25 research outputs found
Tiered Approach for Assessing the Effective and Safe Applicability of Beech Wood Biochar for Soil Improvement
The soil degradation processes may cause long-term serious problems in various areas of life on Earth, thus mitigation of these processes by environmental-friendly, innovative soil protection methods is necessary. Biochar produced from organic wastes or by-products by pyrolysis may have several positive properties as additive in soil improvement technologies. In our complex research applying a tiered approach we assessed the main properties of a beech-wood biochar produced from a high volume by-product of a food industry technology. Then we studied in 4-months microcosm experiments the applicability of this biochar as amendment mixed into an acidic, degraded sandy soil. In addition, to forecast the long-term effects of the biochar, artificial physical and biological aging experiments were conducted.Based on the results, the beech-wood biochar was able to shift the acidic pH of the soil to the alkaline range and the electric conductivity of the soil increased with incremental biochar doses. Biochar addition significantly increased the microbial activity, as well. The results had clearly shown that during the mid-term experiment not even the highest biochar dose (15%) had inhibitive effect, but it rather improved several soil parameters. Furthermore, the biochar had positive effect on the soil water holding capacity, and the available soil nutrient and organic matter content. The results of the aging experiments generally showed also favourable effects and demonstrated that the aging-mediated changes differed according to the soil types. Therefore, we have concluded that biochar application requires a char by char and soil by soil testing prior to field application
A mobiltelefon penetrációja, valamint a mobilkommunikációs eszközök hatalmas léptékű terjedése fogja jellemezni 21. századunk információs társadalmát. A generációs elméletek (Howe & Strauss 2000, Prensky 2001) alapján az életkori megosztottság hatása jelentős mértékben érzékelhető a digitális írástudás, illetve a digitális készségek és eszközhasználat terén. Az új, korszerű mobil IKT alapú okoseszközök célzott használata által a tanítás-tanulás folyamata időben és térben is jelentősen kitágul, általuk bárhol és bármikor lehetővé válik az információk begyűjtése vagy az ismeretek elsajátítása. Ezáltal új lehetőségek nyílnak a módszertani kultúra és a tanulási környezet megújítására, mely a tanítók irányába új kihívást jelent a tanári okos digitális kompetencia kialakításához.
A kutatásunk keretében vizsgáljuk, hogy miként illeszthetők be a hagyományos tantermi foglalkozások és módszerek keretei közé a korszerű mobiltechnológia és hozzájuk társítható újgenerációs módszertani megoldások. Primer kutatásunk keretében az ezzel kapcsolatos hallgatói okos digitális kompetencia iránti befogadókészséget vizsgáltuk. Alapvető hipotézisünk szerint a generációs életkori sajátosságok mellett sokkal dominánsabb a megfelelő nyitottság az új technológia és módszertani kultúra iránt. Másfelől számolnunk kell a digitális állampolgárok nemzedékeinek egyfajta digitális kompetenciadeficit jelenségével is, melynek következtében nem alakul ki a megfelelő rendszerszemlélet. Empirikus vizsgálatunkat 2016 őszén végeztük el kvantitatív kérdőíves felmérés keretében, N=70 fős egyszerű rétegzett mintavétel segítségével, melynek célcsoportját nappali tagozatos mérnökhallgatók alkották. Eredményeink jól alátámasztották a digitális befogadókészség kiemelkedő fontosságát, a rendszerszemlélet meglétét, valamint az újgenerációs módszertani és technológiai megközelítések létjogosultságát és kiterjesztését. A gyakorlatban is kipróbált és bevált korszerű mobil IKT alapú technológia és újgenerációs interaktív módszerek hatása jól érzékelhető a tanulási eredményekben is
Sanitary behaviours induced by fungal infection in Myrmica scabrinodis
Ants are frequently targeted by parasites, and in some cases parasites induce changes in life history, physiology and behaviour of the hosts. The social life of ants implies high frequency of contacts among nestmates, that increases the risk of spreading any pathogen among colony members. Rickia wasmannii is an ectoparasitic fungus of the order Laboulbeniales (Ascomycetes), that obligatorily exploits ant species of the genus Myrmica. Little is known about its exact interactions with its hosts. In the frame of laboratory studies we investigated the changes that the parasite could induce in the behavior of the host. We performed two different experiments: (1) we
recorded the time elapsed to the discovery of infected corpses (uninfected corpses were used as control), and the ants’ reactions to them, e.g. the number of aggressive behavioural acts; (2) we recorded the frequency and the time of auto- and allo-grooming behaviour of infected and uninfected ant individuals. Our results suggest that infection with R. wasmannii seems to
modify, although to lesser extent, the behaviour of infected individuals
From Sampling to Analysis: How to Achieve the Best Sample Throughput via Sampling Optimization and Relevant Compound Analysis Using Sum of Ranking Differences Method?
The determination of an optimal volatile sampling procedure is always a key question in analytical chemistry. In this paper, we introduce the application of a novel non-parametric statistical method, the sum of ranking differences (SRD), for the quick and efficient determination of optimal sampling procedures. Different types of adsorbents (Porapak Q, HayeSep Q, and Carbotrap) and sampling times (1, 2, 4, and 6 h) were used for volatile collections of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) samples. SRD identified 6 h samplings as the optimal procedure. However, 1 or 4 h sampling with HayeSep Q and 2 h sampling with Carbotrap are still efficient enough if the aim is to reduce sampling time. Based on our results, SRD provides a novel way to not only highlight an optimal sampling procedure but also decrease evaluation time
Essential Oil Headspace Volatiles Prevent Invasive Box Tree Moth (Cydalima perspectalis) Oviposition—Insights from Electrophysiology and Behaviour
The box tree moth (Cydalima perspectalis Walker) is an invasive species in Europe causing severe damage both in natural and ornamental boxwood (Buxus spp.) vegetation. Pest management tactics are often based on the use of chemical insecticides, whereas environmentally-friendly control solutions are not available against this insect. The application of essential oils may provide effective protection against oviposition and subsequent larval damage. Oviposition deterrence of cinnamon, eucalyptus and lavender essential oils was tested on female C. perspectalis in behavioural bioassays. Our results indicate that all the studied essential oils may be adequate deterrents; however, cinnamon oil exhibited the strongest effect. To determine the physiologically active compounds in the headspace of the essential oils, gas chromatography coupled with electroantennography recordings were performed in parallel with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to identify the volatile constituents. In addition, the release rates of various components from vial-wick dispensers were measured during the oviposition bioassay. These results may serve as a basis for the development of a practical and insecticide-free plant protection method against this invasive moth species
GINOP kutatócsoportunk, E-Orr kutatóműhely „Természetes szagmintázatok elemzése és agrártudományi
hasznosítása” címmel 2017-óta működik Martonvásáron. Kutatásaink fő célja egy új
típusú mesterséges érzékelő rendszer kifejlesztése, amellyel lehetőség nyílik mezőgazdasági növények
komplex illatanyag-összetételének meghatározására. Eddig három növény (búza, árpa, paradicsom),
valamint csiperkegomba illatanyagprofil elemzését végeztük el. Méréseink során igazoltuk,
hogy különböző fertőzések hatására valóban megváltozik az adott növény illatanyag mintázata,
azonban sok esetben csak kis mértékben
Adaptation and validation of the Hungarian version of the Yale Food Addiction Scale for Children
Background: Childhood obesity proves to be an important public health issue, since it serves as a potential risk factor for multiple diseases. Food addiction could also serve as an important etiological factor. As childhood obesity plays a serious issue also in Hungary, we aimed to adapt and validate the Hungarian version of the Yale Food Addiction Scale for Children (H-YFAS-C). Methods: A total of 191 children were assessed with the H-YFAS-C and the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI). The following psychometric properties were analyzed: internal consistency, construct validity, convergent, and discriminant validity. Results: A good construct validity was revealed by confirmatory factor analysis (RMSEA = 0.0528, CFI = 0.896, χ2 value = 279.06). Question 25 proved to have no significant effect on its group and was removed from further analyses. The Kuder–Richardson 20 coefficient indicated good internal consistency (K20 = 0.82). With the use of the eight EDI subscales, a good convergent and discriminant validity could be determined. Food addiction was diagnosed in 8.9% of children. The mean symptom count was 1.7 ± 1.2 (range: 0–7). Females were more often diagnosed with food addiction than males (p = .016; OR = 3.6, 95% CI: 1.2–10.6). BMI percentiles were significantly higher in children with diagnosed food addiction (p = .003). There proved to be no correlation between age and the occurrence of food addiction. Discussion and conclusion: Our results show that H-YFAS-C is a good and reliable tool for addictive-like behavior assessment