99 research outputs found

    Trace analysis with gas chromatography using on-line enrichment and large volume injection

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    Inventarisatie en selectie van analysemethoden voor meststoffen

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    In dit rapport wordt een overzicht gegeven van parameters die in meststoffen dienen te worden bepaald en de beschikbare en beschreven analysemethoden. Op basis van een aantal selectiecriteria heeft RIKILT aan LNV een voorstel gedaan voor analysemethoden voor monsters die zijn genomen in het kader van controle en handhaving van de regelgeving voor het verhandelen van meststoffen. Dit alles in het kader van een verandering in regelgeving. Per 1 januari 2008 is het Meststoffenbesluit overgeheveld naar het Uitvoeringsbesluit Meststoffenwet en daarmee ok de overheveling van Beschikking analysemethoden meststoffe

    Melamine in sojaschilfers, oorzaak van verschillen tussen laboratoria

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    In november 2008 is door het bedrijfsleven in een tweetal partijen diervoedergrondstoffen (sojaschilfers/-meel) melamine aangetroffen op niveaus tussen 40 en 800 mg/kg. Naar aanleiding hiervan heeft de VWA aan RIKILT verzocht om deze monsters (genomen door het bedrijfsleven) te analyseren op melamine en daarnaast, ten behoeve van de risicobeoordeling, op de hydrolyseproducten ammeline, ammelide en cyanuurzuu

    RIKILT speurt naar gifstof die paarden doodt

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    Eten van esdoorns is soms dodelijk voor paarden. Rikilt onderzocht waar in Nederland de gevaren liggen

    Use of an open-tubular trapping column as phase-switching interface in on-line coupled reversed-phase liquid chromatography-capillary gas chromatography

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    The applicability of open-tubular traps for phase switching in coupled RPLC—GC was studied. The phase-switching process involves sorption of the analytes of interest from a methanol—water mobile phase into the stationary phase of an open-tubular column, removal of the aqueous phase by purging the trap with nitrogen and desorption of the analytes with hexane. Water elimination carried out in this manner appears to be highly efficient. In the sorption step the sampling flow-rate and the capacity factors of the analytes in the trap are critical parameters. Using a 2 m × 0.32 mm I.D. trap with a swollen 5-μm stationary phase at flow-rates not exceeding 100 μl/min, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are trapped quantitatively from 300 μl of aqueous phases containing up to 65% (v/v) of methanol. For desorption 70–125 μl of hexane are needed. These volumes are easy to handle in solvent elimination carried out using a PTV injector prior to transfer of the analytes to a GC column

    Proficiency test for mycotoxins in oat meal

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    In April 2019 a proficiency test for mycotoxins in oat meal was organised by Wageningen Food Safety Research (WFSR), Wageningen University & Research in accordance with ISO 17043. WFSR, part of Wageningen University & Research is accredited for the organisation of proficiency tests in the field of contaminants, pesticides, mycotoxins, plant toxins and veterinary drugs in feed and feed ingredients according to ISO/IEC 17043 (R013). The primary goal of this proficiency test was to give participants the opportunity to evaluate or demonstrate their competence for the analysis of mycotoxins in oatmeal

    Survey on sterigmatocystin in food

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    A total of 1 259 samples of cereal grains, cereal products, beer and nuts were analysed for the presence of the mycotoxin sterigmatocystin. Samples were mainly collected at processing plants, storage facilities, wholesale and retail between August 2013 and November 2014, in nine European countries (mostly Greece, Italy, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom (UK), additionally in Cyprus, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland). The products originated from 27 European countries and 18 other countries (mostly rice and nuts). The samples comprised cereal grains (221 wheat, 35 rye, 33 maize, 59 barley, 51 oats, 2 spelt, 117 rice), grain milling products (125), pasta (115), bread/rolls (143), breakfast cereals/muesli (97), fine bakery ware (90), cereal-based infant food (54), beer (53), peanuts (28) and hazelnuts (36). All samples were analysed by methods based on liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)

    Clinical and pathologic phenotype of a large family with heterozygous STUB1 mutation

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    Objective To describe the clinical and pathologic features of a novel pedigree with heterozygous STUB1 mutation causing SCA48. Methods We report a large pedigree of Dutch decent. Clinical and pathologic data were reviewed, and genetic analyses (whole-exome sequencing, whole-genome sequencing, and linkage analysis) were performed on multiple family members. Results Patients presented with adult-onset gait disturbance (ataxia or parkinsonism), combined with prominent cognitive decline and behavioral changes. Whole-exome sequencing identified a novel heterozygous frameshift variant c.731_732delGC (p.C244Yfs*24) in STUB1 segregating with the disease. This variant was present in a linkage peak on chromosome 16p13.3. Neuropathologic examination of 3 cases revealed a consistent pattern of ubiquitin/p62-positive neuronal inclusions in the cerebellum, neocortex, and brainstem. In addition, tau pathology was present in 1 case. Conclusions This study confirms previous findings of heterozygous STUB1 mutations as the cause of SCA48 and highlights its prominent cognitive involvement, besides cerebellar ataxia and movement disorders as cardinal features. The presence of intranuclear inclusions is a pathologic hallmark of the disease. Future studies will provide more insight into its pathologic heterogeneity

    Somatic TARDBP variants as a cause of semantic dementia

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    The aetiology of late-onset neurodegenerative diseases is largely unknown. Here we investigated whether de novo somatic variants for semantic dementia can be detected, thereby arguing for a more general role of somatic variants i
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