291 research outputs found

    Review of \u3cem\u3eThe Epistemology of Resistance\u3c/em\u3e by Jose Medina

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    The Creolizing Subject: Race, Reason, and the Politics of Purity

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    How does our understanding of the reality (or lack thereof ) of race as a category of being affect our understanding of racism as a social phenomenon, and vice versa? How should we envision the aims and methods of our struggles against racism? Traditionally, the Western political and philosophical tradition held that true social justice points toward a raceless future—that racial categories are themselves inherently racist, and a sincere advocacy for social justice requires a commitment to the elimination or abolition of race altogether. This book focuses on the underlying assumptions that inform this view of race and racism, arguing that it is ultimately bound up in a “politics of purity”—an understanding of human agency, and reality itself, as requiring all-or-nothing categories with clear and unambiguous boundaries. Racism, being organized around a conception of whiteness as the purest manifestation of the human, thus demands a constant policing of the boundaries among racial categories. Drawing upon a close engagement with historical treatments of the development of racial categories and identities, the book argues that races should be understood not as clear and distinct categories of being but rather as ambiguous and indeterminate (yet importantly real) processes of social negotiation. As one of its central examples, it lays out the case of the Irish in seventeenth-century Barbados, who occasionally united with black slaves to fight white supremacy—and did so as white people, not as nonwhites who later became white when they capitulated to white supremacy. Against the politics of purity, Monahan calls for the emergence of a “creolizing subjectivity” that would place such ambiguity at the center of our understanding of race. The Creolizing Subject takes seriously the way in which racial categories, in all of their variety and ambiguity, situate and condition our identity, while emphasizing our capacity, as agents, to engage in the ongoing contestation and negotiation of the meaning and significance of those very categories.https://epublications.marquette.edu/marq_fac-book/1113/thumbnail.jp

    Do As I Say - Not As I Do: American Colleges Preach to Corporate America About Diversity

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    Dramatic demographic changes are occurring in our society as our students and workforce becomes more diverse. The literature cites the benefits of having a diverse workforce for innovation, problem-solving, and competitive advantage. Institutions of higher education chastise business for not being inclusive in their senior management positions. However, a study of Masters I institutions revealed that their presidents are predominantly Caucasian (87%), married (79%), male (77%), first time presidents (71%), between 50-59 years of age (49%), with an earned doctorate (90%) and reached the presidency via Academic Affairs (47%). The presidents of Masters I institutions are not representative of the general population and in most cases; are not representative of their student populations. This may become a problem as both the general and student population continues to transform and the necessity of working collaboratively with people of different backgrounds, skills and values becomes more pronounced

    Having the Right Tools: The Leadership Frames of University Presidents

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    The presidency at an institution of higher education demands a person with a multiplicity of skills in order to deal with a multitude of internal and external stakeholders. They must be able to multitask and seek competitive advantage to deal with a myriad of stakeholders. Bolman and Deal postulated that leaders who analyze problems from a variety of perspectives were able to solve more complex problems. This study examined the leadership frames of University presidents. The findings show these frames presented in descending order: human resources, structural, political, symbolic and the absence of the any particular frame. By viewing problems from numerous perspectives, leaders may be able to perform more creative problem solving to better address stakeholders\u27 concerns

    Human Resource Management in Microenterprises: Gateway for Success

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    Micro enterprises, businesses with five or fewer employees, represent about 75% of all small business, and are often the starting point for successful firms. Why then is there a paucity of research on human resource practices in small businesses? Micro businesses are almost ignored in studies regarding human resources in business. Researchers have assumed that all small firms have the same human resource practices; however, we know this is not the case. What impact does Human Resources Management have on small businesses? Human resource shortages can negatively impact business growth in the areas of high tech employees, sales staff, and professional workers. This study explored key human resource practices in micro businesses, especially on the relationship between sales, benefits, training opportunities and hiring expectations within micro enterprises. Our findings on human resources management showed that only 25% of responding micro entrepreneurs provided paid vacations, 12.9% offered health benefits, and 10% offered some type of retirement plan. Also, organizations with higher sales provided more benefits and training opportunities than other micro businesses

    Micro Businesses: Where Do They Turn for Help?

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    Research consistently shows those entrepreneurs who obtain business assistance from various service providers are more likely to be in business over time and are more likely to experience success. Micro business, enterprises with less than five employees, have not been specifically studied in terms of how, or whether, outside business assistance was used or if it produced results. This study examined micro businesses to determine what service providers were used for business assistance and how they differ by demographics. The paper offers the implications and possible strategies for these service providers
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