79 research outputs found

    Resolution No. 818/009 - Wind Farm

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    Authorizes the company Nuevo Manantial S.A. -the first to create a wind farm in the Country- an increase in the generation of wind power from 4 MW to 10 MW, to support the goal of 300 MW from renewable energy sources in the entire Country by 2015

    Decree No. 296/008 - Broadens the regulations stated in Decree No. 397/007

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    Broadens the regulations regarding the energy providers\u27 contracts stated in Decree No. 397/007

    Decree No. 403/009 - Contracts for the Generation of Wind Power

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    The National Administration of Power Stations and Transmissions will promote the execution of contracts with private companies for the generation of 150 MW of wind power and will leave on hold the regulations for a 2nd phase of an additional 150 MW, which will add up to a grand total of 300 MW by 2015

    Decree No. 299/008 - Modifies Art. 2 of Decree No. 77/006

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    Modifies Art. 2, III) of Decree No. 77-006. Only certain power stations will be affected by this article

    Wind Power in Guatemala

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    This report outlines different aspects of the use of wind power, such as its advantages, the potential for the development of power plants and the wind potential in Guatemala; it also mentions a project which has as main goal the measurement of wind speed and direction in strategic places in the country

    Decree No. 93-96 - General Electricity Law

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    General law rules the generation, transportation, distribution and commercialization of electricity in Guatemala. Art. 16 talks about the development of Distributed Renewable Generation, which it defines as the generation of energy by means of renewable resource

    Distrito minero de Huaypetue

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    El presente informe enfoca la problemática del distrito minero de Huaypetue, ciudad ubicada al SO del departamento de Madre de Dios, en los aspectos, minero, catastral, geológico y ambiental efectuado por los Ings. Herbert Uscuchagua Carhuaricra, Germán Li Hoyos, Manuel Paz Maidana y Luis Calzada Palomino del MEM, RPM e INGEMMET respectivamente. El presente Informe contiene un enfoque del Aspecto Legal y Técnico de lo que acontece en la zona

    Ministerial Resolution 410-2010-MEM/DM - Creation of the Peru-Ecuador Energy Exchange Commission

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    This Commission will be in charge of the definition of the conditions for the electricity exchange between Peru and Ecuador, as well as their negotiation with the Government of Ecuador

    Reactivación sostenible Sector Energético: Por el camino de la transformación

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    Presentación de Viceministro de Minas y Energía, en el marco de la reactivación económica del país

    Elementos de productividad minera

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    El trabajo de una mina se organiza de acuerdo a los objetivos trazados por el pequeño productor o empresario minero, así tenemos que se presentan varios casos, siendo los más comunes. A) Minas que son concesiones y tienen mineral probado y probable. B) Minas que son denuncios o colecciones y todavía no tienen mineral probado y probable