4,869 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Post-operative Pain after Irrigation Using End-vented NaviTip Tips versus Vibringe Sonic Irrigating System in Teeth with Acute Pulpitis with Apical Periodontitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    AIM: This clinical study was conducted to evaluate and compare the post-operative pain after the using of two different irrigating techniques: Vibringe sonic irrigating system with end-vented NaviTip and conventional needle with end-vented NaviTip immediate postoperatively and 4, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h and 7 days utilizing a numerical rating scale (NRS). METHODS: Thirty-eight patients with acute pulpitis with apical periodontitis were involved in this study. Root canals were prepared using NiTi ProTaper Universal rotary system then randomized into two equal groups according to the technique used for irrigation Group A, Vibringe sonic irrigating system with end-vented NaviTip and Group B, conventional syringe with end-vented NaviTipĀ® irrigating tip. The needles of irrigation were penetrated 2 mm shorter than the working length. The trial design of this study is a parallel randomized controlled trial. RESULTS: All demographic data, clinical and radiographic findings, and modified NRS scores obtained from patients were statistically analyzed. Results showed that there was no statistically difference between the two groups regarding the demographic data, prevalence of pre-operative pain, after 4 h, 12 h, 24 h, and 48 h and 7 days, while in both groups, there was a statistically significant decrease in pain intensity preoperatively compared with all other time periods. CONCLUSION: There is no statistical significance difference between Vibringe sonic irrigating syringe with endvented needle and conventional syringe with end-vented NaviTip, while in both groups, there was a statistically significant decrease in pain intensity preoperatively compared with all other time periods

    An optical nanocavity incorporating a fluorescent organic dye having a high quality factor

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    We have fabricated an L3 optical nanocavity operating at visible wavelengths that is coated with a thin-film of a fluorescent molecular-dye. The cavity was directly fabricated into a pre-etched, free-standing silicon-nitride (SIN) membrane and had a quality factor of Q = 2650. This relatively high Q-factor approaches the theoretical limit that can be expected from an L3 nanocavity using silicon nitride as a dielectric material and is achieved as a result of the solvent-free cavity-fabrication protocol that we have developed. We show that the fluorescence from a red-emitting fluorescent dye coated onto the cavity surface undergoes strong emission intensity enhancement at a series of discrete wavelengths corresponding to the cavity modes. Three dimensional finite difference time domain (FDTD) calculations are used to predict the mode structure of the cavities with excellent agreement demonstrated between theory and experiment

    Optimization of growth and extracellular glucoamylase production by Candida famata isolate

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    Candida famata was isolated from traditional Moroccan sourdough. It exhibited high glucoamylase and biomass production. Starch induces high glucoamylase production C. famata with maximum glucoamylase activity at 5 g/L. Glucose stimulates good production in biomass but strongly inhibitsglucoamylase production. Among the sources of nitrogen tested, yeast extract and the (NH4)2HPO4 gave maximum glucoamylase and biomass after 72 h of incubation in liquid medium at 30Ā°C, pH 5 and 105 rpm

    Validated stability indicating methods for determination of nitazoxanide in presence of its degradation products

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    AbstractThree sensitive, selective and reproducible stability-indicating methods are presented for determination of nitazoxanide (NTZ), a new anti-protozoal drug, in presence of its degradation products. Method A utilizes the first derivative of ratio spectra spectrophotometry by measurement of the amplitude at 364.4nm using one of the degradation products as a divisor. Method B is a chemometric-assisted spectrophotometry, where principal component regression (PCR) and partial least squares (PLS) were applied. These two approaches were successfully applied to quantify NTZ in presence of degradation products using the information included in the absorption spectra in the range 260ā€“360nm. Method C is based on the separation of NTZ from its degradation products followed by densitometric measurement of the bands at 254nm. The separation was carried out on silica gel 60F254, using chloroformā€“methanolā€“ammonia solutionā€“glacial acetic acid (95:5:1:1 by volume, pH=5.80) as a developing system. These methods are suitable as stability-indicating methods for the determination of NTZ in presence of its degradation products either in bulk powder or in pharmaceutical formulations. Statistical analysis of the results has been carried out revealing high accuracy and good precision

    Assessment of toxicity level in selected heavy metals in volcanic soils from Tawau, Sabah

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    Heavy metals are one of the serious pollutants in environment because its toxicity. Severe concentration of heavy metals can harm the plants, animals and even human. During the pedogenesis process, heavy metals from the parent rock are mobilized in soils and redistribute in to the environment. The objective of this paper is to study the concentration and toxicity level of selected heavy metals in volcanic soils around Tawau, Sabah. In this study 10 soil samples were collected from different sampling stations. The selection of soil samples were based on the different type of volcanic rocks in the study area. The determination of concentration of heavy metals in soil samples were carried out using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) analysis. The result shows, the highest concentration is chromium with the average of 141 ppm followed by zinc with 112 ppm. The concentration of copper is 49 ppm, nickel 15 ppm, lead 8 ppm and arsenic 7 ppm. The soil samples is identified as polluted due to the elevated concentration of certain heavy metals when compared with the Sediment Quality Guidelines of US EPA. Chromium is regarded as heavily polluted agent while zinc, copper and arsenic indicated that the area is moderately polluted. Nickel and lead average concentration show no indication of pollution in the area. It is concluded that the combined source of heavy metals in the study area would be the parent materials of the soils and other anthropogenic effluent. From the study also, it is found out that pH value, organic matter and clay percentage has influenced the heavy metal concentration in volcanic soil in the study area

    Liquid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometric assay for simultaneous quantitation of tofacitinib, cabozantinib and afatinib in human plasma and urine

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    Purpose: To develop a simple, adequately sensitive, and practical liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric method to simultaneously quantify three tyrosine kinase inhibitors, viz, tofacitinib (TOF), cabozantinib (CBZ) and afatinib (AFB) after their extraction from both human plasma and urine.Methods: Blood and urine samples were obtained from healthy volunteers who admitted to not being on any medications. The investigated analytes were chromatographically separated on a C18 column (LunaĀ®-PFP 100ƅ column, 50 mm Ɨ 2.0 mm i.d., 3.0 Ī¼m) with the aid of a mobile phase containing A; acetonitrile (ACN) and B; 0.01 M ammonium formate buffer (pH 4.1) pumped at a rate of 0.3 mL.min-1 in the ratio A:B, 50:50 v/v. Analyte monitoring was achieved by tandem mass spectrometry interfaced with an electrospray ionization source with the aid of multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode for analytes quantification.Results: The proposed method permitted a specific and sensitive determination of the investigated TKIs in the linear range of 1.0 - 100 ng mL-1 with correlation coefficient (r2) of 0.9991, 0.9997, and 0.9998 for TOF, CBZ and AFB, respectively. The method was validated with regard to its limits of quantification (ranging from 0.91 to 1.24 ng mL-1 for the 3 analytes), intra- and inter assay accuracy (in the range -1.85 to 1.22 %) and precision (0.71 - 5.12 %). The method was also validated in terms of recovery from both studied matrices, robustness and matrix effect.Conclusion: The results obtained reveal that the developed method is simple, specific and highly efficient for routine determination of the studied analytes in human plasma and urine. It can be reliably applied for high throughput analysis of clinical samples containing the investigated analytes.Keywords: Tyrosine kinase inhibitors, Tofacitinib, Cabozantinib, Afatinib, LC-MS/MS, human plasm

    Evaluation of Laparoscopic Sphincter Saving Surgery in Management of Rectal Cancer

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    Background: Sphincter-saving surgery for rectal carcinoma (RC) has been classically performed by open surgery. Laparoscopic restorative proctectomy (LRP) has been evolved for the same purpose, but its benefits are controversial representing an enigma in the choice of management of RC.Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility, adequacy, safety, short- and long-term outcomes of LRP.Patients and methods: This was a prospective observational study included 35 patients suffering from middle and distal third RC admitted electively to Sohag University Hospital and Colorectal Unit in Ain Shams University. Patients were evaluated and analysed regarding efficacy of LRP, length of stay and different risk factors for post-operative complications.Results: Regarding operative outcomes the mean operative time was 189 minutes, and mean operative blood loss was 95.4 mL, while operative complications happened in 8.5%. Post-operatively, complications happened in 22.9%. The mean post-operative hospital stay was 4.2 Ā± 1.4 days. Higher American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) risk scoring and advanced pathological stage proved to be independent risk factors responsible for complications. During follow-up, local recurrence was evident in 5.7% and distant recurrence developed in further 5.7%. Disease-free survival rate was 80.02 %, and overall survival rate was 91.3% for stage II and 83.3% for stage III. Conclusion: LRP can be done safely reflecting adequacy of the procedure with a comparable complication rate and long-term outcomes to conventional surgery, which makes it a good alternative to conventional technique

    Integral equation for the Ahlfors map on multiply connected regions

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    This paper presents a new boundary integral equation with ɵā€™ the adjoint Neumann kernel associated with where ɵā€™ is the boundary correspondence function of Ahlfors map of a bounded multiply connected region onto a unit disk. The proposed boundary integral equation is constructed from a boundary relationship satisfied by the Ahlfors map of a multiply connected region. The integral equation is solved numerically for ɵā€™ using combination of Nystrom method, GMRES method, and fast multiple method. From the computed values of ɵā€™ we solve for the boundary correspondence function ɵā€™ which then gives the Ahlfors map. The numerical examples presented here prove the effectiveness of the proposed metho

    Intermolecular masking of the HIV-1 Rev NLS by the cellular protein HIC: Novel insights into the regulation of Rev nuclear import

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The HIV-1 regulatory protein Rev, which is essential for viral replication, mediates the nuclear export of unspliced viral transcripts. Rev nuclear function requires active nucleocytoplasmic shuttling, and Rev nuclear import is mediated by the recognition of its Nuclear Localisation Signal (NLS) by multiple import factors, which include transportin and importin Ī². However, it remains unclear which nuclear import pathway(s) predominate <it>in vivo</it>, and the cellular environment that modulates Rev nucleocytoplasmic shuttling remains to be characterised.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In our study, we have identified the cellular protein HIC (Human I-mfa domain-Containing protein) as a novel interactor of HIV-1 Rev. We demonstrate that HIC selectively interferes with Rev NLS interaction with importin Ī² and impedes its nuclear import and function, but does not affect Rev nuclear import mediated by transportin. Hence, the molecular determinants mediating Rev-NLS recognition by importin Ī² and transportin appear to be distinct. Furthermore, we have employed HIC and M9 M, a peptide specifically designed to inhibit the transportin-mediated nuclear import pathway, to characterise Rev nuclear import pathways within different cellular environments. Remarkably, we could show that in 293T, HeLa, COS7, Jurkat, U937, THP-1 and CEM cells, Rev nuclear import is cell type specific and alternatively mediated by transportin or importin Ī², in a mutually exclusive fashion.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Rev cytoplasmic sequestration by HIC may represent a novel mechanism for the control of Rev function. These studies highlight that the multivalent nature of the Rev NLS for different import receptors enables Rev to adapt its nuclear trafficking strategy.</p
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