116 research outputs found

    Suffixation et voyelles finales en italien

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    Cet article traite d'un phénomène qui, même s'il est bien connu dans les travaux sur la morphologie de l'italien, continuait (et continue) d'être problématique. Il s'agit de l'effacement de la voyelle finale des bases de dérivation en italien lorsqu'elles sont suivies par un suffixe qui commence lui-même par voyelle. Le phénomène a été traité, alternativement, comme phonologique ou morphologique

    La composition en italien dans un cadre de morphologie lexématique

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    Cet article analyse les différents types de composition actifs en italien contemporain dans un modèle de morphologie qui assume les lexèmes (mots) comme ses unités élémentaires

    La creativitĂ  lessicale nel Partigiano Johnny

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    International audienceL'article analyse les innovations linguistiques, et en particulier lexicales, dans le roman de B. Fenoglio Il partigiano Johnny. La créativité lexicale de l'auteur est observée à la lumière du développement de la langue littéraire italienne et des tendances actives dans la formation des mots de l'italien du XXe siècle.L'articolo analizza le innovazioni linguistiche, e in particolare lessicali, nel romanzo di B. Fenoglio Il partigiano Johnny. La creatività lessicale dell'autore viene osservata alla luce dello sviluppo della lingua letteraria italiana e delle tendenze in atto nella formazione delle parole dell'italiano del XX secolo

    Sublexical vs. supralexical representation of morphological encoding: Towards a reconciliation

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    Lexical morphemes such as roots, stems, inflectional and derivational affixes constitute the basic ingredients of words in languages. After 30 years of investigations, the majority of the psycholinguists nowadays agree in assigning a central role to morphology within the mental lexicon. More precisely, numerous studies have demonstrated the relevance of morphemes during reading and the earliness of morphological processing during lexical access, suggesting that morphemes are independently coded somewhere in the mental lexicon: -Either morphemic units stand as access units to word representations (Sublexical approach of Taft, 1994) -or they organize word representations in terms of morphological families (Supralexical approach of Giraudo & Grainger, 2000

    Primary stress assignment in Italian: linguistic and experimental issues

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    International audiencePrimary stress assignment is a recurrent open issue in the literature on Italian phonology. One of the most controversial points concerns the lexical vs. regular nature of stress in this language. Both positions have advantages and drawbacks. In particular, as far as the 'lexical' hypothesis is concerned, if stress assignment is not governed by rules, it should be explained why speakers, in general, make similar choices when asked to assign stress to novel/unknown words. In this paper we observe that, while some purely phonological rules of stress assignment may be active in the language, they are not always sufficient to predict stress position. We hence propose a more global approach, in which other factors also play a role. We present the results of two experiments, an informal test of reading of pseudo-words, and an auditory word recognition experiment showing the role of non-phonological factors in stress assignment, such as identification of a form as belonging to a specific lexeme, segmental similarity with other words in the language, and neighbourhood density of a word

    Processi cognitivi nell'analisi delle classi verbali dell'italiano: un approccio sperimentale

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    International audienceL'analisi della flessione, soprattutto verbale, nelle lingue romanze ha ricevuto un notevole impulso negli ultimi anni, in particolare dall'apporto alla ricerca in linguistica teorica di discipline come la psicolinguistica o le scienze cognitive. In questo articolo intendiamo riesaminare la ripartizione dei verbi italiani in classi, e osservare come la teoria morfologica e l'analisi sperimentale possano dare risultati convergenti e contribuire a mettere in luce i processi mentali che costituiscono la base della competenza morfologica dei parlanti (cf. Pirrelli 2007a; 2007b e, per un'illustrazione, Bonami et al. 2008). Nella prima parte, proporremo uno stato dell'arte della ricerca in morfologia flessiva, in particolare nell'ambito del modello "Parole e paradigmi", e suggeriremo una proposta di modellazione del sistema verbale dell'italiano. In particolar modo, ci soffermeremo sul concetto di regolarità, ossia sui criteri che servono a classificare i verbi, e in generale i lessemi, in regolari e irregolari. Nella seconda parte, renderemo conto dei risultati di una ricerca psicolinguistica, i cui risultati confermano, in maniera abbastanza prevedibile, l'esistenza di una macroclasse in italiano (quella dei verbi in -are). Per le altre classi, invece, la situazione è più complessa: anche i modelli di coniugazione generalmente considerati non regolari o semiregolari (ad esempio i verbi ad infinito in -ere atono) costituiscono poli di attrazione importanti nell'organizzazione delle forme flesse dell'italiano e sono facilmente estesi da parte dei locutori

    The lexical representation of nouns and ajectives in romance languages

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    This paper discusses such issues as the format under which lexical units are stored in memory, the way in which inflection and derivation interact, and the definition of morphological units, such as stem, root, word form, etc. More largely, two competing models of morphological competence, a “units-plus-rules” model and a global model based on analogy, are discussed. The main focus is on nouns and adjectives in three Romance languages: French, Catalan and Italian. The data are analyzed within a word-based model of morphology. Word forms are considered to be the main units of lexical memorization universally. These forms are organized into larger, more abstract units, the lexemes, roughly corresponding to dictionary entries. It is claimed that the other units traditionally identified in morphological analyses, such as stems, roots, etc. may serve as organizing units in some cases, but should not be considered to be universal units of morphology cross-linguistically.Cet article traite de la manière dont les unités lexicales sont stockées dans la mémoire des locuteurs, de la manière dont la flexion et la dérivation interagissent, et de la définition de quelques notions morphologiques, comme thème, racine, mot-forme, etc. Plus largement, deux modèles concurrents de la compétence morphologique y sont discutés: un modèle à « unités plus règles » et un modèle global basé sur l’analogie. L’analyse est conduite en particulier sur trois langues romanes: français, catalan et italien. Les données sont analysées dans le cadre d’un modèle de morphologie basé sur les mots. Les mots-formes sont considérés comme les unités de base de la mémorisation lexicale d’un point de vue universel. Ces formes sont organisées en des unités plus larges et plus abstraites, les lexèmes, qui correspondent grosso modo aux entrées d’un dictionnaire. Il est soutenu que les autres unités traditionnellement identifiées dans l’analyse morphologique, comme les thèmes, les racines, etc., peuvent fonctionner comme des unités d’organisation dans certains cas, mais ne doivent pas être considérées comme des unités morphologiques sur une base universelle

    Extensive data for morphology: using the World Wide Web

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    International audienceThis paper presents a number of recent studies in French morphology which make extensive use of data. These data relating to derived words have been automatically collected from digital corpora, mostly from the Web. The main point developed here is that this massive increase in the amount of available data can substantially modify the results of a morphological study, and can lead to new theoretical conclusions that would not have been possible with traditional data such as wordlists gathered from dictionaries. However, using the Web as a corpus brings up several technical and methodological questions, which are dealt with through examples and discussions about the different tools and techniques available. We exemplify our thesis through the study of the suffixal forms: ‑esque, ‑este, ‑able, ‑ment

    The lexeme in descriptive and theoretical morphology

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    After being dominant during about a century since its invention by Baudouin de Courtenay at the end of the nineteenth century, morpheme is more and more replaced by lexeme in contemporary descriptive and theoretical morphology.  The notion of a lexeme is usually associated with the work of P. H. Matthews (1972, 1974), who characterizes it as a lexical entity abstracting over individual inflected words. Over the last three decades, the lexeme has become a cornerstone of much work in both inflectional morphology and word formation (or, as it is increasingly been called, lexeme formation). The papers in the present volume take stock of the descriptive and theoretical usefulness of the lexeme, but also adress many of the challenges met by classical lexeme-based theories of morphology
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