14 research outputs found
Effect of honey addition on fermentation kinetics and antibacterial properties of probiotic fermented milk
Cilj istraživanja bio je ispitivanje utjecaja dodatka bagremovog i kestenovog meda na fermentacijsku aktivnost i rast bakterija Lactobacillus casei Lc01, Bifidobacterium longum Bb46 i Bifidobacterium lactis subs. animalis Bb12 u kravljem, kozjem I sojinom mlijeku. TakoÄer je ispitan i utjecaj dodatka meda na senzorsku kakvoÄu fermentiranih mlijeka, preživljavanje probiotiÄkih bakterija i naknadno zakiseljavanje tijekom Äuvanja. Osim toga, ispitan je inhibicijski potencijal fermentiranog mlijeka s medom prema bakterijama Listeria monocytogenes and Yersinia enterocolitica. pH vrijednosti su mjerene pomoÄu pH metra, a broj živih stanica je odreÄivan standardnom mikrobioloÅ”kom metodom na MRS agaru. Nelinearna procjena kinetiÄkih parametara je provedena pomoÄu modificiranog Gompertzovog modela bakterijskog rasta. Inhibicijski potencijal fermentiranih mlijeka na test mikroorganizme je ispitan metodom izbuÅ”enih rupica u agaru. Senzorska svojstva fermentiranih napitaka je ocijenila panel skupina od 5 senzorskih analitiÄara metodom bodovanja. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da su obje vrste meda utjecale na fermentacijsku aktivnost i broj probiotiÄkih bakterija tijekom fermentacije sve tri vrte mlijeka. U usporedbi s kravljim mlijekom, u kozjem i sojinom mlijeku je zabilježena veÄa kiselost i veÄi broj bakterija u svim fazama fermentacije. Nastanak zona inhibicije rasta je ovisio o vrsti i koncentraciji meda, kao i o tipu mlijeka. Kestenov med je opÄenito imao veÄi inhibicijski uÄinak od bagremovog meda. Dodatak meda je poboljÅ”ao senzorska svojstva svih fermentiranih proizvoda.The aim of this research was to determine the stimulatory effect of acacia and chestnut honey addition on fermentation activity and growth of Lactobacillus casei Lc01, Bifidobacterium longum Bb46 and Bifidobacterium lactis subs. animalis Bb12 in cow, goat and soy milk. Effect of honey addition on the sensory quality of fermented milk, viability of probiotic bacteria and post-acidification during storage was also determined. Additionally, inhibitory potential of honey-sweetened fermented milk against Listeria monocytogenes and Yersinia enterocolitica strains was examined. In this study, the pH values were determined using a pH-meter, and viable count was determined by the standard microbiological methods on MRS agar. Nonlinear estimation of kinetics parameters was carried out according modified Gompertz model of bacterial growth. The inhibitory effects of fermented milk on indicator organisms were carried by agar well diffusion assay. The sensory properties of fermented beverages were evaluated by the panel group of 5 sensory analysts, using 20 points scoring system. Obtained results show that the both type of honey influenced on fermentation activity and number of the probiotic bacteria in all types of milk during fermentation. Compared to cow milk, higher acidity and CFU of probiotic bacteria were noted in the fermented goat and soy milk in all phases of the fermentation process. Development of zones of inhibition of growth depends on the type and concentration of honey, as well as on the type of milk. The chestnut honey had generally higher inhibitory effect than acacia honey. Addition of honey improved the sensory characteristics of all fermented products
Prevencija urogenitalnih infekcija oralnim unosom probiotiÄkih laktobacila
In general, lactobacilli are nonpathogenic part of the normal urogenital microflora and have been recognized as a barrier against colonization of unwanted (pathogen) microflora. The results of many in vitro studies suggest following mechanisms of probiotic lactobacilli action in urogenital tract: adhesion to urogenital cells, competition with pathogens for adhesive sites, production of biosurfactants, co-aggregation with pathogens, production of antimicrobial substances (organic acids, hydrogen peroxide and bacteriocins) and stimulation of immune system. From 80 different lactobacilli species isolated from human or animal intestinal and urogenital tract, only few lactobacilli strains possess optimal properties to be effective as probiotic therapeutics against infections in the urogenital tract. Combination of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 and Lactobacillus fermentum RC-14 was proposed as the best one for epithelial vaginal cells colonization and inhibition of uropathogens adhesion. The results of a number of clinical studies confirmed beneficial role of oral lactobacilli. However, the most of commercially available Lactobacillus strains, which are ordinary used in fermented dairy products,
are seriously limited in protection of urogenital tract when they are ingested orally.Laktobacili su dio standardne nepatogene normalne urogenitalne mikroflore, koji djeluju kao barijera protiv kolonizacije nepoželjne (patogene) mikroflore. Prema rezultatima mnogih in vitro studija probiotiÄki laktobacili u urogenitalnom traktu mogu djelovati putem sljedeÄih mehanizama: adhezija na stanice urogenitalnog trakta, natjecanje s patogenima za adhezivna mjesta, produkcija biosurfaktanata, koagregacija s patogenima, produkcija antimikrobnih supstancija (organske kiseline, vodikov peroksid i bakteriocini) i stimulacija imunoloÅ”kog sustava. U urogenitalnom traktu samo nekoliko sojeva laktobacila, od 80 sojeva laktobacila koji su izolirani iz probavnog i urogenitalnog trakta, ima terapijska svojstva. U kolonizaciji epitelnih stanica vagine i sprjeÄavanja adhezije patogena najuspjeÅ”nijom se pokazala kombinacija bakterija Lactobacillus rhamnosus GR-1 i Lactobacillus fermentum RC-14. Rezultati niza kliniÄkih studija potvrdili su blagotvorni uÄinak oralnog unosa probiotiÄkih laktobacila. MeÄutim, najveÄi broj komercijalno dostupnih Lactobacillus sojeva, koji se uobiÄajeno koriste za fermentacije u mljekarskoj industriji, ukoliko se unesu oralno imaju limitirano zaÅ”titno djelovanje u urogenitalnom traktu
Concentration of nutritional important minerals in Croatian goat and cow milk and some dairy products made of these
The concentration of the minerals (Ca, Mg and P) and trace elements (Zn, Fe) were determined in goat and cowās dairy products. The aim of this work was to determine the concentrations of mentioned minerals and trace elements in fermented dairy products made of goat milk, as well as in East Croatia traditional White Slice goat cheese. Obtained results show that goat milk and dairy products from goat milk had higher concentration of Mg and Fe than these of cow milk. Goat milk and dairy products from goat milk also had higher concentration of P, whereas the concentration of Ca was equally in goat and cow milk. However, significantly lower concentrations of Zn in goat milk and goat milk products were determined. Levels of analyzed major and trace minerals were higher in fermented dairy products and cheeses than in liquid milk. The levels of major and trace minerals in White Slice cheese were greater than those in fermented milk products. High content of phosphorus in White Slice goat cheese than in White Slice cow cheese was determined
Alteration of fatty acids content during cow\u27s and goat\u27s milk fermentation with ABT-2 culture
Cilj rada bio je ispitati utjecaj fermentacije kozjeg i kravljeg mlijeka ABT- 2 kulturom na promjenu udjela pojedinaÄnih masnih kiselina u kozjem i kravljem mlijeku. Svrha rada bila je utvrditi poveÄanje udjela pojedinaÄnih kratko (SCFA - short chain fatty acids) i srednje (MCFA - middle chain fatty acids) lanÄanih masnih kiselina tijekom fermentacije kozjeg i kravljeg mlijeka. Hipoteza u radu bila je da veÄi udjeli SCFA i MCFA tijekom fermentacije ABT-2 kulturom nastaju u kozjem nego u kravljem mlijeku. Rezultati rada pokazali su da se fermentacijski procesi brže odvijaju u kozjem mlijeku u usporedbi s kravljim. StatistiÄki znaÄajno veÄi broj stanica probiotiÄkih bakterija Bifidobacterium spp. i Lactobacillus acidophilus La zabilježen je tijekom fermentacije kozjeg mlijeka, uz istodobno brže padanje pH vrijednosti kozjeg mlijeka u odnosu na kravlje. Uslijed fermentativne aktivnosti bifidobakterija iz ABT-2 kulture poveÄavao se udio SCFA i MCFA u obje vrste mlijeka. MeÄutim, znaÄajno veÄi udio mjerenih SCFA i MCFA nastao je fermentacijom kozjeg mlijeka.In this paper, changes in composition and contents of each fatty acid during fermentation with ABT-2 culture were examined. The objective of this study was to determinate the increase of short (SCFA) and medium (MCFA) chain fatty acids in goat\u27s and cow\u27s milk during fermentation with ABT-2 culture. The hypothesis of this study was that higher contents of SCFA and MCFA are produced in goat\u27s milk in comparison with cow\u27s milk, during fermentation with ABT-2 culture. Obtained results have shown that fermentation process in goat\u27s milk is faster than in cow\u27s milk. The number of viable cells of probiotic bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 and Bifidobacterium spp. was statistically greater in goat\u27s milk than in cow\u27s milk; consequently, pH value decreased more obviously in goat\u27s milk than in cow\u27s milk during whole fermentation process. Increase of SCFA and MCFA contents during fermentation was noted in both types of milk due to activity of bifidobacteria derived from ABT-2 culture. However, considerably higher amounts of examined SCFA and MCFA were produced in goat\u27s milk than in cow\u27s milk
Inhibitory effect of goat and cow milk fermented with Bifidobacterium longum bb-46 on growth of uropathogenic Candida albicans
Cilj ispitivanja bio je utvrditi antagonistiÄki utjecaj kozjeg i kravljeg
mlijeka fermentiranog probiotiÄkom bakterijom Bifidobacterium longum Bb- 46 na rast uropatogenog kvasca Candida albicans. Hipoteza u ovom radu bila je da fermentirano kozje mlijeko ima moguÄe jaÄe inhibicijsko djelovanje na rast Candida albicans u usporedbi s fermentiranim kravljim mlijekom. Povrh toga, praÄene su korelacije izmeÄu stupnja inhibicije i odreÄenih parametara mlijeÄno kisele fermentacije (broj stanica Bifidobacterium longum Bb-46 i pH vrijednost). Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da fermentirano kozje mlijeko znaÄajno jaÄe inhibira rast Candida albicans u odnosu na fermentirano kravlje mlijeko (P<0,05). Nije utvrÄena nikakva korelacija stupnja inhibicije rasta Candida albicans s pH vrijednosti fermentiranog mlijeka i brojem živih stanica Bifidobacterium longum Bb-46 u fermentiranom kozjem i kravljem mlijeku.The study was carried out to determine the antagonistic influence of goat and cow milk fermented with Bifidobacterium longum Bb-46 on uropathogenic Candida albicans strain. The hypothesis of this study was that fermented goat milk could have possible stronger inhibitory effect on the growth of uropathogenic yeast Candida albicans than fermented cow milk. The correlation between the inhibitory effect and the time of fermentation (number of viable Bifidobacterium longum Bb-46 cells and pH of fermented milk) was also determined. The obtained results have shown considerably higher inhibitory effect of fermented goat milk on the growth of Candida albicans compared with fermented cow milk. There was no significant correlation between number of Bifidobacterium longum Bb-46 cells in fermented and the inhibitory effect; as well as between changes in pH during fermentation and inhibitory effect of fermented goat or cow milk
Upotreba prediktivnih modela za analizu rasta Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 u kravljem, kozjem i sojinom mlijeku
The aim of this study was to use a predictive model to analyse the growth of a probiotic strain Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 in cowās, goatās and soy milk. The Gompertz model was used, and the suitability of the model was estimated by the Schnute algorithm. Except for the analysis of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 growth, the Gompertz model was also used for the analysis of pH changes during the fermentation process. Experimental results, as well as the values of kinetic parameters obtained in this study, showed that the highest growth rate of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 was obtained in goatās milk, and the lowest in soy milk. Contrary to the growth of Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12, pH decreased faster in soy milk than in cowās milk. The highest rate of pH decrease was also observed in goatās milk, which is in correspondence with results of various previous studies. The Gompertz model proved to be highly suitable for analysing the course and the fermentation kinetics in these three kinds of milk, and might be used to analyse the growth kinetics of other probiotic and starter cultures in milk.Cilj rada bio je upotrijebiti jedan od prediktivnih modela rasta bakterija za analizu rasta probiotiÄkog soja Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 u kravljem, kozjem i sojinom mlijeku. KoriÅ”ten je Gompertzov model, a prikladnost modela je procijenjena Schnuteovim algoritmom. Osim za analizu rasta Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12, Gompertzov model koriÅ”ten je i za analizu kretanja pH vrijednosti tijekom fermentacije. Eksperimentalni rezultati, kao i vrijednosti kinetiÄkih parametara, dobiveni u ovom radu, pokazali su da je najveÄa brzina rasta Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 bila u kozjem mlijeku, a najmanja u sojinom mlijeku. Suprotno u odnosu na rast Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12, pH vrijednost opadala je brže u sojinom mlijeku nego u kravljem. NajveÄi pad pH bio je takoÄer u kozjem mlijeku, Å”to potvrÄuju rezultati naÅ”ih prethodnih studija kao i rezultati drugih autora. Gompertzov model pokazao se pogodnim za analizu tijeka i kinetike fermentacije u ove tri vrste mlijeka i može se koristiti za analizu kinetike rasta drugih probiotiÄkih i starter kultura u mlijeku
Craft brewing ā is it really about the sensory revolution?
The sudden craft breweries expansion currently occurring in Europe, and by that also in Croatia, has been a true conundrum. The question is why craft breweries currently undergo such intense propagation. The answers to this is not simple and has to be monitored from a few different angles: what are todayās consumerās preferences? Why this sudden need to drink posh beer? Health wise ā is it healthier to drink craft beer than industrial? The fact is that craft breweries offer beer with a story. The popularity of health benefits of moderate beer consumption, different reports in popular papers and magazines on polyphenolic and other anti-oxidative compounds that aid catching free radicals and reduce the damage they cause, contribute to the shift from industrial plane lager beer craft beer. In the eye of the scientific storm-genetic manipulation with yeast strains, and barley cultivars, water treatments, automatization, people choose simple procedures and raw materials that give them a feeling of uniqueness. This paper contributes to the knowledge of why craft breweries are taking on more and more popularity and why are consumers attracted to such products
Physico-chemical properties, spreadability and consumer acceptance of low-sodium cream cheese
Istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se istražila moguÄnost smanjenja natrija u krem siru, djelomiÄnom redukcijom odnosno zamjenom natrija pomoÄu kalijevih soli. Preliminarnim ispitivanjem odabrana su 4 naÄina soljenja: 100 % NaCl (kontrola), NaCl snižen na 65 % (T1), 35 % NaCl-a zamijenjeno KCl-om (T2), i mjeÅ”avina soli SalutĀ® na bazi KCl-a koja sadrži i tvari za prikrivanje stranih okusa (T3). Istraživanjem su ispitivana fizikalno-kemijska svojstva, boja, mazivost, prihvatljivost, kao i stupanj intenziteta specifiÄnih svojstava krem sira sa sniženim udjelom natrija. Snižavanje udjela natrija nije utjecalo na udio proteina, mlijeÄne masti i vode, aktivitet vode, kiselost i boju krem sira (P>0,05). MeÄutim, redukcija natrija je znaÄajno utjecala na mineralni sastav, mazivost i senzorska svojstva. Primjena mjeÅ”avina soli na bazi kalija znaÄajno poveÄava vrijednost omjera K:Na. Sirevi koji su sadržavali mjeÅ”avinu soli SalutĀ® od potroÅ”aÄa su dobili ocjene najbliže kontrolnom siru, u usporedbi s ostalim zamjenama. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da je moguÄe smanjenje udjela natrija u krem siru za 35 % primjenom nutritivno vrijednih mjeÅ”avina soli na bazi kalija, bez naruÅ”avanja prihvatljivosti proizvoda.The present study was performed to investigate the possibility of sodium reduction in cream cheese by partial reduction and substitution of sodium by potassium based salt. Four salt treatment were selected by preliminary study: 100 % NaCl (control), NaCl reduced to 65 % (T1), 35 % of NaCl substituted by KCl (T2), and KCl-based salt mixture SalutĀ® which contains offflavours masking compound (T3). The study was evaluated physico-chemical attributes, colour, spreadability, sensory acceptance, as well as level of intensity of specific attributes of low-sodium cream cheese. Sodium reduction not influenced on the protein, fat and moisture content, water activity, acidity and the colour of cream cheese (P>0.05). However, sodium reduction significantly influenced to mineral composition, spreadability and sensory properties. The use of potassium salt substitutes significantly increased the value of K:Na ratio. Cheese containing commercial salt replacer SalutĀ® had the closest hedonic score to control cheese compared to other replacers. The current research demonstrates that sodium content can be reduced by 35 % in cream cheese using a nutritionally valuable potassium-based salt mixture, without compromising the consumer acceptance
Inhibicijski uÄinak kozjega i kravljega mlijeka s dodatkom meda, fermentiranog s Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12 na rast bakterije Listeria monocytogenes
The aim of the study was to determine the influence of honey addition on fermentation of goat and cow milk with Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12. Additionally, inhibitory potential of honey-sweetened fermented goat and cow milk against Listeria monocytogenes strain was examined. Two monofloral honey types, dark-colored chestnut and light-colored acacia honey were added. The basic hypothesis of this study was that addition of honey could have influence on the growth of Bifidobacterium lactis during the fermentation of goat and cow milk. Furthermore, higher inhibitory potential caused by honey addition against Listeria monocytogenes has been assumed. Compared to cow milk, higher acidity and CFU of Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12 were noted in the fermented goat milk in all phases of the fermentation process. The results of this study show that both types of honey enhanced growth and acidity of the Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12 in both milk types during fermentation. A disc assay has shown that development of growth inhibition zones depends on the type and concentration of honey, as well as on the milk type. The chestnut honey had generally higher inhibitory effect than acacia honey.U radu je ispitivan utjecaj dodatka meda na tijek fermentacije kozjega i kravljega mlijeka probiotiÄkom bakterijom Bifidobacterium lactis Bb- 12. TakoÄer, ispitivan je utjecaj medom zaslaÄenoga fermentiranoga kozjega i kravljeg mlijeka na inhibicijsko djelovanje rasta bakterije Listeria monocytogenes. Mlijeku su dodavane dvije vrste meda - tamna vrsta kestenova meda i svijetla vrsta bagremova meda. Osnovna pretpostavka u radu bila je da dodatak meda može utjecati na tijek fermentacije kozjega i kravljeg mlijeka, te na brzinu rasta Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12 u mlijeku. Pretpostavljen je i jaÄi inhibicijski uÄinak fermentiranog mlijeka na rast Listeria monocytogenes uzrokovan dodatkom meda mlijeku prije fermentacije. Rezultati ispitivanja pokazali su da obje vrste meda poboljÅ”avaju rast i aktivnost Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12 u obje vrste mlijeka tijekom fermentacije. Istovremeno, u kozjem je mlijeku tijekom cijelog razdoblja fermentacije zabilježena viÅ”a kiselost i veÄi broj stanica Bifidobacterium lactis Bb-12 nego u kravljem mlijeku. Testovi inhibicije rasta bakterije Listeria monocytogenes pokazali su da su veliÄine zona inhibicije ovisile o svim ispitivanim Äimbenicima - vrsti mlijeka, vrsti dodanog meda, kao i o udjelu dodanog meda mlijeku prije fermentacije. Uzorci fermentiranog mlijeka s dodatkom kestenova meda jaÄe su inhibirali rast bakterije Listeria monocytogenes nego uzorci s dodatkom bagremova meda