38 research outputs found

    Contig assembly error identification through genome map comparison.

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    <p>The top line represents the <i>in silico</i> map for the original sequence assembly, the majority of which is covered by a single sequence contig. The genome map matches on the left and right sides of the contig (shown with shaded boxes). ∼3 kb of sequence was incorrectly inserted into the contig during assembly.</p

    Two-color genome mapping with two enzymes.

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    <p>A. The DNA backbone is stained with YOYO-1 and loaded into the port of a nanochannel array chip. The DNA molecules are introduced into the region with pillars and micron-scale relaxation channels by an electric field where they unwind and linearize. Finally, they are moved into the 45 nm nanochannels, where they stretch uniformly to 85% of the length of perfectly linear B-DNA. B. Linearized BAC DNA molecules in nanochannels. The DNA molecule is stained with YOYO-1, and Nt.BspQI and Nt.BbvCI nicks are labeled with green and red dyes, respectively. C. Molecule length and nick locations are extracted from the images by custom image-analysis software. By clustering individual molecules with high similarity of green label patterns, distinct patterns are extracted (top panel). The locations of the red labels are then overlaid on the green label patterns (middle pattern). A histogram plot of the above clusters is shown in the bottom panel. The peaks represent the location of each sequence motif (GCTCTTC and CCTCAGC) along the linearized DNA molecules. D. Consensus maps for individual BAC clones are shown. Consensus maps are combined by using overlapping patterns, and the final genome map is shown at the bottom. E. The clone map from genome mapping is shown at the top and the full genome map as a grey bar with Nt.BspQI and Nt.BbvCI motif locations in green and red. Below the genome map, in blue, is the physical map from SNaPshot fingerprinting. The total length of the genome map is 2.1 Mb.</p

    Deletion of incorrect contigs in genome map-guided <i>de novo</i> sequence assembly.

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    <p>The original assembly contained two Nt.BspQI sites and ∼8 kb of sequence that were absent from the genome map. The top image is output from gsAssembler and shows the scaffolding of contigs using paired-end reads. The green line represents the sequence coverage for each region. Paired-end reads are represented by pink (high coverage) and aqua (low coverage) carrots (□). The three contigs with red bars beneath them contain the extra sequence motifs and total sequence consistent with the predicted incorrect scaffold. They also contain weak paired-end data indicating that the contigs are misplaced. The bottom line shows the sequence assembly after deletion of the three contigs with red bars.</p