53 research outputs found

    Age disparity of individuals in the network.

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    <p>The partnership formation probability function results in an age disparity in the model (solid lines) that closely matches the observed mean age disparity (dashed lines), as well as its standard deviation (not shown here) of the Dutch survey data.</p

    Distribution of contact profiles across countries (%)<sup>*</sup>.

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    *<p>based on most frequent classification in 100 runs with different ordering of cases</p

    The distribution of Ct prevalence, stratified by number of partners in the last year.

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    <p>Although the current model is fitted to the Dutch sexual contact network, the <i>Ct</i> prevalence distribution for those with 0, 1, and 2 partners in the last year corresponds well to the UK survey data. At higher levels of sexual activity, the model underestimates the <i>Ct</i> prevalence in individuals with an intermediate level sexual activity, and overestimates the <i>Ct</i> prevalence of the core group. The Ct prevalence in the highest category for the model is 22%. The <i>Ct</i> distribution shown here is the average of 15 years of sampling from 10 instances of the sexual contact network.</p

    Dutch sexual survey summary data.

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    a<p>Indicates mean and minimum-maximum number of individuals in this category.</p>b<p>1+ is defined as having 1 or more partners in the last six months.</p>c<p>data is not available for all ages due to small sample size.</p

    Median numbers of contacts for each cluster by country.

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    <p>Median numbers of contacts for each cluster by country.</p

    the age of sexual debut is the result of age of sexual availability, and the time it takes to find a first sexual partner.

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    <p>Data from the Dutch sexual survey is plotted in for both genders (dashed lines), and the model output (thick lines). The Kretzschmar model (gray line) results in a too-early age of sexual debut for both men and women (for clarity plotted together as one line).</p

    Cumulative plots of the lifetime number of partnerships (CLNP).

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    <p>Empirical data on the CLNP is available as a range for the Dutch sexual survey data (black solid lines), and as absolute numbers for the UK survey data (black dashed line). The Kretzschmar model (gray lines) struggles in reproducing the powerlaw-like distribution of the survey data, whereas the current model can closely reproduce such a distribution (orange lines).</p

    Duration of current and second-most recent partnership.

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    <p>The distribution of partnership duration of the current partnership (solid black lines, Dutch data), and of the second-most recent partnership (dashed black line, UK data). The Kretzschmar model has only short- and long-term partnerships, and thus provides a less precise fit to the data. The discrepancy between the UK data on long-term partnership duration and the model (bottom orange line) is the consequence of fitting the model to both the UK second-most recent partnership data and the Dutch survey data on the duration of the current partnership (top orange line).</p

    Model parameters for constructing capacity vectors.

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    <p>Model parameters for constructing capacity vectors.</p
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