15 research outputs found
Aging Experience and the Results of the West for Asia-A Sociological Perspective
The present paper analyzes different demographic variables to reach the result of how population become aged in different parts of Asia. Policies and planning of population during the past decades have contributed to more life expectancy, leading to the aging of population in countries like Japan, China, South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan and to some extent Iran. Population in some countries aging without needs gradually emerging, being met. People usually at the age of seventy and over lose their normal strengths and potentialities. Many of their capabilities are lost. They gradually become dependent on other younger age groups. Western countries usually have made better policies and plans earlier, and because of that, their aging people have better immunity as far as their health, social and economic conditions are concerned. Many aging people in Asian countries are concerned about their needs during the age of 70 and over. Decline in birth rate is the most important factor positively affecting the aging of population after a few decades has passed. The same happened to Japan, China, South Korea etc. Many Western countries started narrowing their birth rates in the nineteenth century, whereas Asian countries started that since around 1950. Earlier, women used to give birth to 7-8 children, in which half or more of them died in infancy, and the rest who survived, had to face malnutrition, shortage of education, child-labor from the age of 7-8, maternal fatality of mothers and many more unfavorable conditions that affected their lives. While the average age of marriage is between 26-29 in the West, it is usually the age of 20 or below within many developing countries
Aging vs Development in Asia A Sociological Appraisal
Aging is widely affected by development with special reference to Asia. This part of the world has been changing quite fast in the 50 years. If we look at East Asia, it has drastically changed. Education has played a large part ___ bringing about change in other sectors. Aging was highly promoted in Asia because of access to industries, medical technology and many more. Moreover, many young women have avoided having children in time which has widely helped in the expansion of the elderly people in various parts of Asia. The phenomenon has transformed to a social, economic and cultural issue for the continent. It is even predicted that in the years to come, the number of aging people will be far more than active people
Population Change vs Natural Geography in Asia: A Sociological Appraisal
Population is a phenomenon ever changing more positively rather than the vice versa. It is more increasing in Asian countries. The increase of population in Asia is not compatible with the geographical size and capacity of the countries concerned. Through the process of urbanization, and in the form of migration, a large number of people have left their birth lands for cities and new lands. Such a change over contributes to overpopulation, pollution and environmental issues in the new areas and under population in birth lands; villages and cities. Such a transition creates complex issues in the new destinations which are sociologically worth appraisin
Uma avaliação sociológica da paridade educacional no Irã
Education as a key success affects the entire quality of life of both girls and boys. During the past half century educational gap has gradually narrowed. Through the provision of different infrastructures, educational standards have improved ___letting more females enter educational systems, and thereby, gender inequality has been minimized. The above transition has widely changed the socio-economic and cultural expectations of both females and males. Educational transformation has highly made the girls modernity-oriented. Gender parity in educational attainment has made the backgrounds suitable for further success. Levels of schooling, and closing the pervious gaps are yet continuing. However, gender-related barriers are being lifted, and consequently, many low and middle-income classes have been able to enroll their children for further education in science, humanities and arts. Such a progression will lead to further developments in the years to come in various sectors.The research intends to discuss how the gender gap is mainly lowering in Iran through the women's educational attainment during the recent four decades. Though it may be a paradox of tradition and modernity, yet Iran has achieved it (Mehran, 2003). Through the inauguration of private universities in almost all provinces of Iran, girls could get admitted to the university system, and thereby parity of the two sexes started to appear so far as higher education is concerned. At present, more entry of girls is observed within this gender into the university system. Higher education by the girls and women has extensively impacted their lifestyles, their overall expectations and their talents. They are potentially very active in all areas of science and technology, but much tolerant versus the dominant unemployment in the country. Their tertiary education has highly affected their total fertility rate (TFR). Gender gap being narrowed educationally, is even well observed within the rural young females. The whole scenario will much affect next generations in the country, too.La educación como un éxito clave afecta la calidad de vida de los niños y las niñas. Durante el último medio siglo, la brecha educativa se ha ido reduciendo gradualmente. A través de la provisión de diferentes infraestructuras, los estándares educativos han mejorado, lo que permite que más mujeres ingresen a los sistemas educativos y, por lo tanto, se haya minimizado la desigualdad de género. La transición anterior ha cambiado ampliamente las expectativas socioeconómicas y culturales de mujeres y hombres. La transformación educativa ha hecho que las jóvenes estén orientadas hacia la modernidad. La paridad de género en el logro educativo ha hecho que los antecedentes sean adecuados para un mayor éxito. Los niveles de escolaridad y el cierre de las brechas pendientes aún continúan. Sin embargo, se están levantando las barreras relacionadas con el género y, en consecuencia, muchas clases de ingresos medios y bajos han podido inscribir a sus hijos para continuar sus estudios en ciencias, humanidades y artes. Tal progresión conducirá a nuevos desarrollos en los próximos años en varios sectores.La investigación pretende discutir cómo la brecha de género está disminuyendo principalmente en Irán a través del logro educativo de las mujeres durante las últimas cuatro décadas. Aunque puede ser una paradoja de la tradición y la modernidad, Irán lo ha logrado (Mehran, 2003). A través de la inauguración de universidades privadas en casi todas las provincias de Irán, las niñas podrían ser admitidas en el sistema universitario y, por lo tanto, la paridad de los dos sexos comenzó a aparecer en lo que respecta a la educación superior. En la actualidad, se observa una mayor entrada de niñas dentro de este género en el sistema universitario. La educación superior de las niñas y mujeres ha impactado ampliamente sus estilos de vida, sus expectativas generales y sus talentos. Son potencialmente muy activos en todas las áreas de la ciencia y la tecnología, pero son muy tolerantes en comparación con el desempleo dominante en el país. Su educación terciaria ha afectado mucho su tasa de fertilidad total (TFR). La brecha de género se está reduciendo educativamente, incluso se observa bien en las mujeres jóvenes rurales. Todo el escenario afectará mucho a las próximas generaciones también en el país.A educação como um sucesso chave afeta a qualidade de vida de meninos e meninas. Durante o último meio século, a lacuna educacional foi gradualmente diminuindo. Através do fornecimento de diferentes infra-estruturas, os padrões educacionais melhoraram, o que permite que mais mulheres entrem nos sistemas de ensino e, portanto, a desigualdade de gênero foi minimizada. A transição anterior mudou amplamente as expectativas socioeconômicas e culturais de mulheres e homens. A transformação educacional tornou as meninas orientadas para a modernidade. A paridade de gênero no nível de escolaridade tornou os antecedentes adequados para um maior sucesso. Os níveis de escolaridade e o fechamento das lacunas pendentes continuam. No entanto, as barreiras relacionadas ao gênero estão sendo levantadas e, conseqüentemente, muitas classes de renda média e baixa têm conseguido matricular seus filhos para continuar seus estudos em ciências, humanidades e artes. Essa progressão levará a novos desenvolvimentos nos próximos anos em vários setores.A pesquisa pretende discutir como o hiato de gênero está diminuindo principalmente no Irã através do sucesso educacional das mulheres durante as últimas quatro décadas. Embora possa ser um paradoxo da tradição e da modernidade, o Irã conseguiu isso (Mehran, 2003). Através da inauguração de universidades privadas em quase todas as províncias do Irã, as meninas poderiam ser admitidas no sistema universitário e, assim, a paridade dos dois sexos começou a aparecer no que diz respeito ao ensino superior. Atualmente, mais entrada de meninas é observada dentro desse gênero no sistema universitário. O ensino superior das meninas e mulheres tem impactado extensivamente seus estilos de vida, suas expectativas gerais e seus talentos. Eles são potencialmente muito ativos em todas as áreas da ciência e tecnologia, mas muito tolerantes em relação ao desemprego dominante no país. Sua educação terciária afetou muito sua taxa de fertilidade total (TFR). A diferença de gênero sendo reduzida educacionalmente, é até bem observada dentro das jovens mulheres rurais. Todo o cenário afetará muito as próximas gerações no país também
Human Capital vs. Quality of Life: A Sociological Appraisal
The present article sociologically analyzes how human capital and quality of life mutually affect each other. Yet, human capital is strongly possible in changing quality of life. Most countries first try to build their human capital, to be followed by a better and more prosperous quality of life. For example, South Korea and India in Asia have initially upgraded their human capital which was followed by improvement in quality of life in various sectors. In fact, in all societies, educated men and women generally have lower mortality rates; their offspring also have higher survival rates. Thus, the educational capital that leads to social capital, while affecting the current generation, also has a positive effect on future generations. Almost globally, women with higher levels of education have fewer children. They have better access to birth control tools. Such a quality of life further leads to the continuity of future quality of life. Improved quality of life leads to food per capita, accommodation per capita, services per capita, convenience per capita, and many more
Relationship of Demography with Other Sciences: A Sociological Appraisal
Demography as a dynamic discipline is highly related with other sciences; especially social sciences. It helps other sciences, and is benefited by other sciences too. Demography being statistics-based, widely helps economics, sociology, social development, geography and many other sciences. Sociology proves how integration of sciences help in the development of societies in general. Social change happening in various dimensions, is in need of a close relationship of demography and other social sciences. Social science which deals human behavior in the changing social environment is a part of expanding knowledge. Demography is the science that analyzes the size, structure of human community, are aspects of biological, geographical, economic, etc. Geography also being the science related to natural environment is widely related to sociology
Domestic Tourism in Iran
The present paper explores and assesses various dimensions of tourist activities, multiple meanings and uses of tourisms in Iran. The country being endowed with numerous historical and cultural attractions, heritages and sites, many Iranians, are interested to visit them. In this way, domestic tourism is improving more than ever before. In addition to other objectives, domestic tourism contributes to the integration within different communities in the country. Therefore, native people are drawn to a variety of national and local attractions such as historical regions, natural landscapes, museums, religious shrines etc. However, the government has been highly insistent in developing state schemes aiming at the expansion of tourism in the country in the past few years. Under the impact of industrialization, per capita income has increased, and thereby the people have started opting, more leisure, travel and tour
Social vulnerability of women heads of households compared to married women in health care
Women heads of households, as one of the most vulnerable sections of society, need to be informed about various issues specially in the field of health. Many gynecological diseases can be diagnosed with early care and can be treated more. These diseases include gynecological cancers that require personal referral and follow-up. Therefore, they depend on various socio-economic factors. The aim of the present study is to investigate the social vulnerability of female heads of households in comparison to married women in providing health care. The present study is a comparative study and was conducted on 200 women including heads of households who have active files in 2 social work clinics in Qom and also married women in 2 districts of Qom city. A questionnaire was used to collect data and SPSS software was used to compare the two groups.41% and 21% of female-headed households and57% and 36% of married women have Mammograms and Pap-smear once a year. The average score in Mammography among married women is 102.15and in female-headed households is 84.18The mean score on Pap-smear test was 98.11 in married women and 79.56 in female-headed households. This difference the mean at the confidence level of 0.95and the standard error percentage (p≤ 0.05) is significant. The results show married women are more likely to have Pap-smears and Mammograms than female-headed households. Due to the special living conditions of women heads of households, there is a need for more practical education, awareness and support for this group
Social Security and the Elderly People\'s Pathology in Tehran: A Sociological Study
Objectives: The present paper attempts to appraise the quality of life of the elderly people in Tehran city with special reference to their social security and pathology. In this research, different dimensions of material, social, well-being and food conditions of the elderly people are assessed. While the universe of research is the elderly people of Tehran city, in that, the human rights, the elderly dignity, and the gradual decline of their social security are studied. Similarly, seeking various dimensions of the lives of the elderly is one of the main aims of the study, i.e. The age groups who gradually lose their physical and mental self-reliance, and as a result, their dependency on others and various services enhances.
Methods & Materials: The universe of study in this research is the city if Tehran. In that, in an empirical method, 500 elderly people have randomly been selected and referred to, and in the process of which the intended data have been collected through questionnaires.
Results: Findings indicate that ageing pyramid shrinks and narrows at the age of 60 and over, and from that age on, only 60 percent of the elderly have their spouses. Similarly, another research finding reflects the economic, social, and remedial conditions of these people. Findings also show the amount of emotional and material supports that the elderly receive from their children.
Conclusion: Research reached the conclusion that the young elderly or those born in 1320/1942 and beyond, under the current social, economic and cultural conditions, i.e. with new needs and expectations, are highly different from those of previous generations with special reference to Tehran. To meet such needs, relevant resources must intervene