13 research outputs found

    Resistive Economy in the Field of Health

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Over recent years (rigorously in 1395 & 1396), resistive economy has introduced an appropriate pattern to overcome the general challenges of the country although its movement dates back to 1388 (August, 2012) when the credo of ‘correcting consumption pattern’ initiated the proceedings.For downloading the full-text of this article please click here

    The Evaluation of Social Spectrum of Health in Statements of Imam Ali(a.s.) in Nahjolbalagheh

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Background and Objectives: In the postmodern medicine for health promotion in both levels of society and individual, it is recommended to benefit from all cultural provisions if harmless. This perspective opens new windows in the fields of health, including religion and health or literature and health. Our country, Iran, enjoys a powerful Iranian- Islamic culture that provides an ample opportunity for health promotion in the level of society and individual, especially in lifestyle enhancement. This study is conducted to evaluate the social spectrum of health in Epigram (statements) of Imam Ali(a.s.) in Nahjolbalagheh.Materials and Methods: It is a comparative study of content analysis. All  statements of Imam Ali(a.s.) in Nahjolbalagheh with respect to Social Spectrum of Health have been used as study data.Results: Out of 480 statements of Imam Ali(a.s.) in Nahjolbalagheh, near 150 are in the field of social spectrum of health, and 68 subjects are extracted in this field.Conclusion: Statements of Imam Ali(a.s.) in Nahjolbalagheh are valid sources that can be used to determine and define certain indicators in social spectrum of health, and be benefited from in Iranian-Islamic lifestyle, especially due to two reasons;  the eminent personality of  Imam Ali(a.s.) and his so respected character as a great companion of prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) in the religious beliefs of all muslims especially Muslim  people  living in Iran.Keywords: Statements of Imam Ali(a.s.), Nahjolbalagheh, Social Spectrum of HealthFor downloading the full-text of this article please click here

    Spiritual Health and Pure Life

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    For downloading the full-text of this article please click here.Spiritual health, as one of the aspects of health, has recently been considered by Western researcher and led them to mention some definitions for it. Since the need for this dimension of health has been arisen from a secular society and secular society requirements are different with the real human needs to health, it seems that paying attention to "pure life" (Hayat Tayiba) mentioned in the Holy Quran is helpful to address the spiritual health. "Pure life", is a word in the Qoran which commentators have described it as a clean life. The "pure" word is applied in some places in the Quran."Taiba word: clean word" (Surah Ibrahim / 24), "the Taiba descendant: good offspring" (Surah Al 'Imran / 38), "city of: Clean City" (Surah Saba / 15), "Taiba ancestors: good fathers" (Surah Ibrahim / 24) and "Taiba (pure) life: clean life" (Surah an-Nahl / 97)...For downloading the full-text of this article please click here

    Evaluation of the relation between poverty and health-related quality of life in the people over 60 years-old in the district 4 of Tehran municipality in 2009-2010

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    Please cite this article as: Heidarnia MA, Ghaemian T, Montazeri A, Abadi AR. Evaluation of the relation between poverty and health-related quality of life in the people over 60 years-old in the district 4 of Tehran municipality in 2009-2010. Novel Biomed 2013;1:23-28.As the articles in recent years well indicate, more than all other factors, social determinants of health are involved in people's health status and quality of life (QOL). Among these social factors, the economic one is introduced as the main factor determining health status. This study was designed to evaluate the impact of poverty on QOL. The health-related QOL of poor people under coverage of a public charity institution (group 1) was compared with the QOL of ordinary people (group2) using the SF-36 questionnaire. The QOL scores in the groups 1 and 2 were analyzed by Mann-Whitney, Kruskal -Wallis tests and logistic regression using the SPSS 16.00 software. A total of 400 individuals were studied. The results showed significant differences between the two groups in the QOL measures of SF-36, except for physical and mental health measures (P<0.001). With regard to the adverse consequence of the Physical Component Scale (PCS), employing logistic regression analysis, statistically significant relationships between the two groups in the demographic characteristics, except age and marital status, were found. For the adverse consequence of Mental Component Scale (MCS), logistic regression showed statistically significant differences between the two groups in the demographic characteristics, except for age. The findings indicate that poverty diminishes the QOL in most aspects; however, considering all aspects of QOL is necessary to promote the individuals' health

    The relation of spiritual aspect of nutrition and health

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    Background: After centuries paying particular attention to physical health, attention has been attracted to other aspects of human health meaning the psychological, social, and especially spiritual aspect in the past decades. Spiritual aspect of health is the coordinator of other dimensions and improves mental function. Spiritual well-being issues such as halal and haram and food purity should also be considered.Method:  This was a cross-sectional study conducted among Shahid Beheshti university staff. Pearson’s correlations were used to calculate variable associations. Linear multiple regression analysis was performed to identify variables contributing to an explanation of different aspects of nutrition and health. Results: 128 personnel participated in this study. Positive correlations were observed between education and total scores of nutrition aspects (r=0.049, p-value<0.05) and attention to physical aspect of nutrition for males (r =0.052, p-value<0.05). Also there is a significant correlation between attention to mental aspect of nutrition and social aspect of nutrition (r=0.740, p-value<0.01). Conclusion: Age, sex and education, are among the factors that may affect the nutritional attitude. Therefore, using different methods to improve the nutritional practice of society considering its dimensions and taking the factors influencing it into account seems to be essential

    Assessing Attitudes of Medical Students towards First Contact with Patient in Tehran (2016-17)

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    Background: Early experience of clinical arena as first situations can be effective in selection or refusing medicine as profession is so important that programmers and administrators should consider these settings as one of the most elements in educational programs.Materials and Methods: This study was a cross-sectional study and including presently studying students in medicine field of medical sciences universities. Sample size was estimated for 275 students. Participants were selected from schools of medicine: Iran University (IUMS), Shahid Beheshti University, and Islamic Azad University using stratified random sampling method. Data was collected in March of 2016 by a researcher made questionnaire determined its validity and reliability. Data was analyzed using chi-squared test, t-test, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis test.Results: Mean score of medical students’ attitude from 15 five-degree scale questions was 51.22 ± 6.32. The mean scores of attitude in men and women were 51.37±6.16 and 51.06±6.53, respectively (p=0.687). Overall, 13.8 % of students had positive attitude towards first contact with patient, 10.5 % of students had negative attitude and 75.6 % had no opinion. The mean scores of attitude towards first contact with patient in Iran university, Shahid Beheshti university and Islamic Azad university were 50.40±5.00, 52.71±5.91 and 46.12±5.97, respectively (p<0.001). The mean scores of attitude towards first contact with patient in reformed educational system and old educational system were 52.35±5.83 and 46.12±5.97 respectively, with a significant difference between two types of educational system (p<0.001).Conclusion: As respects more positive attitude of students in reformed educational system in comparison with old educational system, special attention to courses of early contact with patient may contribute to decreasing educational insufficiency and distance between theory and practice and lead to the satisfaction all of beneficiaries

    سلامت معنوی و حیات طیّبه

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    Spiritual health, as one of the aspects of health, has recently been considered by Western researcher and led them to mention some definitions for it. Since the need for this dimension of health has been arisen from a secular society and secular society requirements are different with the real human needs to health, it seems that paying attention to "pure life" (Hayat Tayiba) mentioned in the Holy Quran is helpful to address the spiritual health. "Pure life", is a word in the Qoran which commentators have described it as a clean life. The "pure" word is applied in some places in the Quran.  موضوع سلامت معنوی، که یکی از جنبه­های سلامتی به شمار می­رود، چندی است توجه صاحب­نظران غربی را به خود جلب کرده و موجب شده تعریف هایی برای آن ذکر کنند. از آنجا که احساس نیاز به این بُعد از سلامت، بر خاسته از جامعه­یی سکولار بوده است  و نیازهای این جامعه­ی سکولار، با نیاز های واقعی انسان به سلامت، در یک زندگی دینی تفاوت دارد، به نظر می­رسد توجّه به «حیات طیّبه»که در قرآن کریم مطرح شده، راهگشای مناسبی برای پرداختن به این بُعدِ معنویِ سلامت باشد. «حیات طیبه»، واژه­یی قرآنی است که مفسران آن را به حیات پاکیزه تعبیرکرده اند. واژه­ی «طیبه» در چند جای قرآن کریم به کار برده شده است

    بررسی بُعد اجتماعی سلامت در کلمات حکمت‌آمیز امام علی (ع)

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    Background and Objectives: In the postmodern medicine for health promotion in both levels of society and individual, it is recommended to benefit from all cultural provisions if harmless. This perspective opens new windows in the fields of health, including religion and health or literature and health. Our country, Iran, enjoys a powerful Iranian- Islamic culture that provides an ample opportunity for health promotion in the level of society and individual, especially in lifestyle enhancement. This study is conducted to evaluate the social spectrum of health in Epigram (statements) of Imam Ali(a.s.) in Nahjolbalagheh. Materials and Methods: It is a comparative study of content analysis. All  statements of Imam Ali(a.s.) in Nahjolbalagheh with respect to Social Spectrum of Health have been used as study data. Results: Out of 480 statements of Imam Ali(a.s.) in Nahjolbalagheh, near 150 are in the field of social spectrum of health, and 68 subjects are extracted in this field. Conclusion: Statements of Imam Ali(a.s.) in Nahjolbalagheh are valid sources that can be used to determine and define certain indicators in social spectrum of health, and be benefited from in Iranian-Islamic lifestyle, especially due to two reasons;  the eminent personality of  Imam Ali(a.s.) and his so respected character as a great companion of prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) in the religious beliefs of all muslims especially Muslim  people  living in Iran.سابقه و اهداف: در پزشکی فرامدرن توصیه می­شود که برای ارتقای سطح سلامت افراد و جامعه در بُعدهای جسمی، روانی، اجتماعی و معنوی، می­باید از همه­ی داشته­های بشری، به شرط بی­ضرر بودن آن­ها، استفاده شود. از همین دیدگاه است که حوزه­های جدیدی، از جمله سلامت و دین، مطرح و پیگیری می­شود. در کشور ما، فرهنگ غنی ایرانی – اسلامی، که از باور و قبول و اعتقاد مردمی برخوردار است، سرمایه­ی مهمی است که استفاده­ی هدفمند و هوشیارانه از آن، به­ویژه در تلفیقِ آن با پزشکی نوین (البته بدون تغییر محتوا)، زمینه را برای رشد و ارتقای سطح سلامتی فرد و جامعه در چارچوب سبک زندگی ایرانی - اسلامی فراهم می­کند. بررسی بُعد اجتماعی سلامت در کلمات حکمت­آمیز امام علی (ع) نیز در همین جهت طراحی شده است. مواد و روش‌ها: این، مطالعه­یی تطبیقی، از نوع تحلیل محتوا است که در آن، همه­ی کلمه‌­های حکمت­‌آمیز امام علی(ع) در کتاب نهج­البلاغه،  از زاویه­ی بُعد اجتماعی سلامت (داده­های پژوهش) مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است. یافته‌ها: از 480 مورد کلمه­های حکمت­آمیز امام علی(ع)، نزدیک به 115 مورد در حیطه­ی بُعد اجتماعی سلامت قرار می­گیرد؛ و از میان آن­ها، نزدیک به 68 موضوع مرتبط با بُعد اجتماعی سلامت، به­صورت کاربردی و دستورالعملی، چه در حوزه­ی دانشی، چه در حوزه­ی نگرشی، استخراج شده است. نتیجه‌گیری: کلمه­‌های قصار امام علی(ع) در نهج­‌البلاغه، منبع معتبری است که به پشتوانه‌­ی آن و بزرگی گوینده­اش و نیز پذیرش آن در جامعه (به‌­ویژه جامعه­‌ی شیعه)، می­توان شاخصه­‌هایی را در بُعد اجتماعی سلامت تبیین و تعریف کرد و از آن در سبک زندگی ایرانی - اسلامی بهره گرفت

    Profile of neonatal mortality in the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1391

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    Background: The first duty of any government is to ensure the health of its children and neonates. Today's countries are classified as declining mortality in this group. To increase neonatal survival rate, classified causes of newborn mortality are the Core Strategy and Policies. This study was aimed to determine the classification of causes of neonatal death in Iran. Methods: Neonatal mortality refers to deaths of young children, typically those less than 28 days of age. It is measured by the neonatal mortality rate (NMR), which is the number of deaths of neonates per 1000 live births.This study was used data from 11693 neonatal deaths (from 22 weeks gestational age to neonatal death less than 30 days), in IRAN's hospitals in 2012 that registered in the Perinatal Mortality Surveillance System (hospital-based system). Demographic characteristics and other factors associated with neonatal death were investigated. To aid in cause of death analyses, burden of disease analyses, and comparative risk assessment we classified the causes of death according to International statistical classification of diseases version 10 (ICD 10), divided into three cause mortality strata. Results: The most common cause of neonatal mortality was "certain conditions originating in the perinatal period" (77.92%) with the highest incidence of  "disorders related to length of gestation and fetal growth" (37.7%) in this group. Also 2419 (20/82%) of deaths caused by "Congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities" and 147 (1/26%) cases had occurred as a result of "accidents and injuries". The greatest cause of death in the neonates with weight over one thousand grams was "certain conditions originating in the perinatal period" (71/29%), with the highest percentage in the disorders related to "length of gestation and fetal growth" (29/65%). Conclusion: Policies and interventions should be in line with the priority given to the most common causes of death in prenatal care, prevention and treatment of complications of pregnancy and delivery

    Profile of neonatal mortality in Iran in 1391

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    Background: The first duty of any government is to ensure the health of its children and neonates. Today's countries are classified as declining mortality in this group. To increase neonatal survival rate, classified causes of newborn mortality are the core strategy and policies. This study was aimed to determine the classification of causes of neonatal death in Iran. Methods: Neonatal mortality refers to deaths of young children. It is measured by the neonatal mortality rate (NMR), which is the number of deaths of neonates per 1000 live births. This study was used data from 11693 neonatal deaths (from 22 weeks gestational age to neonatal death less than 30 days), in Iran's hospitals in 2012 that registered in the perinatal mortality surveillance system (hospital-based system). Demographic characteristics and other factors associated with neonatal death were investigated. To aid in cause of death analysis, burden of disease analysis, and comparative risk assessment we classified the causes of death according to international statistical classification of diseases version 10 (ICD 10), divided into three cause mortality strata. Results: Results showed the most common cause of neonatal mortality was "certain conditions originating in the perinatal period" (77.92%) with the highest incidence of "disorders related to length of gestation and fetal growth" (37.7%) in this group. Also it shows that 20.82% of deaths caused by "congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities" and 1.26% cases had occurred as a result of "accidents and injuries". The greatest cause of death in the neonates with weight over one thousand grams was "certain conditions originating in the perinatal period" (71.29%), with the highest percentage in the disorders related to "length of gestation and fetal growth" (29.65%). Conclusion: According to this study the "certain conditions originating in the perinatal period" special "disorders related to length of gestation and fetal growth" was the main cause of neonatal mortality. Also "congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities" was the second cause of neonatal mortality