5 research outputs found


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    The current research aims to measure the dominant organizational culture inside Faculties ‎of physical education with specific application on the faculty of physical education – ‎Jordan University‎. The researcher used the descriptive approach‎. Research community included all workers and faculty members of faculty of physical ‎education for men – Jordan University (n=556). Main sample (n=176) was chosen ‎purposefully in addition to another (30) persons chosen as a pilot sample. The researcher designed and validated ‎-‎ The Type of Dominant Organizational Culture Questionnaire designed (TDOC-‎Q)‎. Results indicated that: ‎-For axis one (Types of Leadership and Administration): results of perceived ‎administration indicated that (44) participants agreed on the supportive type of ‎organizational culture while (49) agreed on procedural type for types and styles ‎of administration, (46) agreed on supportive type for quality responsibility, (48) ‎agreed on supportive type for inclusive change and improvement, (44) agreed on ‎supportive type for motivation, (47) agreed on creative type for leadership type ‎and finally (45) agreed on supportive type for workers’ participation. ‎ ‎-‎For axis two (Administrative Structure): (45) agreed on supportive type for ‎administrative communication, (51) agreed on supportive type for work groups, ‎‎(58) agreed on supportive type for clarity of objectives and tasks and (47) agreed ‎on supportive type for education, training and qualification. ‎ ‎-‎For axis three (Human Resources): (42) agreed on bureaucratic type for external ‎agents, (48) agreed on procedural type for internal agents and (47) agreed on ‎supportive type for problem solving. ‎ ‎-‎For axis four (Academic and Educational Processes): (38) agreed on both ‎creative and supportive types ‎ ‎-‎For axis five (Continuous Improvement and Development): (45) agreed on ‎creative type ‎ ‎-‎For axis six (Policies, Procedures and Principles): (62) agreed on creative type ‎ ‎-‎For axis seven (Laws, Rules and Regulations): (48) agreed on supportive type ‎ ‎-‎For axis eight (Performance Evaluation): (40) agreed on supportive typ


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    The current research aims to prepare a training course using step drills on the Japanese mat to improve some physical, functional and motor variables of elderly women and identify the effects of this training course on some physical, functional and motor variables of elderly women (50-55 years). The researcher used the experimental approach (two-group design) with pre- and post-measurements. Participants (n=20) were all women (50-55 years) without previous participation in sport and were all free of chronic diseases. Participants were randomly divided into two equivalent groups (control=experimental=10). Both groups practice the same warm-up and fitness exercises but only the experimental group practiced the square steps drills on the Japanese mat. Results indicated that: 1. The recommended program improved speed strength as a physical factor in favor of the experimental group 2. The recommended program improved coordination and agility as motor factors in favor of the experimental group 3. The functional factors did not show any significant improvements 4. Performing step drills on Japanese mat led to accurate results in the experimental grou

    The relationship between Meconium stained amniotic fluid and early neonatal sepsis.

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    Introduction: Meconium stained amniotic fluid can either occur as a physiologic event due to increasing gestational age or it may be pathological, indicating fetal distress, and because of the prevalence of early neonatal sepsis and the risk of late diagnosis, the study aims at determining the prevalence of early neonatal sepsis with amniocentesis, determining the risk factors for amniotic fluid suspension, and the possible association between these predisposing factors and early bacterial neonatal sepsis . Patients and methods: 46 neonates with meconium stained amniotic fluid were investigated for sepsis and dividing them into two groups according to the presence or absence of risk factors and studying the association of sepsis with these factors. Results :There was a strong positive correlation between the presence of possible fetal factors for the occurrence of congenital infection and early neonatal sepsis, a moderately strong relationship between the presence of parental factors to meconium stained amniotic fluid and early neonatal sepsis. Conclusions: The prevalence of amniocentesis in neonates is associated with the presence of potential fetal and parental factors for amniocentesis and early neonatal sepsis المقدمة : يحدث تعقي السائل الأمنيوسي ( Meconium stained amniotic fluid) بشكل فيزيولوجي عند زيادة العمر الحملي أو يكون مؤشراً على وجود الشدة حول الولادة ، وبسبب انتشار الإنتان الباكر عند الوليد (Early neonatal sepsis) وما يترتب عليه من مخاطر بسبب التأخر في التشخيص ، تهدف الدراسة إلى تحديد نسبة شيوع الإنتان الباكر لدى الولدان مع حالة تعقي سائل أمنيوسي ، تحديد عوامل الخطورة المؤهبة لتعقي السائل الأمنيوسي وإمكانية وجود ارتباط بين هذه العوامل المؤهبة وبين الإنتان الجرثومي الباكر عند الوليد . المواد والطرائق : 46 وليداً مع حالة تعقي سائل أمنيوسي تم تحري وجود الإنتان عندهم وتقسيمهم إلى مجموعتين وفقاً لوجود أو غياب عوامل الخطورة ودراسة ارتباط حدوث الإنتان مع تلك العوامل . النتائج : نسبة انتشار الإنتان عند ولدان تعقي السائل الأمنيوسي كانت 32.6% ، هناك علاقة طردية قوية بين وجود العوامل الجنينية المحتملة لحدوث التعقي وبين حدوث الإنتان الباكر عند الوليد ، علاقة متوسطة القوة بين وجود العوامل الوالدية لتعقي السائل الأمنيوسي وبين حدوث الإنتان الباكر عند الوليد . الاستنتاجات : شيوع تعقي السائل الأمنيوسي لدى حديثي الولادة ، هناك ارتباط بين وجود العوامل الجنينية والوالدية المحتملة لحدوث تعقي السائل الأمنيوسي وبين حدوث الإنتان الوليدي الباكر

    Replacing protein via enteral nutrition in a stepwise approach in critically ill patients: the REPLENISH randomized clinical trial protocol

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    Abstract Background Protein intake is recommended in critically ill patients to mitigate the negative effects of critical illness-induced catabolism and muscle wasting. However, the optimal dose of enteral protein remains unknown. We hypothesize that supplemental enteral protein (1.2 g/kg/day) added to standard enteral nutrition formula to achieve high amount of enteral protein (range 2–2.4 g/kg/day) given from ICU day 5 until ICU discharge or ICU day 90 as compared to no supplemental enteral protein to achieve moderate amount enteral protein (0.8–1.2 g/kg/day) would reduce all-cause 90-day mortality in adult critically ill mechanically ventilated patients. Methods The REPLENISH (Replacing Protein Via Enteral Nutrition in a Stepwise Approach in Critically Ill Patients) trial is an open-label, multicenter randomized clinical trial. Patients will be randomized to the supplemental protein group or the control group. Patients in both groups will receive the primary enteral formula as per the treating team, which includes a maximum protein 1.2 g/kg/day. The supplemental protein group will receive, in addition, supplemental protein at 1.2 g/kg/day starting the fifth ICU day. The control group will receive the primary formula without supplemental protein. The primary outcome is 90-day all-cause mortality. Other outcomes include functional and quality of life assessments at 90 days. The trial will enroll 2502 patients. Discussion The study has been initiated in September 2021. Interim analysis is planned at one third and two thirds of the target sample size. The study is expected to be completed by the end of 2025. Trial registration ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT04475666 . Registered on July 17, 2020