6 research outputs found

    Distal pedal bypass in an the era of endovascular procedures — still worthful and effective treatment option

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    Prezentujemy przypadek 70-letniego pacjenta, leczonego z powodu cukrzycy (leki doustne) i miażdżycy zarostowej tętnic kończyn dolnych, który zgłosił się do szpitala z powodu stałych, spoczynkowych bólów stopy lewej i martwicy palca III stopy lewej z naciekiem zapalnym przodostopia. W wykonanym badaniu angio-TK tętnic kończyn dolnych uwidoczniono typowy dla cukrzycy obraz obwodowej postaci miażdżycy z nasiloną kalcyfikacją ścian wszystkich tętnic podudzia i ich licznymi wielopoziomowymi zwężeniami i niewielkie zmiany miażdżycowe w tętnicach stopy. Wartości ABI dla obu kończyn były porównywalne i wynosiły 0,62. W badaniach laboratoryjnych odnotowano wysokie wartości parametrów stanu zapalnego (CRP). Uznano, że główną przyczyną dolegliwości bólowych pacjenta jest ropny stan zapalny w przebiegu zespołu stopy cukrzycowej oraz miażdżycy zarostowej tętnic kończyn dolnych i że w chwili obecnej pacjent nie wymaga leczenia rewaskularyzacyjnego. Wykonano amputację palca III stopy lewej i pacjenta wypisano do dalszego leczenia ambulatoryjnego. Po 8 tygodniach od amputacji, wobec braku gojenia rany, pacjenta zakwalifikowano do leczenia operacyjnego. Wykonano pomost naczyniowy z odwróconej żyły odpiszczelowej pomiędzy tętnicą podkolanową a tętnicą piszczelową tylną w miejscu jego przebiegu za kostką przyśrodkową. W ciągu kolejnych 10 tygodni uzyskano prawie całkowite wyleczenie rany.70 years old patient treated for type 2 diabetes mellitus (oral hypoglycemic agents) was admitted to the surgical department of our hospital because of rest pain of his left foot and necrosis of its third toe with underlying purulent inflammation of antetarsum. Computed tomographic angiography revealed typical for diabetes distal pattern of peripheral artery disease with a multilevel stenoses of both tibial and peroneal arteries with only distinct findings in pedal arteries. There was patent femoral and popliteal artery with typical calcification. ABI meassured bilaterally was of 0.62 and in laboratory assignments there was a rise of CRP level, that was 145 mg/l. Because of aferomentioned findings patient was temporally discharged of revascularization and his treatment was diminished to amputation of third toe of his left foot only. His pain resolved and it was obvious it was caused previously mainly by purulent inflammation. However after eight weeks of treatment his wound stayed still unhealed and anergic and then patient was treated surgically. We performed a distal pedal bypass originated in popliteal artery below the knee using inverted saphenous vein harvested in thigh. A runoff artery was posterior tibial artery just below the ankle. After next ten weeks the healing of postoperative wound was almost completed. Its bed was filled up with a granulation tissue and there was prompt epithelization

    Infection-related complications in patients with end stage renal failure dialyzed through a permanent catheter

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    Objectives Progression of renal failure leads to an increase in the number of patients who require forming dialysis access. Old age and a rising morbidity make it impossible to form a native arteriovenous fistula and a permanent catheter becomes the first choice. The presence of a catheter frequently generates complications, including infections, which may result in a higher mortality rate. Patients and methods A retrospective analysis data has been conducted, involving 398 patients who had permanent catheters implanted from 2010 to 2016. Out of this group, 65 patients who suffered infection-related complications have been identified. Risk factors for infection and a survival rate of the population have been estimated. Results Between 2010 and 2016, 495 catheters were implanted for 398 patients aged 68.73(13.26) years on average. 92 catheter-related infections (23.1%) were recorded in 65 patients. A higher risk of infection has been noted among younger patients, with coronary disease and heart failure. Patients affected by infection had 35.38% survivability as against 38.14% for those with no infection: p= 0.312. A higher mortality risk was identified among patients suffering catheter-related infections with cardiac implants and vascular prostheses. Unfavourable prognosis was for infections occurring together with hypotension, high leucocytosis, a low number of platelets and a high leukocyte/platelet ratio. Conclusion Dialysis patients who use permanent catheters run a high risk of infection-related complications, especially younger patients suffering from coronary conditions and heart failure. Severe catheter-related infections lead to a high mortality rate, therefore it is necessary to limit this form of access

    Eversion endarterectomy of the external iliac artery

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    Introduction. To redraw attention to the meaning and value of eversion endarterectomy (EA) of external iliac arteries as a still effective surgical method used in the treatment of advanced arterial occlusive disease. The authors of this article would like to present their experience in this scope. Material and methods. This is a presentation of the applied method of treatment; it comprises the descriptions of nine consecutive cases of patients suffering from atherosclerotic stenosis or occlusion of external iliac arteries and advanced lower limb ischaemia, manifesting in a short distance of claudication, rest pain and commencing necrotic lesions in the lower limbs, who were operated on in the years 2013–2014, for whom the restoration of patency in the external iliac arteries was achieved by use of eversion endarterectomy. It also comprises two other patients for whom the restoration of patency in the external iliac arteries was achieved by eversion endarterectomy but who were operated on for acute lower limb ischaemia. Results. In all but one patient the restoration of patency by eversion endarterectomy was successful, resulted in improvement of blood flow in the limb and reduction of the patients’ ailments. In one case there was no improvement and the patient required more surgical interventions. In the same case a retroperitoneal aneurysm arose, requiring surgical removal. In another case early thrombosis of the operated artery developed and was successfully treated with thrombectomy. The other patients reported alleviation or absence of pain directly after the surgery. In our patients’ group we noted one serious undesired extra-vascular event — a myocardial infarction type 2. Mortality after 30 days was zero. Conclusions. Eversion endarterectomy of the external iliac artery is an effective and relatively simple surgical method of known and proven effectiveness. It constitutes a bit forgotten but valuable supplement to an armamentarium of surgical methods in the treatment of atherosclerosis of an aortoiliac segment

    Tętniakowate poszerzenie protezy poliestrowej u pacjenta po operacji pękniętego tętniaka aorty brzusznej — opis przypadku i przegląd piśmiennictwa

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    A polyester graft dilatation is a rare complication after reconstructive surgery on blood vessels. The mechanism underlying it remains unclear while the procedures to follow in such cases have not been definitely established. The article presents the case of a 68-year old man who was operated in 2008 for a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm and in whose case the aortic graft diameter doubled subsequently. Admitted to hospital in a critical general condition, the patient underwent an emergency surgery. A classic laparotomy was performed and the abdominal aorta was reconstructed using a straight polyester graft (InterGard Knitted). The surgery itself was uncomplicated, nor were any complications registered during the postoperative treatment in the Intensive Care Unit and in the General Surgery Ward. The patient was discharged in a good general condition, without neurological deficits, with both the dorsalis pedis and the posterior tibial arterial pulses palpable in both feet. The patient remains in the care of the Surgical Outpatient Department. The postoperative follow-up over a number of years has revealed a continuous gradual dilatation of the vascular graft diameter. The regularly repeated scans (ultrasonography, angiotomography) detected a recurrence of aneurysm-like dilatation where the aorta had been reconstructed. The patient is in a good general condition and does not report any ailments. A physical examination has revealed no alarming symptoms. Based on collected literature, the conclusions of the present article briefly discuss the possible reasons for the afore-discussed complications and make suggestions as to the procedures to be followed in such cases.Tętniakowate poszerzenie protezy poliestrowej jest rzadkim powikłaniem po operacjach rekonstrukcyjnych naczyń. Mechanizm powstawania jest niejasny, a zasady postępowania w tych przypadkach nie zostały jednoznacznie ustalone. W niniejszej pracy autorzy pragną przedstawić przypadek 68-letniego mężczyzny leczonego operacyjnie z powodu pękniętego tętniaka aorty brzusznej w 2008 roku, u którego doszło do ponad dwukrotnego poszerzenia protezy aortalnej. Pacjent został przyjęty do szpitala w stanie ogólnym bardzo ciężkim i był operowany w trybie nagłym. Wykonano klasyczną laparotomię i rekonstrukcję aorty brzusznej za pomocą prostej protezy poliestrowej (InterGard Knitted). Leczenie operacyjne przebiegło bez powikłań chirurgicznych śródoperacyjnych i wczesnych pooperacyjnych. W związku z niewydolnością oddechową i krążeniową w przebiegu choroby pacjent początkowo był hospitalizowany na Oddziale Intensywnej Terapii (OIT), a następnie, po ustabilizowaniu funkcji życiowych, na Oddziale Chirurgii Ogólnej. Mężczyzna w stanie ogólnym zadowalającym, bez ubytków neurologicznych, z obecnym tętnem na tętnicach obu stóp został wypisany ze szpitala. Pacjent pozostaje pod kontrolą chirurgicznej poradni przyszpitalnej. Kilkuletnia obserwacja pooperacyjna ujawniła ciągłe stopniowe poszerzanie światła protezy naczyniowej. W regularnie powtarzanej diagnostyce obrazowej (USG, angioTK) zaobserwowano wytworzenie tętniakowatego poszerzenia protezy w miejscu uprzednio zrekonstruowanego odcinka aorty. Pacjent pozostaje w stanie ogólnym dobrym, nie zgłasza dolegliwości. W badaniu przedmiotowym nie stwierdza się niepokojących objawów. W podsumowaniu na podstawie zebranej literatury krótko omówiono możliwe przyczyny powstawania tego typu zmian, a także sugestie odnośnie do postępowania w podobnych przypadkach

    Abdominal aorta aneurysm screening program in Swietokrzyskie Voivodeship: early results

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    Introduction: The prevalence of abdominal aorta aneurysms (AAA) is estimated to be between 1.3–12.5%in men and 5.2% in women, which poses a serious public health issue. Ruptured aorta aneurysm most oftencauses internal bleeding and ultimately leads to death. The cause of high mortality is the asymptomatic occurrenceof AAA. Usually, the first symptom is its ruptureThe aim of our paper is to provide a relationship between the percentage of the population reporting to thevascular surgeon and the type of residence based on the analysis of data from screening studies carried out inone of the regions of Poland. Material and methods: Patients previously informed about the free diagnostics in the Provincial Hospital inKielce were examined by qualified physicians with ESAOTE MyLab Seven ultrasound device. Prior to that, patientswere asked to fill a questionnaire to acquire data about their risk factors, demography, and medical history. Results: A total of 22 (7.3%) aneurysms were found in a group of 301 patients, of which 20 (6.6%) werefound in men and 2 (0.66%) in women. Conclusions: Screening tests are an effective method to significantly improve early detection of AAAs. However,it is necessary to provide easier access to health professionals qualified to perform ultrasound examinations.It is especially important for the population of men with a family history of AAA, because they are at a higherrisk of developing this pathology. The incidence rate of AAA observed in our study is consistent with the datapublished in worldwide literature

    Jatrogenna przetoka tętniczo-żylna z workowatym poszerzeniem- opis przypadku

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    Iatrogenic pseudoaneurysm affects 2–8% of the population undergoing endovascular therapy. Arteriovenous fistula occurs in about 1–1.5% of patients. Ą very rare combination of the arteriovenous fistula with a large widening resembling a pseudoaneurysm is presented. An ultrasound examination performed at 2 months after an electrophysiological study revealed the presence of an abnormal sac over the right superficial femoral artery. Doppler mapping detected the presence of blood flowing into the sac. Simultaneously, a jet of enhanced blood flow was seen between the anomalous sac and the femoral vein. A contrast-enhanced CT angiography revealed the iatrogenic arteriovenous fistula between the right superficial femoral artery and the femoral vein with the saclike widening. Currently, there is no clear and consistent definition of the complication presented. The patient was referred for surgical management and his further recovery was uneventful.W populacji chorych, poddanych zabiegom wewnątrznaczyniowym, powikłania w postaci tętniaka rzekomego zdarzają się w 2-8% przypadków. Przetoki tętniczo- zylne występują u 1-1.5% pacjentów.W tej pracy przedstawiamy bardzo rzadkie powikłanie w postaci przetoki tętniczo- żylnej z jednoczesnym poszerzeniem jej kanału, imitującym tętniaka rzekomego.W badaniu ultrasonograficznym, wykonanym 2 miesiące po zabiegu elektrofizjologicznym, uwidoczniono obecność nieprawidłowej struktury workowatej w pobliżu t udowej "powierzchownej". Mapowanie metodą kolorowego dopplera ujawniło przepływ krwi we wzmiankowanej strukturze z jednoczesnym odpływem tejże do żyły udowej. Wykonana tomografia komputerowa z kontrastem potwierdziła obecność jatrogennej przetoki tętniczo- żylnej pomiędzy prawą t udową "powierzchowną" i żyłą udową z workowatym poszerzeniem jej kanału.Obecnie brak jest jednoznacznej definicji przedstawionego powikłania. Chory został przekazany do leczenia operacyjnego. Przebieg pooperacyjny był niepowikłany