71 research outputs found

    Zu Bertolt Brechts Sonett „Über Kleists ®Prinz von Homburg®

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    On Bertolt Brecht's sonnet "About Kleist's 'Prinz von Homburg' In addition to his plays, socio-critical, war and love poems, Bertolt Brecht (b. 1898, died 1956) wrote eight art-critical sonnets. which he called "Studies" and published in 1951 in the 11th issue of "Versuche". These sonnets were written during the exile in the years 1934-1940. Brecht is referring here to classic, mostly literary (both lyrical and dramatic) works whose authors are considered classics in the sense of Brecht. Without exception, the sonnets in question deal with works of the past, more than half of the analyzes in the “Studies” refer to works of the German classics, three of them to those of the Weimar Classic. The "Studies" published in 1951 are not about an overall assessment of a classic work, positive or negative, but about conveying reservations about traditional literary material, which Brecht considers worthy of being examined and looked at again. These include the sonnet "About Kleist's play 'Der Prinz von Homburg'", which refers to the play "Prinz Friedrich von Homburg", which stands at the end of German classicism and which Heinrich von Kleist wrote between 1809 and 1811 as the last work before his suicide Has. In this contribution, which I presented as a lecture at the Humboldt University in Berlin in June 2010, I attempt to carry out a linguistic analysis of this sonnet in three points. First I give a brief overview of the development of Heinrich von Kleist's drama "Der Prinz Friedrich von Homburg", then about the critical sonnets "Studies" by Bertolt Brecht, then historical and socio-critical aspects are explained using examples from B. Brecht's sonnet "Über Kleists' Prince of Homburg'” highlighted

    Die Mehrsprachigkeit im DaF-Unterricht Am Beispiel von multilingualer Sprach- und Textarbeit in den sprachwissenschaftlichen Modulen im Master 1 und 2 an der Univ-Oran

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    Multilingualism in Deutschlessons:The case of multilingual language and text work in the linguistic in Masters 1 and 2 units at the Univ-Oran The fact that Algerians grow up multilingual and also acquire other languages simultaneously, successively or in a controlled manner in preschool, elementary school, middle school and high school summarizes the entire linguistic situation in Algeria as well as reality of the Algerian educational system. We would like to show in this paper how this multilingual competence is used in the Deutsch as a foreign language classes among students with advanced levels (Master 1 and 2) through texts analysis in Algerian Arabic, Standard Arabic, Berber, French, English and Deutsch to impart knowledge in the areas of stylistics, discourse analysis and cultural semiotics, and also to analyze and discuss examples from our seminars. We are at some conclusions through this research, specifically that the teacher must react very flexibly to the respective classroom or extra-curricular situation, pay attention to the aspect of Deutsch as a foreign language when teaching technical or linguistic content, carefully select the topics and documents and provide appropriate measures and aids to facilitate language acquisition. As part of the training of our master's students at University of Oran2, research projects are focused on "stylistic analysis of texts in Standard Arabic, Deutsch, French, Berber and Algerian Arabic, discourse analysis, intercultural dimensions of learning in Algeria as well as specialist teaching. This variability allows students to try out the knowledge they have acquired during their training in practice and build up appropriate skills that help them to successfully plan, implement and evaluate flexible bilingual or plurilingual work in Deutsch classes

    Das Frauenbild in Bertolt Brechts und Nizar Kabbanis Liebeslyrik

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    Das Ziel dieses Beitrags ist das Frauenbild in der Sprache B. Brechts und N. Kabbanis Liebeslyrik zu untersuchen. Hier wird versucht zu identifizieren, inwieweit und in welchem Rahmen sich B. Brecht und N. Kabbani in ihrer Liebeslyrik den Kampf gegen Tabus der Thematisierung von Frauen und die Revolutionierung der Frauenwelt zum Ziel gesetzt haben. Dieser Beitrag verfolgt die Absicht, die Spezifik des Vokabulars zu analysieren

    Der Einsatz vom Film und von Filmsequenzen fĂŒr einen handlungsorientierten DaF-Unterricht im LMD-Ausbildungssystem an Der UniversitĂ€t Oran

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    The use of film and film sequences for an action learning in German classes under LMD system at the University of Oran The aim of this article is to undertake a research on the use of German films in Algerian GFL classes. Due to the -constantly growing- globalization, language and cultural knowledge are becoming more important than ever before for individuals and society. If you speak several languages today, you also have more opportunities in professional life. Foreign cultures always come with foreign languages. However, without staying in the countries of the target language, it is very difficult to really get to know the culture. Nevertheless, most Algerian pupils and GFL students will only encounter the foreign language and the foreign culture at school or at university. The teacher in Deutsch lessons becomes a very important element in the transfer of culture, mostly with the support of didactic means (textbooks, films, pictures, textbooks...etc). In doing so, he must observe the basic principles of media didactics, the methods of using the medium of film and the competence goals of the curriculum. So, the focus is directed onto teaching, and what happens in the classrooms determines how well this new culture is conveyed. Using examples from our seminars, we would like to present and analyze some of the methods reinforcing the appeal to the film in order to develop different skills among Algerian GFL learners

    Frauenbilder in der Liebeslyrik Bertolt Brechts und Nizar Qabbanis

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    Images of women in the love poetry of Bertolt Brecht and Nizar Qabbani The aim of this article is to scientifically and precisely examine the image of women in the language of B. Brecht and N. Qabbani's love poetry, which would allow to identify their similarities and differences. Ultimately, an attempt is made here to identify the cultural parallels between B. Brecht's and N. Qabbani's love poetry, which depicts women. In order to ensure this accuracy in the context of the present contribution and at the same time to present the diversity of the imagination of the female, it is necessary to examine individual images and motives to begin. This contribution aims to analyze the pictorial vocabulary used by Qabbani and Brecht to represent the feminine. At the same time, it is clarified how both poets proceed in the design of feminine patterns using the example of mother, lover and wife, i.e. how they "condense" the found female reality

    Der Sprachpluralismus und die Sprachpflege in Algerischen Theater: Der Fall des TheaterstĂŒckes „El Ajouad“ von Abdelkader Alloula

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    Linguistic Pluralism and Language Maintenancein the Algerian theatre: The case of the play "El Ajouad" by Abdelkader Alloula This article is primarily intended as a linguistic contribution within the large and diverse complex of Alloula's research, including literary, linguistic and theater results. Brecht is one of the central figures in international theater history, both as a theater practitioner and playwright and as an important theoretician and aesthetician. He had a strong influence on the German language and had an effect on it. Thanks to this dual competence as a practitioner and a theoretician, Brecht presents an extremely interesting subject of investigation.The well-known Algerian dramaturge Abdelkader Alloula was inspired by Brecht. He said this publicly in a conversation with university teacher and researcher Mhamed Djellid(Oktober 1985 ; 10):“Brecht was and remains a role model in my work through his theoretical writings and his artistic work. I will even say that he is my spiritual father and better still my friend and my faithful companion”.Like Brecht, Abdelakder Alloula worked on the Algerian language so creatively, cultivated it so passionately and nurtured it from the soil of the standard written language. In the piece "El Ajouad" there is a lot to say and also to learn about this language work

    The influence of weathering process on riverine osmium isotopes in a basaltic terrain

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    This study presents Os isotope and comprehensive major and trace element data for the dissolved load, suspended particulates and bedload for Icelandic rivers, draining predominantly basaltic catchments that range in age from historic to ca. 12 Ma. Hydrothermal waters and precipitation have also been analysed. Both Os and Re concentrations are greater in the suspended load than the bedload, while Re / Os ratios are lower, suggesting that both elements are concentrated in weathering resistant minerals. Despite this elemental fractionation the suspended particulates and bedload for each river yield indistinguishable 187Os / 188Os isotope compositions that range from 0.136 to 0.292. In contrast, the dissolved load (< 0.2 ÎŒm filtered) often possesses a significantly more radiogenic Os isotope composition than the corresponding suspended or bed load with 187Os / 188Os ratios ranging from 0.15 to 1.04. The isotope and elemental data for the dissolved load can be explained in terms of an unradiogenic contribution from congruent basalt weathering (and/or hydrothermal input) and a radiogenic contribution that arises from two distinct processes. For the glacier-fed rivers there is a covariation between 187Os / 188Os and the extent of glacial cover in the catchment, and this is most readily explained by the entrainment of seawater aerosols into precipitation and subsequent glacial melting. While for direct-runoff (and spring-fed rivers) there is a covariation between 187Os/188Os and the age of the bedrock in the catchment, that cannot be explained by congruent weathering of old basalt. Calculations indicate that those direct-runoff rivers with radiogenic 187Os/188Os values are also undersaturated with respect to the primary basalt minerals olivine, pyroxene and plagioclase, indicating that these phases are unstable and prone to preferential dissolution. Published Re–Os isotope data indicate that the same phases possess exceptionally high 187Re / 188Os ratios and thus evolve to radiogenic 187Os/188Os compositions in very short time intervals. Taken together, these results indicate that incongruent (preferential) weathering of certain primary basalt minerals can impart a radiogenic Os isotope composition to the dissolved riverine load. Nevertheless, overall the Os isotope signal to the Oceans from Icelandic rivers is little affected because rivers with unradiogenic 187Os/188Os values and a high discharge dominate the Os flux
