24 research outputs found


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    Objective: This study was aimed at determining the levels of curcuminoids and analyzing the toxicity of ethanol extracts of Javanese ginger.Methods: Curcuminoid levels were determined using high-performance liquid chromatography, while the toxicity tests were done on larva of brine shrimp (Artemia salina) by using a brine shrimp lethality test (BSLT) method and embryos of zebrafish (Danio rerio) using a zebrafish embryo acute toxicity (ZFET) method. Results: The level curcuminoid of ethanol extracts was 10.5% dry wt., consisting of curcumin at the highest percentage (68.06%) followed bydesmethoxycurcumin (24.6%) and bisdemethoxycurcumin (1.41%). In BSLT method, the lethal concentration 50% values (LC) value of our ethanol extract was 238 ppm, whereas in ZFET method, the LC value at 96 hours after fertilization was 80 ppm. The ethanol extract of ginger caused major malformations of the pericardial edema of zebrafish embryos at a concentration of 100 ppm. 50Conclusion: The ethanol extract of Curcuma xanthorrhiza from Bogor contained curcuminoids consisting of curcumin, desmethoxycurcumin, and bisdemethoxycurcumin, with acute toxicity, caused major malformations on the pericardial edema in zebrafish embryos.Keywords: Curcuma xanthorrhiza, Curcuminoid, Toxicity, Zebrafish embryo acute toxicity.5

    Pemaparan Gelombang Elektromagnetik Telepon Genggam pada Mencit (Mus musculus albinus) Periode Awal Kebuntingan

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    Peningkatan penggunaan telepon genggam diiringi dengan peningkatan kepedulian masyarakatterhadap bidang kesehatan dan keamanan terkait emisi gelombang elektromagnetik yang berasaldari telepon genggam. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui tingkat keamanan paparan gelombangelektromagnetik telepon genggam melalui pengamatan terhadap jumlah implantasi dan anak lahirdengan menggunakan mencit sebagai hewan model. Dua puluh empat ekor mencit betina disinkronisasidan dikawinkan dengan mencit jantan dengan perbandingan jantan dan betina 1:1 (single mating).Pemaparan dilakukan dengan gelombang berfrekuensi 900 MHz selama 7 hari pertama setelah mencitkawin. Mencit betina dibagi ke dalam empat kelompok berdasarkan lamanya waktu paparan. Waktupaparan adalah satu, dua, dan empat kali per hari dengan masing-masing lama paparan 15 menit untukkelompok pertama, kedua, dan ketiga, sementara kelompok keempat sebagai kelompok kontrol tidakdiberikan paparan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak adanya pengaruh nyata lama paparan gelombangelektromagnetik telepon genggam terhadap jumlah implantasi dan anak lahir dari induk yang terpapar(P>0,05). Untuk seluruh kelompok, jumlah implantasi berkisar antara 8,66 sampai dengan 10,00 danjumlah anak lahir berkisar antara 10,00 sampai dengan 12,33; tidak berbeda nyata dengan nilai padakelompok kontrol. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, lama paparan gelombang elektromagnetik yang berasaldari telepon genggam dalam penelitian ini masih berada dalam tingkat aman untuk mencit bunting

    Postmortem Examination of Emu Bird (Dromaius novaehollandiae) in Ragunan Zoo

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    Ragunan Zoo is one of the ex-situ conservation sites in DKI Jakarta to protect the wildlife outside their natural habitat. The emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae) is one of the TMR collection animals originating from Australia. An emu bird named Lebo, aged 19 years, and male sex was found sick on January 12, 2022. Based on physical examination, the emu bird showed clinical symptoms of anorexia, unwilling to eat, lethargic, refusing or difficult to move, unable to lift his head, and inflammation of the right eye. No further examination was performed to determine the diagnosis. Treatments were taken symptomatically, namely the fluid therapy, injection of vitamins and energy sources, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory. The emu was found dead on February 6, 2022 and a necropsy was performed. Postmortem findings obtained were glossitis, ventriculitis, gizzard erosion, hemorrhagic enteritis, hepatic lipidosis, epicarditis, testicular atrophy, and orchitis. Diagnosis of suspected cause of death is damage and decreased function of various organs of the body

    Performa Broiler dengan Pemberian Jamu Kombinasi Jahe, Kunyit, dan Temulawak

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    Jamu dapat diberikan sebagai feed additive untuk meningkatkan performa dan kesehatan broiler. Penelitian bertujuan menentukan konsentrasi optimal pemberian jamu kombinasi jahe, kunyit, dan temulawak yang dapat meningkatkan performa broiler, pengaruh jamu terhadap fungsi organ dan cita rasa daging ayam broiler. Sebanyak 96 ekor ayam galur Cobb dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok perlakuan, yaitu konsentrasi jamu 0%, 0,25%, 0,5%, dan 0,75% masing-masing dengan 2 kelompok ulangan. Pemberian jamu dimulai pada hari ke-20 sampai hari ke-36 dengan cara mencampur serbuk ke dalam air minum. Peubah yang diamati terdiri atas konsumsi pakan, konsumsi minum, bobot akhir, pertambahan bobot badan, Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR), indeks performa (IP), mortalitas, profil organ, dan karakteristik organoleptik daging. Hasil menunjukkan jamu dengan konsentrasi 0,25% dapat meningkatkan bobot akhir, pertambahan bobot badan, dan bobot karkas, tetapi tidak menunjukkan pengaruh terhadap konsumsi pakan, konsumsi minum, FCR, IP, dan cita rasa daging. Selain itu, mortalitas dapat ditekan pada konsentrasi jamu 0,25% dan 0,5%. Jamu kombinasi jahe, kunyit, dan temulawak dapat meningkatkan performa dan kesehatan broiler

    Analisis Proteomik Cairan Sinovial Sendi Domba: Efektivitas Metode dan Profil Protein Fungsional

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi metode deplesi dan digesi protein, serta menganalisis proteom cairan sinovial (SF) sendi pada domba sehat menggunakan kromatografi cair–tandem spektrometri massa. Cairan SF dikoleksi dari enam ekor domba garut betina, umur ±4 tahun, berat 35-40 kg, dan sehat secara klinis. Deplesi protein berkelimpahan tinggi dilakukan dengan metode spin column menggunakan TOP 12 dan metode proteospin, sementara digesi protein dengan tiga metode, yaitu digesi in solution, in gel, dan in-solution + filter-aided sample preparation (FASP). Metode yang terbaik kemudian dilanjutkan dengan fraksinasi peptida menggunakan ultra performance liquid chromatography. Metode deplesi proteospin dengan digesi protein in-solution + FASP merupakan metode terbaik berdasarkan nilai coverage dan sequest HT. Hasil analisis proteomik terkarakterisasi 52 protein pada database spesies domba. Anotasi gen ontologi menggunakan DAVID analysis menunjukkan bahwa protein-protein SF tersebut merupakan komponen sel terutama sebagai eksosom ekstraseluler, fungsi molekuler sebagai aktivitas inhibitor endopeptidase tipe-serin dan pengikat ion kalsium; serta proses biologis sebagai angiogenesis dan koagulasi darah atau pembentukan fibrin. Analisis KEGG pathway menunjukkan protein SF berperan utama pada jalur kaskade koagulasi dan komplemen

    On the Origin of Indonesian Cattle

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    Background: Two bovine species contribute to the Indonesian livestock, zebu (Bos indicus) and banteng (Bos javanicus), respectively. Although male hybrid offspring of these species is not fertile, Indonesian cattle breeds are supposed to be of mixed species origin. However, this has not been documented and is so far only supported by preliminary molecular analysis. Methods and Findings: Analysis of mitochondrial, Y-chromosomal and microsatellite DNA showed a banteng introgression of 10-16% in Indonesian zebu breeds. East-Javanese Madura and Galekan cattle have higher levels of autosomal banteng introgression (20-30%) and combine a zebu paternal lineage with a predominant (Madura) or even complete (Galekan) maternal banteng origin. Two Madura bulls carried taurine Y-chromosomal haplotypes, presumably of French Limousin origin. In contrast, we did not find evidence for zebu introgression in five populations of the Bali cattle, a domestic form of the banteng. Conclusions: Because of their unique species composition Indonesian cattle represent a valuable genetic resource, which potentially may also be exploited in other tropical regions. © 2009 Mohamad et al

    The Comparison of One and Two Steps Equilibration in Vitrification Process on The Morphology and Viability of Mouse Blastocysts

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    A study was conducted to compare the effect of one and two steps equilibration method of vitrificationon the morphology and viability of mouse blastocysts. Blastocysts were firstly exposed to modified PhosphateBuffered saline (mPBS) containing 1% Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) proceeded by exposure in mPBSrespectively containing 0.25M sucrose (S) for 2 minutes . Blastocysts were then exposed for 2 minutesrespectively to mPS+0.5M S (one step method) or in mPBS+0.5M S+10% ethylene glycol (EG) (two stepmethod).. Blastocysts were then exposed in mPBS+0.5M S+30% EG for 60 second, loaded into 0.25 mlplastic straw, and exposed immediately in vapor of liquid nitrogen for 10 second before they were and thenplunged into liquid nitrogen. The blastocysts were reconstituted by diluting with mPBS+0.5M S followedby mPBS+0.25M S for each 3 min and washed in mPBS without sucrose. The viability of cells was assessedby fluorescent vital staining, by re-expansion for 24 hours in vitro culture, and by implantation into therecipient oviduct. The percentages of morphologically normal blastocysts following recovery fromvitrification were higher (p<0.05) in one step equilibration than in those of two steps methods (89.6%. vs82.6%). The viability of blastocysts examined under light microscope after staining with biz-benzimidizepropidiumiodine and 24 hours in vitro culture in one step methods (64.0%; 57.8%) were higher (p<0.05)compared with two steps methods (40.0%; 35.6%), respectively. The implantation rate of vitrifiedblastocysts (23.1%) was not significantly different to that of fresh blastocysts (33.4%). These resultsshowed that the one and two step equilibration methods are effective for vitrification and maintaining theviability of the mouse blastocysts

    Number and Quality of Oocytes Collected from Heterotopic Autografted Mice Ovary after PMSG Induction

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    Heterotopic grafting sites can be useful in producing oocytes for in vitro Fertilization, therefore, maximising the oocyte yield from the graft by gonadotrophin stimulation would be advantageous. The aim of this study was to investigate the number and quality of oocytes collected from heterotopic autografted ovary after Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadothropin (PMSG) induction. Graft recipients were treated either with or without PMSG stimulation 48 hours prior to graft collection. Ovarian tissue from four weeks old mice (DDY strain) were autotransplanted under the kidney capsule of the same ovariectomized mice and the oocytes were collected 21 days after autotransplantation. The results showed that the average number of oocytes collected from autografted ovaries without PMSG induction were 9.0. ± 2.8 not significantly different with those received PMSG induction, 10.9 ± 5.1. The percentage of matured and fertilized oocytes and the developed embryos from the autografted ovaries without PMSG induction were 52.4, 33.4, and 26.0%, respectively not significantly different with those received PMSG induction, 53.2, 35.1, and 29.9%, respectively. The number of oocytes and the capacity to matured, fertilized and developed were significantly lower (P < 0.05) compared to the superovulated nongrafted (control) ovaries. In conclusion, PMSG induction on the graft recipients did not significantly increase oocytes yield from grafted heterotopic ovaries. The number and quality of oocytes produced from the autografted ovaries were lower than the superovulated nongrafted ovaries, but still can be used for in vitro embryo production after sequential in vitro maturation and fertilization

    Korelasi Antara Lama Kebuntingan, Bobot Lahir dan Jenis Kelamin Pedet Hasil Inseminasi Buatan pada Sapi Bali

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    Purpose of the research was to study the correlation between the gestation period with sex and birthweight of new born calves as the result of artificial insemination (AI) in bali cattle. Data were collecteddirectly from AI technicians in some districts in the province of bali from 1997 to 2003. A total, of 10759inseminated cows and 799 of which were with completed data of, date of birth, birth weight and sex ofcalves. The data were collected from 3 districts, involving Gianyar (205 samples), Badung (221 samples)and Bangli (373 samples). Result showed that the gestation period of bali cows were 284.4±5.7 days andbirth weight of 18.4±1.6 kg. Sex ratios (male : female) of bali calves resulted from AI in 1997 to 2003 were1.2:1. There were positive correlation between gestation period and birth weight (P&gt;0.01) as well asbetween gestation period and sex of calves with a high correlation coefficient (0.075) which proved thatmale calves had longer gestation period than females

    Heterotopic grafting sites can be useful in producing oocytes for in vitro Fertilization, therefore, maximising the oocyte yield from the graft by gonadotrophin stimulation would be advantageous. The aim of this study was to investigate the number and quality of oocytes collected from heterotopic autografted ovary after Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadothropin (PMSG) induction. Graft recipients were treated either with or without PMSG stimulation 48 hours prior to graft collection. Ovarian tissue from four weeks old mice (DDY strain) were autotransplanted under the kidney capsule of the same ovariectomized mice and the oocytes were collected 21 days after autotransplantation. The results showed that the average number of oocytes collected from autografted ovaries without PMSG induction were 9.0. + 2.8 not significantly different with those received PMSG induction, 10.9 + 5.1. The percentage of matured and fertilized oocytes and the developed embryos from the autografted ovaries without PMSG induction were 52.4, 33.4, and 26.0%, respectively not significantly different with those received PMSG induction, 53.2, 35.1, and 29.9%, respectively. The number of oocytes and the capacity to matured, fertilized and developed were significantly lower (P &lt; 0.05) compared to the superovulated nongrafted (control) ovaries. In conclusion, PMSG induction on the graft recipients did not significantly increase oocytes yield from grafted heterotopic ovaries. The number and quality of oocytes produced from the autografted ovaries were lower than the superovulated nongrafted ovaries, but still can be used for in vitro embryo production after sequential in vitro maturation and fertilization.

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    Heterotopic grafting sites can be useful in producing oocytes for in vitro Fertilization, therefore, maximising the oocyte yield from the graft by gonadotrophin stimulation would be advantageous. The aim of this study was to investigate the number and quality of oocytes collected from heterotopic autografted ovary after Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadothropin (PMSG) induction. Graft recipients were treated either with or without PMSG stimulation 48 hours prior to graft collection. Ovarian tissue from four weeks old mice (DDY strain) were autotransplanted under the kidney capsule of the same ovariectomized mice and the oocytes were collected 21 days after autotransplantation. The results showed that the average number of oocytes collected from autografted ovaries without PMSG induction were 9.0. + 2.8 not significantly different with those received PMSG induction, 10.9 + 5.1. The percentage of matured and fertilized oocytes and the developed embryos from the autografted ovaries without PMSG induction were 52.4, 33.4, and 26.0%, respectively not significantly different with those received PMSG induction, 53.2, 35.1, and 29.9%, respectively. The number of oocytes and the capacity to matured, fertilized and developed were significantly lower (P &lt; 0.05) compared to the superovulated nongrafted (control) ovaries. In conclusion, PMSG induction on the graft recipients did not significantly increase oocytes yield from grafted heterotopic ovaries. The number and quality of oocytes produced from the autografted ovaries were lower than the superovulated nongrafted ovaries, but still can be used for in vitro embryo production after sequential in vitro maturation and fertilization