37 research outputs found

    Particularităţile diagnostice ale bolii Wilson în legătura cu vârsta, sexul şi prezentarea clinică

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    Boala Wilson (BW) este o afecţiune genetică, autosomal recesivă, care afectează ficatul, creierul şi corneea. Scopul. Evaluarea particularităţilor clinice cu clasificarea fenotipică a bolii şi studierea relaţiilor între forma clinică a bolii, vârsta şi sexul pacienţilor. Material şi metode: Noi am analizat 40 de pacienţi cu diferite simptome, care reflectă BW. Diagnosticul a fost stabilit la toţi pacienţii cu afectarea inexplicabilă a ficatului şi/sau tulburări neurologice sau neuropsihiatrice, prezenţa inelului Kayzer-Fleischer, nivelul jos a ceruloplasminei serice, creşterea excreţiei cuprului urinar în 24 de ore. Pacienţii au fost clasifi caţi fenotipic şi s-a studiat relaţia între forma clinică a bolii, vârsta şi sexul pacienţilor. Rezultate: Schimbările neurologice au fost presente în 38 (95%) de cazuri. Pacienţii cu manifestări hepatice (media 17.3 ani; rata 9-30) au fost mai tineri în comparaţie cu pacienţii cu simptomele neurologice (media 24.6 ani; rata 12-36). Manifestările neurologice au fost asociate cu vârsta mai mare şi stabilirea mai îndelungată a diagnosticului. Nu au existat diferenţe semnificative privind distribuţia pe fenotipuri în raport cu vârsta sau sexul pacienţilor. Concluzii: Prezenţa manifestărilor hepatice la momentul diagnosticului BW descreşte cu vârsta, pe când cea a manifestărilor neurologice creşte. Distribuţia pe fenotipuri nu este influenţată de vârstă sau sex

    The labor market in the rural area of the Republic of Moldova

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    Any economic activity, under the conditions of a market economy, objectively associates the factor of production capital, with another essential factor, the labor factor, which is obtained through the labor market, thus constituting a market economy subsystem. The labor market is one of the most important elements of the market economy. The functioning of the labor market is influenced both by the economic factors and by the social-institutional nature. Economic factors are especially important for labor demand. Labor supply is modeled at the same time by economic factors (salary level as the price of this factor), but also by factors with a social or institutional coloration

    Development of the health protection system for the healing of the health capital

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    The health of the population is a basic element in the harmonious development of the state and a key element of economic security being in direct correlation with the state of the national economy and the political stability of society. Funding is one of the main factors determining the sustainable functioning of the health system and creates favorable conditions for meeting the needs and demand of the population in health services with the appropriate quality and volume. The effects or impact of research is the specification of ways to significantly improve the correlation and coordination capacity in health care, including effect on the efficiency of the system. The financial effects concern: ensuring the financial protection of the population; increasing the efficiency of the health services delivery system by streamlining the distribution of financial resources; ensuring the transparency of the health system; increasing the funding of the health system. On the other hand, the possible non-financial effects are expressed by: improving the health status of the population; increasing access and equity to necessary medical services; improving the quality of the services provided; rationalizing the use of health system resources; correlating the consumption of health services with the needs of the population

    Diagnosticul şi evaluarea formelor clinice ale pacienţilor cu boala Wilson în populaţia Republicii Moldova

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    WD is an inherited autosomal recessive copper accumulation and toxicity disorder affecting about 30 individuals per million population, but its frequency increaseas in populations where consanquinity is more common. The diagnosis depends on the demonstration of low serum ceruloplazmin and copper levels, increased urinary copper excretion, decreased incorporation of radio copper in to ceruloplazmin and evidence for copper deposition in the cornea (Kayzer-Fleischerring) and liver. The difi culty in family screening could be solved with access to molecular diagnosis. The drug treatment of Wilson`s disease is based on the use of copper chelators to promote copper absorption or both. Liver transplantation is successful for patients with liver failure that is unresponsive to medical treatment

    Sustainable development of the agricultural sector in the Republic of Moldova

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    The issue of sustainable development of the agriculture in the Republic of Moldova has become very important lately. Thus, the sustainable development of the agriculture in the Republic of Moldova can be defined as a continuous and consecutive growth of the agricultural activity results. The development of the agricultural sector is of major importance for the Republic of Moldova. The rural population is 58%, whose income comes from agriculture or from other agricultural activities. That’s why, the state should support the rural population, whose income is directly dependent on the agricultural sector. The main objectives of the rural development department are: creating viable rural areas, stimulating economic growth, increasing competition in the agriculture, food and forestry sectors, ensuring a sufficient level of self-sufficiency, rational use of natural resources and tackling climate change, setting favorable conditions for improving the quality of life in rural areas. The Republic of Moldova still has to work on them

    The development of the viticulture and wine sector export in the Republic of Moldova

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    The global viticulture and wine export competition is growing exponentially, manifested by the spread of new advanced technologies. These technologies have resulted in improved control over production processes and in the quality improvement of even cheap wines, in the massive entry of exporters from the "New World", whose sales have tripled since 1992. That’s why, the emergence of new import and export markets requires original and well-targeted strategies and approaches. Today the wine and viticulture sector in the Republic of Moldova depends on exports. Wine is one of the country's main export products. Over 90 percent of the produced wine production is exported. The wine industry has traditionally been the most powerful sector of the national economy of Moldova. In the past, our country was the largest wine exporter on the USSR market, because every second bottle of wine and every third bottle of sparkling wine was produced in our country

    Monitorizarea parametrilor clinici în stomatologia pediatrică – cerință empirică în stomatologia modern

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    Introduction. The vast majority of dental procedures can cause stress and systemic disorders in both adults and children. Continuous monitoring of clinical parameters of hemodynamic and respiratory status with monitoring techniques and devices is an indispensable requirement of contemporary dental treatments. Aim of the study. To review the need to use devices and practices for monitoring the parameters of hemodynamic and respiratory status during dental treatments in children. Material and methods. The research is based on the analysis of publications from the scientific databases of the national and international library from 2014-2022. The publications were searched in the online databases PubMed, MedLine, Google Scholar, SCOPUS, Hinari and Scihub. All publications on this topic were included in this study. Results. Current data from the literature demonstrate the need to use devices to monitor the parameters of hemodynamic and respiratory status during dental treatments in children. Anxiety and stress, common phenomena in dental practice are major risk factors that can affect the vital parameters of patients. Conclusion. Depending on the severity of the procedures, during the dental treatments in pediatric dental practice, different techniques and devices for monitoring vital parameters are recommended. In descending order, they include: trained staff, blood pressure monitoring, pulse oximeter, ECG, pre-tracheal stethoscope.Introducere. Marea majoritate a procedurilor din cadrul tratamentelor stomatologice pot provoca stres și tulburări sistemice, atât adulților, cât și copiilor. Monitorizarea continua a parametrilor clinici ai stării hemodinamice și respiratorii cu tehnici și dispozitive de monitorizare este o cerință indispensabilă a tratamentelor stomatologice contemporane. Scopul studiului: revizuirea necesității utilizării dispozitivelor și practicilor de monitorizare a parametrilor stării hemodinamice și respiratorii în timpul tratamentelor stomatologice la copii. Material si metode. Cercetarea se bazează pe analiza publicațiilor din bazele de date științifice ale bibliotecii naționale și internaționale din perioada 2014-2022. Publicațiile au fost căutate în bazele de date online PubMed, MedLine, Google Scholar, SCOPUS, Hinari și Scihub. Toate publicațiile cu referire la acest subiect au fost incluse în acest studiu. Rezultate. Datele actuale din literatura de specialitate, demonstrează necesitatea utilizării dispozitivelor de monitorizare a parametrilor stării hemodinamice și respiratorii, în timpul tratamentelor stomatologice la copii. Anxietatea și stresul, fenomene frecvent întâlnite în practica stomatologică sunt factorii de risc major, ce pot afecta parametrii vitali ai pacienților. Concluzie. În funcție de gravitatea procedurilor, pe durata tratamentelor stomatologice în practica stomatologică pediatrică, sunt recomandate diferite tehnici și dispozitive de monitorizare a parametrilor vitali. În ordine descrescătoare acestea includ: personal instruit, monitorizarea tensiunii arteriale, pulsoximetrul, ECG, stetoscopul pretraheal

    Monitoring of clinical parameters in pediatric dentistry - empirical requirement in modern dentistry

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    Introduction. The vast majority of dental procedures can cause stress and systemic disorders in both adults and children. Continuous monitoring of clinical parameters of hemodynamic and respiratory status with monitoring techniques and devices is an indispensable requirement of contemporary dental treatments. Aim of the study: to review the need to use devices and practices for monitoring the parameters of hemodynamic and respiratory status during dental treatment in children. Material and methods. The research is based on the analysis of publications from the scientific data bases of the national and international library from2014-2022. The publications were searched in the online data bases PubMed, MedLine, Google Scholar, SCOPUS, Hinari andScihub. All publications on this topic were included in this study. Results. Current data from the literature demonstrate the need to use devices to monitor the parameters of hemodynamic and respiratory status during dental treatment in children. Anxiety and stress, common phenomena in dental practice are major risk factors that can affect the vital parameters of patients. Conclusion. Depending on the severity of the procedures, during the dental treatment in pediatric dental practice, different techniques and devices for monitoring vital parameters are recommended. In descending order, they include: - trained staff, - blood pressure monitoring, - pulse oximeter, -ECG, - pre-tracheal stethoscope

    The impact of fiscal pressure in the viti-vinicultural sector and its role in the development of rural area in The Republic of Moldova

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    The wine sector is one of the strategic branches of the national economy of the Republic of Moldova. In this respect, ensuring a dynamic and balanced development of it, increasing the competitiveness and economic efficiency of the wine products, increasing the export potential of the country - all these need to be regulated by an effective and easily applicable legislative and normative framework. The absence of a coherent strategy at national level in the field of winemaking, in order to penetrate the product and promote it on the EU market, leads to the need to examine the impact of taxes on the financial situation of entities in the wine sector, to study the processes of taxation of entities in correlation with various indicators that characterizes economic and financial activity. All decisions in the field of the entity's economic policy, the modification of the product range, the replacement of the retail market and the deployment of other important measures require the forecasting of possible fiscal aspects. The underestimation of the expected fiscal consequences can lead to unpredictable situations for businesses in the wine sector. However, it is important for the entity not only to know the size of future tax payments, in the event of any changes in the indicators of its economic activity, but also to take measures to obtain economic indicators of the activity that would ensure its optimal taxation