176 research outputs found

    Examining users’ trust in the travel information provided in social networking services (SNS)

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    Research into the effect of users’ trust in social media for travel consumption remains unaddressed within tourism literature. Hence, the principal goal of this research is to examine factors influencing users’ trust in travel information provided in social networking services (SNS). Multiple regression analysis was the chosen method of data analysis to assess the hypothesized relationships. The findings revealed that users’ trust in travel information provided by SNS is heavily linked with perceived values. Users are heavily reliant on SNS as they consider SNS as reliable avenues to obtain recent travel information at anytime and anywhere to aid their decision making. At the same time, they are still concerned that their personal detailss are being misused by others without their consent. The quantitative results delivered instrumental understanding to the tourism-related organizations regarding the significant factors affecting users’ trust in travel information provided by SNS. It is vital for them to strongly uphold users’ trust the travel information by outlining effective marketing strategies and persuasive advertising campaigns regarding the companies’ travel products and services via the SNS which could trigger travel consumption and destination visit intentions and behaviours. Suggestion for future research is also presented

    Using mobile device for learning: from students perspective

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    This study aims to examine students' acceptance of mobile technology usage for learning. A questionnaire designed with five open-ended questions was distributed to 20 students from the Faculty of Industrial Art and Design Technology of Unisel (Universiti Industri Selangor), Malaysia. Results construes that students were not keen on m-learning (mobile learning), as they did not rely greatly on the mobile phone in assessing their learning materials such as lectures and lab sessions. They were more familiar with studio-based and face-to-face learning approach instead of m-learning and were not receptive to this new idea of learning using mobile technology, even though they always used the mobile device features. The limitations in the mobile device feature, costs and its usability become the prominent factors that hinder the students from fully accomplishing their m-learning exercises. They were willing to explore the idea of using mobile technology for learning, especially in a studio-based setting. They did not see any improvement of knowledge from the perspective of the learning process know-how to the show-how on mobile technology usage for learning. They could not relate to any learning connection between mobile technology and studio-based learning, even though in the first part of the case study, the results have shown positive attitude and acceptance on the study made on a sample lesson of form, space and gestalt theory in the graphic design subject. Students also obtained analogous experiences on small size keypads, screen resolutions, and navigation which could be the major problematic factors to them and thus, affected their m-learning process as it was unfriendly to use and the device was prone to damage. They have yet to accept that the concept of mobility in learning is applicable to the learning process, apart from utilising a mobile device for casual usage. However, this limitation does not restrict the students from exploring this new learning environment in the future, since they were willing to increase their learning exposure using mobile device. (Contains 2 figures.

    Green Awareness Effects On Consumers' Purchasing Decision: Some Insights From Malaysia

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    Consumers' awareness on products marketed in green marketing is important in guiding their purchasing decision of green products. This study aims to examine the influence of consumers' environmental concerns, awareness of green product, price and brand image on their purchasing decision of green products. A total of 200 completed responses were collected in the survey. Responses were randomly drawn from students in a public university in the Federal Territory of Labuan, Malaysia. Their participation was purely voluntary

    Correlations between awareness of green marketing, corporate social responsibility, product image, corporate reputation, and consumer purchase intention

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    This research aims to assess the correlations between awareness of green marketing, corporate social responsibility (CSR), product image, corporate reputation and consumer purchase intentions toward green products. A self-administered questionnaire was utilized for data collection among a set of 250 respondents located at the Federal Territory of Labuan, Malaysia, who had purchased green products over the last six months. Pearson correlation values revealed that awareness of green marketing, corporate social responsibility, product image, and corporate reputation are significantly associated with consumer purchase intentions of green products. Indeed, CSR has the strongest linkage with significant positive correlation coefficients for consumer purchase intentions of green products, followed by product image and awareness of green marketing, respectively. Furthermore, consumer purchase intentions of green products are minimally associated with corporate reputation. Directions for further work are also presented

    Effects of perceived information quality, perceived system quality, and perceived flow on mobile Social Networking Sites (SNS) users' trust

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    This chapter examines the effects of perceived information quality, perceived system quality, and perceived flow on mobile Social Networking Sites (SNS) users' trust. Pearson correlations via SPSS 21.0 computer program was used for data analysis as it has the ability to ensure the consistency of the model with the data, to provide information necessary to scrutinize the study hypotheses, and to estimate associations among constructs. Each correlation coefficient was assessed as significant at the 0.01 level, and the overall model was determined to fit the data well as multicollinearity was absent. In terms of the associations with perceived user trust, perceived flow had highest significant positive correlation coefficients, followed by perceived information quality and perceived system quality. Next, further investigation of the study encountered that perceived flow is significantly associated by both perceived system quality and perceived information quality of mobile SNS, respectively. The chapter concludes with directions for future research

    Cellular phone users’ experiences towards online shopping

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    This study aims to examine cellular phone users’ motivating factors towards online shopping. 100 university students located in Klang Valley, Malaysia were involved as the respondents. They were required to complete a set of questionnaire and had to own a cellular phone in order to be selected as sample in this study. Three from five proposed hypotheses were supported: purchasing information, shopping utilities and service quality. As a result, marketers and retailers should concentrate more on the less important factors in order to encourage and create willingness of the consumers to purchase online. Recommendation for future research is also presented

    Gender, age, and education: do they really moderate online music acceptance?

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    The objective of this paper is to investigate whether gender, age, and education really moderate online music acceptance of early adopters. An empirical survey was used to test the hypotheses. Data were collected from a total of 200 questionnaires distributed to early adopters of online music and were analysed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) via the Analysis of Moment Structure (AMOS 16) computer program. Results enumerates that younger people (younger than 25 years), male and higher educated were more strongly affected by Perceived Playfulness and Perceived Ease of Use towards online music. This study helps practitioners to extend online music market with greater understanding about early adopters’ willingness to involve in online music purchase. The paper rounds off with conclusions and an agenda for future research in this area

    Examining the correlations of hotel service quality with tourists satisfaction

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    This study aims to examine the correlation of hotel service quality (i.e. assurance, reliability, responsiveness, tangibles and empathy) with tourists’ satisfaction. Results via correlation analysis, among 200 respondents who have already experienced the tourism product and services in Federal Territory of Labuan, Malaysia revealed that service quality is significantly correlated with empathy, reliability, responsiveness and tangibles. The first served as the best predictor of tourists satisfaction followed by the latter. The findings imply the need for hotel providers to strategically leverage on these factors in its pursuit of tourists satisfaction. Direction for future study of study is also mentioned