112 research outputs found

    Hypoglycemic effect of Satureja montanum L. hydroethanolic extract on diabetic rats

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    ntroduction: Diabetes is one of the most prevalent metabolic disorders which is associated withseveral complications in different organs. Nowadays, medicinal herbs are being widely used totreat diseases. This study was conducted to study the hypoglycemic effect of Satureja montanum in diabetic male rats.Methods: In this study 42 male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to 7 equal groups includingcontrol, diabetic control, treatments 1, 2, and 3, metformin-treated diabetic, and healthytreated with Satureja montanum. To  induce diabetes streptozotocin (STZ) at 60 mg/kg wasintraperitoneally (ip) administered. The animals were treated daily with Satureja montanumextract (ip) for one week and their blood glucose was measured daily.Results: Satureja montanum extract could significantly decrease blood glucose. The greatest effectof the extract was seen on day 8 at 800 mg/kg (P < 0.001). Satureja montanum extract caused asignificant increase in serum insulin compared to the control group (P < 0. 001).Conclusion: The findings of this study indicate that Satureja montanum hydroethanolic extractis able to significantly decrease blood glucose of diabetic rats possibly with a stimulatory effect onbeta cells

    Medicinal plants, diabetes mellitus and urgent needs

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    Implication for health policy/practice/research/medical education: The limitation of available antidiabetic agents in terms of efficacy or safety coupled with the emergence of the disease into global epidemic have encouraged alternative therapy for the management of diabetes more safely and efficiently. Although alternative therapies with antidiabetic activity have been researched and used extensively, however, medical students either do not study these courses or their length of the study is too short. Therefore, complementary and alternative medicine is needed to be widely taught in medical schools and widely practiced in hospital

    Collection and assessment of traditional medicinal plants used by the indigenous people of Dastena in Iran

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    Introduction: Nowadays, traditional and herbal medicines have attracted the attention of researchers all around the world and despite the development of synthetic drugs, demand for plant-based medicines is growing. The main reason for this growing trend is increasing public concerns about the adverse effects of synthetic medicines. Traditional medicine and ethnobotany are two important issues that should be noted to achieve effective herbal medicines with considerable therapeutic effects. Traditional medicine is based on experience of people over centuries and ethno-botany is based on recognition of the native plants. Iran has very high plant diversity because of its different climate, ecosystems and soil conditions. Regarding increasing demand for medicinal plants, this study aimed to collect some native plant varieties growing in Dastena and to review some of local and folk application of these plants.Methods: In the present study, the plant species were collected during two consecutive years (2013-2014) and systematically identified. The traditional and local uses of collected plants were questioned through interviews with local people.Results: In this study, 90 plant species belonging to 30 families were collected and identified. They had various therapeutic effects. Lamiaceae and Asteraceae families had the highest use among the collected plants.Conclusion: Results of this study showed that herbal medicines in this area are mostly used to treat digestive and respiratory system disorders. They have economical values and should be studied and explored more detailed

    Prevalence of glucose metabolism disorder among over 10 years old thalassemic patients, Hajar hospital of Shahrekord, 2003

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    زمینه و هدف: تزریق مکرر خون، مدت و کیفیت زندگی بیماران مبتلا به تالاسمی ماژور را بهبود بخشیده اما آنها را در معرض خطراتی همچون افزایش مزمن بار آهن و هپاتیت های ویروسی قرار داده که اینها خود می توانند عامل بوجود آورنده عوارضی مانند اختلالات متابولیسم گلوکز در این بیماران باشند. با توجه به برگشت پذیر بودن بعضی از این اختلالات در این تحقیق فراوانی اختلالات فوق در بیماران بتا تالاسمی ماژور در بخش تالاسمی بیمارستان هاجر (س) شهرکرد تعیین گردید، تا بیماران مبتلا شناسائی شوند و برنامه درمانی مقتضی به آنها ارائه گردد. روش مطالعه: بدین جهت 80 بیمار شامل 40 بیمار تالاسمی ماژور 20-10 سال و 40 نفر غیر تالاسمیک، همسان از نظر سن و جنس به روش مورد – شاهدی تحت تست تحمل خوراکی گلوکز (پاسخ قند خون به 75/1 گرم به ازای هر کیلو گرم گلوکز خوراکی) قرار گرفتند و نتایج حاصله ثبت گردید. در بیماران تالاسمیک با توجه به ارتباط این اختلال با بار آهن و ابتلاء به هپاتیت های ویروسی، سطح فریتین سرم و نشانگرهای ابتلاء به هپاتیت ویروسی شامل آلکالین فسفاتاز - HbsAg – HCV Ab- SGOT – SGPT نیز تعیین شد. نتایج: شیوع اختلالات متابولیسم گلوکز در بیماران تالاسمیک 15 درصد بود . (10 درصد بصورت پنهان و 5 درصد بصورت دیابت آشکار) که در مقایسه با گروه غیر تالاسمیک بیشتر است (15 در مقابل 0 ، 01/0P=). ولی اختلالات متابولیسم گلوکز در بیماران تالاسمیک مبتلا به هپاتیت بیشتر از بیماران غیر هپاتیتی نبود. (6/16 درصد در مقابل 8/8 درصد 05/0P>). سطح فریتین سرم در شیوع بالای اختلالات متابولیسم گلوکز در بیماران تالاسمیک دخیل بود (05/0

    A review on promising natural agents effective on hyperlipidemia.

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    Hyperlipidemia is a prevalent disease and a major component of the metabolic syndrome resulting from various factors. This disease increases morbidity and mortality when combined with other prevalent diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases. The side effects of the current lipid-lowering drugs have increased the tendency to move toward traditional and alternative treatments. Epidemiological observations indicate that using alternative treatments, consumption of medicinal plants, diet, and consumption of fruits have had satisfactory results on the effects of hyperlipidemia in many societies. It should be noted that in majority of societies, even developed countries, the tendency toward eating lipid-lowering medicinal plants has increased extensively. Using these plants especially when common remedies cannot control the disease is significant. Although consumption of medicinal plants by hyperlipidemic patients may show improvement in disease state, drug interaction and side effects may cause complications in disease control. Therefore, in this review, apart from introducing some of the reliable plants effective in inhibition and decrease of hyperlipidemia, the possibility of their intoxication and drug interaction is also presented

    Effects of anethum on blood triglyceride, cholesterol and lipoproteins in comparison to gemfibrozil

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    با توجه به عوارض داروهای سنتتیک و اینکه استفاده از داروهای گیاهی پذیرش بیشتری در بین بیماران دارد، در این مطالعه، بر آن شدیم تا تاثیر آنتوم (داروی گیاهی) که به عنوان داروی پایین آورنده چربی خون در سالهای اخیر در ایران مورد استفاده قرار گرفته است بر تری گلیسیرید، کلسترول و لیپوپروتئین های خون در مقایسه با ژمفیبروزیل و همچنین تعیین عوارض ناشی از این دو دارو را در بیماران داوطلب بررسی کنیم. این مطالعه به صورت مداخله ای بر روی 77 بیمار داوطلب مبتلا به هیپرلیپیدمی که به صورت تصادفی به دو گروه تقسیم شدند، انجام شده است. گروه اول ژمفیبروزیل (900 میلی گرم روزانه) و گروه دیگر آنتوم (6 قرص روزانه) دریافت کردند و پس از دو ماه درمان، لیپیدهای خون اندازه گیری شد. آنتوم، کلسترول توتال را 18 و تری گلیسیرید را 38/7 کاهش داد و بر HDL تاثیری نداشت. ژمفیبروزیل تری کلیسیرید را 7/32 و کلسترول توتال را 41/9 کاهش وHDL را 91/3 افزایش داد. در این مطالعه ژمفیبروزیل تری گلیسرید را بیشتر از آنتوم کاهش (05/0