4 research outputs found

    Early antibody response against subspecies antigens in subclinical cattle-1

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    Ed to sera from experimentally infected calves (B). The time point for when each serum sample was collected is indicated in the margin beneath the images. The animal number is listed in the right margin. A whole cell lysate representing a majority of the proteins produced by is spotted in E12 and H12 for all dot blots. Three proteins present on the upper right corner of the array (in column 12) are polyhistidine tagged proteins (MAP0087, MAP2121c and MAP3084c). The remaining 89 spots contain MBP fusion proteins of coding sequences. Note that the MAP2121c coding sequence is represented twice on the array; once as an MBP fusion (spot F4) and also a polyhistidine tagged protein (12B).<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Early antibody response against subspecies antigens in subclinical cattle"</p><p>http://www.proteomesci.com/content/6/1/5</p><p>Proteome Science 2008;6():5-5.</p><p>Published online 28 Jan 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2265687.</p><p></p

    Early antibody response against subspecies antigens in subclinical cattle-3

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    E left margin and blotted onto nitrocellulose filters. The filters were placed into a slot blotting device and 1:500 dilutions of each cattle sera were loaded into independent slots. Each blot was further processed as described previously [29]. The positive control, indicated by the lane with a "+" sign above it, was probed with a monoclonal antibody developed against the MBP affinity tag as described previously [29]. These results demonstrate that MAP1087 and MAP1204 are detected by sera from naturally infected cattle in the subclinical phase of infection. Serum sample slot assignments: 1, cow 85; 2, cow 112; 3, cow 113; 4, cow 117; 5, cow 183; 6, cow 235; 7, cow 834; 8, cow 871 and 9, cow 2715.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Early antibody response against subspecies antigens in subclinical cattle"</p><p>http://www.proteomesci.com/content/6/1/5</p><p>Proteome Science 2008;6():5-5.</p><p>Published online 28 Jan 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2265687.</p><p></p

    Early antibody response against subspecies antigens in subclinical cattle-0

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    Ere detected at the day post infection (x-axis) for each calf. The total number of proteins detected is indicated on each bar. Note that similar numbers of proteins were detected by each animal at the end of the study period.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Early antibody response against subspecies antigens in subclinical cattle"</p><p>http://www.proteomesci.com/content/6/1/5</p><p>Proteome Science 2008;6():5-5.</p><p>Published online 28 Jan 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2265687.</p><p></p

    Early antibody response against subspecies antigens in subclinical cattle-2

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    He study period. The range observed between the two calves is indicated by statistical bars. Kernel Density Estimation performed on the log-transformed maximum intensity scores indicated there were three distinct normally distributed peaks. These distributions are statistically significant and define the proteins belonging to the weak, moderate, or strong response groups. The graph labeled high contains the seven proteins most strongly detected by the cattle sera and the graph labeled low contains the seven proteins that showed the least reactivity with cattle sera. The seven proteins in the medium category are also representative of reactive antigens that either showed low reactivity initially or declining reactivity with time.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Early antibody response against subspecies antigens in subclinical cattle"</p><p>http://www.proteomesci.com/content/6/1/5</p><p>Proteome Science 2008;6():5-5.</p><p>Published online 28 Jan 2008</p><p>PMCID:PMC2265687.</p><p></p