105 research outputs found

    Simulations of biomolecular assembly processes at interfaces

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    Although biomolecular folding, binding, and assembly are usually conceived of as occurring in a bulk aqueous solution, there are numerous instances of such processes occurring near interfaces within cells. Examples of these interfaces include very large macromolecules, membranes bounding intracellular compartments and the cell membrane itself. Interfacial behavior of biomolecules is also important in several technological applications such as DNA-based nanomaterials, biosensors, and microarrays. In this talk, I will discuss several ongoing research problems in my group that illustrate rich behavior exhibited by biomolecules (protein, DNA) at interfaces

    Pair diffusion, hydrodynamic interactions, and available volume in dense fluids

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    We calculate the pair diffusion coefficient D(r) as a function of the distance r between two hard-sphere particles in a dense monodisperse suspension. The distance-dependent pair diffusion coefficient describes the hydrodynamic interactions between particles in a fluid that are central to theories of polymer and colloid dynamics. We determine D(r) from the propagators (Green's functions) of particle pairs obtained from discontinuous molecular dynamics simulations. At distances exceeding 3 molecular diameters, the calculated pair diffusion coefficients are in excellent agreement with predictions from exact macroscopic hydrodynamic theory for large Brownian particles suspended in a solvent bath, as well as the Oseen approximation. However, the asymptotic 1/r distance dependence of D(r) associated with hydrodynamic effects emerges only after the pair distance dynamics has been followed for relatively long times, indicating non-negligible memory effects in the pair diffusion at short times. Deviations of the calculated D(r) from the hydrodynamic models at short distances r reflect the underlying many-body fluid structure, and are found to be correlated to differences in the local available volume. The procedure used here to determine the pair diffusion coefficients can also be used for single-particle diffusion in confinement with spherical symmetry.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Relationship between thermodynamics and dynamics of supercooled liquids

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    Diffusivity, a measure for how rapidly a fluid self-mixes, shows an intimate, but seemingly fragmented, connection to thermodynamics. On one hand, the "configurational" contribution to entropy (related to the number of mechanically-stable configurations that fluid molecules can adopt) has long been considered key for predicting supercooled liquid dynamics near the glass transition. On the other hand, the excess entropy (relative to ideal gas) provides a robust scaling for the diffusivity of fluids above the freezing point. Here we provide, to our knowledge, the first evidence that excess entropy also captures how supercooling a fluid modifies its diffusivity, suggesting that dynamics, from ideal gas to glass, is related to a single, standard thermodynamic quantity.Comment: to appear in Journal of Chemical Physic