11 research outputs found

    Subjektivne teorije in težave vzgojitelja pri delu z nadarjenim otrokom

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    In this paper, main problems regarding preschool teacher\u27s subjective theories, problems and professional development in working with gifted children are presented. The results of the empirical research show the following problems: preschool teachers are inadequately informed about the issues concerning identifying and working with gifted young childrenthey tend to have low self-competence in identifying personal characteristics of gifted children and in the appropriate use of teaching strategies when working with gifted childrenthey stress the necessity for further education and professional training in the field of gifted children education. In addition to various possibilities of further education and in-service training, there are some issues that should be arranged on the national level, e. g.: empowering preschool teachersproviding teaching materials, teaching aids and special - didactic recommendationsshorter training workshops and othersV prispevku predstavljamo nekatera ključna teoretična izhodišča s področja subjektivnih teorij, težav in profesionalnega razvoja vzgojitelja pri odkrivanju in delu z nadarjenimi otroki. Rezultati raziskave kažejo na: neustrezno informiranost vzgojiteljev na področju prepoznavanja in dela z nadarjenimi otrokislabšo samooceno usposobljenosti učiteljev na področju poznavanja osebnostnih značilnosti nadarjenih ter ustrezne uporabe didaktičnih strategij pri delu z njimitežave na področju osiromašenosti didaktičnih pripomočkov, dodatnega učnega gradiva, specialno-didaktičnih priporočil idr. Na področju stališč in čustev v odnosu do nadarjenih otrok izpostavljamo vzgojiteljeve kognicije, ki so v veliki meri pozitivno naravnane. V sklepih prispevka predstavljamo možne predloge in izboljšave ter opozorimo na nekatere možne sistemske rešitve za delo z nadarjenimi v prihodnje. Predvsem v smislu dodatnega izobraževanja in spopolnjevanja na nacionalnem nivojubogatega učnega gradiva, učil, učnih pripomočkov in specialno-didaktičnih priporočilkrajših izobraževanj, delavnic idr

    Professional competences of preschool teachers for working with gifted young children in Slovenia

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    Recognizing giftedness in young preschool children presents an important challenge to all educators. Because giftedness needs nurturing, the aim of the research was to emphasize the importance of gifted children\u27s right to adequate educational opportunities, which will stimulate the optimal development of their potentials. In order to achieve the latter, appropriately qualified preschool teachers are needed, in both diagnostic (the identification of the preschool gifted children) and educational field. The main purpose of the study (N=180) was to analyse professional qualifications and attitudes of preschool teachers in the area of identifying and working with gifted children from age 2 to age 6. The non-experimental causal method was used. The results of the research in Slovenia show the following problems: preschool teachers are inadequately informed about the issues concerning working with gifted childrenthey tend to have low self-competence in identifying personal characteristics of gifted children and in the appropriate use of teaching strategies when working with themthey stress the necessity for further education and professional training in the field of gifted children education

    Action research as a method of improvement of school practice while educating gifted students

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    There are two basic organisational approaches to training gifted students in the world: training gifted students in special departments or schools, where they are trained through special, tailor- made programmes, and training together with other students. In Europe, there are great differences in the definition of giftedness, the identification and perception of gifted students. Identifying gifted students and creating individualised programmes for gifted students is a major challenge for school policy, both in the field of legislation and in its implementation in education. This paper presents an action research that was carried out in two cycles at a selected primary school in order to analyse the current situation in the creation of individualised gifted student support curricula and the further work with gifted students. Furthermore, the application of a new participative curriculum for gifted students as an alternative to the existing national programme guidelines for working with gifted students in the Republic of Slovenia is presented. We note that educators face many difficulties (in discovering and adapting didactic strategies and curricular adaptations for gifted students) and highlight the benefits of a participatory programme for the active participation of gifted students in the learning process

    Cognitive Efficiency of Slovenian, Indian and Gambian Gifted Students in Performing Mental Tasks

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    In this paper, we present a comparative analysis between registered gifted Slovenian, Gambian, and Indian students in which we sought to find out how they perform in solving selected mental tasks, where we were focused on logical-mathematical and spatial intelligence as a function of the social environment from which the students came. We found that the results for the test groups differed. Out of ten task sets, Slovenian students performed better than their Indian and Gambian peers in as many as seven task sets; in four tasks we found a statistically significant difference between Slovenian and Indian children, and a comparison between Slovenian and Gambian students shows that Slovenian children scored better on mental task sets in all groups

    Gifted students in Slovenia, Italy, England, and Denmark - a comparison of legislative and curricular documents

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    V prispevku predstavljamo strateško dokumentacijo na področju vzgojno- izobraževalnega dela z nadarjenimi in talentiranimi učenci v Republiki Sloveniji, Veliki Britaniji - Angliji, Italiji in na Danskem. Namen komparativne raziskave je bil ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri in na kakšen način je slovenski, angleški, italijanski in danski izobraževalni prostor v programskih in zakonodajnih izhodiščih v osnovni šoli naklonjen nadarjenim in talentiranim učencem v smislu spodbujanja in razvijanja njihovih potencialov. Ugotovili smo, da: obstajajo večje terminološke vrzeli pri opredeljevanju pojmov, ki se nanašajo na nadarjene in talentirane učencev slovenskem prostoru nimamo učnega modela za delo z nadarjenimi in talentiranimi učenci oz. alternativne različice le-tegani ustreznih empiričnih podatkov in raziskav s področja dela s tovrstnimi učenciobstajajo tehnične in strokovne pomanjkljivosti pri prepoznavanju in nadaljnji pedagoško-psihološki obravnavi nadarjenih učencevnimamo ustreznih strateških izhodišč, ki bi interdisciplinarno zajela vsa področja odkrivanja in nadaljnje peda-goško-psihološke oskrbe nadarjenih in talentiranih učencev. Nadarjenim in talentiranim učencem so najbolje prilagojeni v angleškem osnovnošolskem sistemu (z vidika zakonskih in programskih izhodišč, ki obravnavajo področje dela z nadarjenimi učenciobveznosti vključevanja in skrbi zanjeučno diferenciranih programov ter možnosti akceleracije in alternativnih možnostih izobraževanja), najmanj pa v Italiji. Slovenski izobraževalni prostor v programskih in zakonodajnih izhodiščih sicer upošteva področje odkrivanja in dela z nadarjenimi ter talentiranimi, na izvedbeni ravni pa se razkrivajo nekatere pomanjkljivosti uresničevanja njihovih potencialov.This paper presents strategic documents in the field of gifted and talented education in the Republic of Slovenia, UK-England, Denmark and Italy. The purpose of the comparative study was to determine the extent to which and in what way the curricular and legislative background of elementary school in Slovenian, English, Italian and Danish educational systems , is favourable to gifted and talented students in terms of promoting and developing their potentials. We have found that there are major terminological gaps in the definitions of concepts referring to giftedness and talentthe Slovenian educational system does not have a universal/standard curriculum (educational) model for work with gifted and talented students or its alternative varietyno relevant empirical data and research results on working with these students are at handthere are shortcomings in the technical and professional recognition and further pedagogical-psychological treatment of gifted/ talented students - in the relevant strategic platforms which would cover all areas of scientific discovery and further pedagogical-psychological care for gifted and talented students. The research has shown that from the perspective of legal and programming guidelinesobligation of inclusion and care for gifted and talented studentslearning differentiation and accelerationalternative learning opportunities the English educational system is the one that is best adapted to gifted and talented students while the Italian one is the least. In its curricular and legislative bases the Slovenian educational system takes the areas of discovering and working with gifted students into account, yet on the implementation level some shortcomings in the realisation of their potential are revealed

    The state, teacher and work with gifted learnes

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    V prispevku predstavljamo vlogo, poslanstvo, kompetence, socialno inteligenco ter odgovornost učitelja za delo z nadarjenimi učenci in njihov vsestranski razvoj. Izpostavljamo predvsem profil učitelja nadarjenega učenca, ki s svojimi specifičnimi potrebami in lastnostmi ob sebi zahteva neodvisnega, odgovornega in vsestransko kompetentnega strokovnjaka. Toda učitelja ne predstavljamo z vidika pedagoške usposobljenosti oz. strokovnih kompetenc, ki naj bi jih imel pri poučevanju nadarjenih učencev, temveč z drugega vidika, ki ga v slovenskem prostoru velikokrat spregledamo, tj. z vidika njegovih osebnostno-socialnih lastnosti, ki so veliko bolj cenjene kot njegove intelektualne (Vialle, 1998). Ker sodobni tokovi in šolska prenova v učiteljevo vlogo prinašajo spremembe, jim moramo omogočiti nenehno izobraževanje. Zato smo s tehniko analize vsebin analizirali in ovrednotili programe stalnega strokovnega izpopolnjevanja za učitelje v osnovni šoli od leta 2010 dalje ter ugotovili, da obstajajo številne pomanjkljivosti na področju njihovega sistematičnega pedagoškega usposabljanja za delo z nadarjenimi učenci.This paper describes the role, mission, competences, social intelligence and responsibility of the gifted and talented teacher in terms of working and developing gifted students. Emphasize particularly gifted student teacher profile, whose specific needs and characteristics demands an independent, responsible and generaly competent specialist. However, the teacher is not presented in terms of pedagogical skills or professional competences that are necessary in teaching gifted students, but from another perspective, by the Slovenian area often overlooked, ie. from his personal and social characteristics that are much more valuable than his intellectual (Vialle 1998). As modern school reforms has brought changes in the role of the teacher, we need to provide them ongoing continuing education.We have analysed and evaluated the content programs of permanent professional in-service training for teachers in primary school from year 2010 on and found many deficiences about their systematic teaching training in area of gifted and talented education

    The State, Teacher and Work with Gifted Learnes – between Mission and Responsibility

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    This paper describes the role, mission, competences, social intelligence and responsibility of the gifted and talented teacher in terms of working and developing gifted students. Emphasize particularly gifted student teacher profile, whose specific needs and characteristics demands an independent, responsible and generaly competent specialist. However, the teacher is not presented in terms of pedagogical skills or professional competences that are necessary in teaching gifted students, but from another perspective, by the Slovenian area often overlooked, ie. from his personal and social characteristics that are much more valuable than his intellectual (Vialle 1998). As modern school reforms has brought changes in the role of the teacher, we need to provide them ongoing continuing education.We have analysed and evaluated the content programs of permanent professional in–service training for teachers in primary school from year 2010 on and found many deficiences about their systematic teaching training in area of gifted and talented education

    Parents Nominating Gifted Children in Their Early Years - The Case of Slovenia

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    The article deals with the field of gifted children, who are considerably neglected from the point of view of programmatic and legislative approaches in the field of education in the Republic of Slovenia. The substantive research focus is therefore mainly on understanding and detailing the role of parents in discovering characteristics of potential giftedness and the role that parents have in promoting the child’s potential in one of the areas of giftedness. In the empirical part of the paper, we examined the extent to which parents perceive potential giftedness in their preschool children and whether they encourage them in developing their potential in different areas of giftedness. We used a descriptive, noncausal, and nonexperimental method. The survey sample included 201 parents of preschool children in the developmental period of early childhood from 4 to 6 years. Data were obtained using a questionnaire developed based on Giftedness Rating Scale to identify gifted children in elementary school and adapted to survey participants. Based on the established hypotheses, we reviewed the differences in the perception and promotion of different areas of potential giftedness in relation to the child’s gender and age, the parents’ educational level, and the outstanding strong area subjectively assessed by the parents. We also examined the relationship between the variables of perception and promotion of potential giftedness. The results of the study are relevant to the field of potentially gifted preschool children and the further recognition and promotion of their potential in kindergarten and in the family