42 research outputs found

    Nonverbal language – the weapon of the insurance agent

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    Within the insurance process, the person who insures as well as the person who wishes to buy an insurance policy must control well enough the communication techniques. In deed, the insurance is grounded on communication. Various scientific researches showed that most people involved in a business are very careful to what they say and the way they say it. Along with the way we speak, in the insurance field as well as in other many fields we tried to emplasize the necessity of ackowledging and controlling the nonverbal communication techiniques.nonverbal communication, insurance

    Solutions to incertitude: risk management in insurances

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    Business and risk have always been considered complementary concepts. Many companies are successful because of their ability to correctly recognize and to direct successfully all the risks resulting from the activities developed. Thus, we may say without being wrong, that risk represents an essential part in business.insurances, risk management, operational risk, financial risk, strategical sisk, hazard


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    In the new context of globalization, it is apparent the growth of insurances industry. The insurance world is continuously changing. New insurance types come into sight, while the old ones are constantly revised. Most of the developed countries turned the insurance industry into a motor generator of powerful social-economic progress. Therefore, for the economic and social national environment, it appears to be more and more necessary to surpass the actual state of research and to develop a longlasting environment in which insurance specialists could have credibility and a powerfully positive influence. Thence, in our paper, we treated some problems which are adverted to integrate financial services, new technically of finance risks, and tendencies in the products of assurance evolution.insurance, financial services, risk management, evolution, insurers.

    Tax competition – areas of display and efects

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    In the past, governments had more freedom in setting their taxes as the barriers to free movement of capital and people were high. The gradual process of globalization is lowering these barriers and results in rising capital flows and greater manpower mobility. Tax competition exists when governments are encouraged to lower fiscal burdens to either encourage the inflow of productive resources or discourage the exodus of those resources. With tax competition in the era of globalization politicians have to keep tax rates “reasonable” to dissuade workers and investors from moving to a lower tax environment. Most countries started to reform their tax policies to improve their competitiveness. However, the tax burden is just one part of a complex formula describing national competitiveness. The other criteria like total manpower cost, labor market flexibility, education levels, political stability, legal system stability and efficiency are also important.tax competition, positive effects, negative effects, flat tax

    Brief foray into taxation ethics

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    Ethics, according to a dictionary definition represents the "study of practical and theoretical aspects of morality, all moral standards of conduct appropriate to an ideology of a certain class or society". Therefore, the taxation action may be assessed, as any product of human interaction and in terms of ethics. But... is the taxation ethical?taxation ethics, moral standards, human interaction

    Direct Taxation - Directions of Harmonization

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    Most often, harmonization in the fiscal field concerned indirect taxation, and was aimed at assuring that national tax system do not interfere with the freedom of movement of goods, services, persons and capitals. There is no need to harmonize most part of direct taxation rules, as they are strictly enforceable the EU member states and they are thus an attribute of these states sovereignty. In the field of direct taxation, the community acquis mainly concerns the profit (company) tax and the capital tax and less the natural persons income tax.direct taxation, taxation system, harmonization

    To a High Developed Public Sector

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    Performance measurement is a systematic process who affords evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of an organization or a program. It applies real information (quantitative and qualitative characteristics) to help managers and customers (in our case, the citizens) to determine whether the expected results are being achieved. In Romania, the performance within the public sector represents a concept not so analyzed and rarely applied in practice. There is not the same situation in countries with a high developed economy , which represent an interest for us, alongside with the European integration.public sector, performance, performance measurement, public institutions

    Agricultural insurances in Romania: present and future aspects

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    Concern for risks that stifle investment and contribute to vulnerability of the rural poor is a driving force behind various types of agricultural insurance. Insuring small-scale farmers against crop losses to adverse weather or other hazards has attracted public sector involvement in the provision of agricultural insurance in many countries among which Romania. With few exceptions, such interventions have encountered severe problems owing to high administrative costs, moral hazard, adverse selection etc. Government interventions should be aimed at improving the accessibility and quality of private sector insurance. This will require the establishment of a framework for responding to severe systemic events affecting agricultural production, and establishing an appropriate regulatory environment to foster private sector innovation and investment in services for less catastrophic events. Thus, in this item we tried to illustrate some elemental incident to appearances agricultural insurances in Romania.agricultural insurances, moral hazard, adverse selection, weather insurance, weather derivative

    Automatic Fiscal Stabilizers

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    Policies or institutions (built into an economic system) that automatically tend to dampen economic cycle fluctuations in income, employment, etc., without direct government intervention. For example, in boom times, progressive income tax automatically reduces money supply as incomes and spendings rise. Similarly, in recessionary times, payment of unemployment benefits injects more money in the system and stimulates demand. Also called automatic stabilizers or built-in stabilizers

    Tax competition – areas of display and effects

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    In the past, governments had more freedom in setting their taxes as the barriers to free movement of capital and people were high. The gradual process of globalization is lowering these barriers and results in rising capital flows and greater manpower mobility. Tax competition exists when governments are encouraged to lower fiscal burdens to either encourage the inflow of productive resources or discourage the exodus of those resources. With tax competition in the era of globalization politicians have to keep tax rates “reasonable” to dissuade workers and investors from moving to a lower tax environment. Most countries started to reform their tax policies to improve their competitiveness. However, the tax burden is just one part of a complex formula describing national competitiveness. The other criteria like total manpower cost, labor market flexibility, education levels, political stability, legal system stability and efficiency are also important.peer-reviewe