Umsetzung

    The evolution of the art fair

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    This paper focuses on one of the key facets of the global art market, the art fair. Art fairs, which have proliferated in recent years and can be found in large numbers all over the globe, provide a crucial infrastructure for the sale and exhibition of works of art. Despite their current popularity, however, the history of the art fair, the development of its organisational form, and its importance to the market and society have largely been neglected in scholarly studies. Therefore, this paper adopts an evolutionary approach to better understand the development of the art fair, including its network-like structure, and how it became the core business structure of the contemporary art world. This paper demonstrates that art fairs inherited a great number of business practices from previous times, such as observational principles for the creation of prices, aesthetic features, and branding strategies to emphasize their outstanding and almost religious nature. Furthermore, the paper shows that the network-like structure of the art fair has contributed to its contemporary success

    The Internet Activities of FiBL

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    The poster presents the main internet sites maintained by FIBL in 2002: www.fibl.org www.oekolandbau.de http://www.organicxseeds.com

    Bioemmentaler im Exil

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    Die Erzeugergemeinschaft Rösslerhof im Allgäu lässt ihre zwei Millionen Kilo Biomilch im Lohn zu Bioemmentaler verarbeiten. Um die Vermarktung zu unterstützen, pflegen die Landwirte enge Kontakte zum Personal hinter den Biokäsetheken

    Co-existence in maize supply chains in Spain and Switzerland

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    The debate about co-existence usually focuses on the situation of neighbouring farms. Organic producers take the position that co-existence affects the whole supply chain. Therefore, this paper compares the maize grain supply chains in Switzerland and Spain in order to identify which factors influence the segregation of genetically modified (GM) maize from non-GM maize, and discusses how organic production copes with the challenge of GM maize. Considerable differences exist between Spain and Switzerland with regard to grain maize as a component of animal feed. In Spain, where GM maize is grown, it is the feed industry that defines standards in the supply chains. Since the trading co-operatives are unable to supply GM-free maize, independent and separate infrastructures have been developed for a GM-free maize supply (e.g. for maize starch). In Switzerland, the retailers define quality standards for suppliers, and these standards exclude the use of GM plants for feed. Therefore, the feed industry has to segregate GM from non-GM feed

    Media Events and Geo-Cultural Markets: Narration and Framing of the 2010 Chilean Mining Accident in Newspapers in Chile, Mexico and Spain

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    This study examines media events from the perspective of geo-cultural markets by analyzing the media frames used during print media coverage of the Chilean mining disaster of 2010 in newspapers from Chile, Mexico and Spain. The paper assesses the narratives, dynamics and perspectives in two main frames- love and heroes-To further our understanding of framing strategies in the Hispanic geo-cultural market by addressing how geo-cultural markets can reinforce, localize or transcend frameworks or differ internally. The aim is to problematize the apparent standardization of geo-cultural markets and to analyze their differential occurrence in framing, identifying correlations and dissimilarities among representations of the mining accident in the three nations. In addition, the research highlights the variables within each frame and their association with cultural features of the Global South, rendering the concept of framing more adaptable and flexible. Finally, the paper demonstrates that frames of affection and emotion were highly influential in turning the Chilean mining disaster into a medium event

    Stability of quantum linear logic circuits against perturbations

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    Here we study transformation of waveshapes of photons under the action of the linear logic circuits and other related architectures involving only linear optical networks and measurements. We show that the gates are working well not only in the case when all photons are separable and located in the same mode, but in some more general cases. For instance, the photonic waveshapes are allowed to be slightly different in different channels; in this case, Zeno effect prevents the photons from decoherence after the measurement, and the gate thus remains neutral to the small waveshape perturbations. © 2020 The Author(s). Published by IOP Publishing Ltd Printed in the U
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