95 research outputs found

    Dislocation Formation and Work-Hardening in Two-Phase Alloys

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    A phase field model is presented to investigate dislocation formation (coherency loss) and workhardening in two-phase binary alloys. In our model the elastic energy density is a periodic function of the shear and tetragonal strains, which allows multiple formation of slips (dislocation dipoles). By numerically integrating the dynamic equations in two dimensions, we find that dislocations appear in pairs in the interface region and grow into slips. One end of each slip glides preferentially into the softer region, while the other end remains trapped at the interface. Under uniaxial stretching at deep quenching, slips appear in the softer regions and do not penetrate into the harder domains, giving rise to an increase of the stress with increasing applied strain in plastic flow.Comment: 14 figures (Higher resolution figures can be obtained at http://stat.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~minami_a/pict/cond-mat0405177/

    Phase transition in compressible Ising systems at fixed volume

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    Using a Ginzburg-Landau model, we study the phase transition behavior of compressible Ising systems at constant volume by varying the temperature TT and the applied magnetic field hh. We show that two phases can coexist macroscopically in equilibrium within a closed region in the TT-hh plane. It occurence is favored near tricriticality. We find a field-induced critical point, where the correlation length diverges, the difference of the coexisting two phases and the surface tension vanish, but the isothermal magnetic susceptibility does not diverge in the mean field theory. We also investigate phase ordering numerically.Comment: 13 figure

    Abnormal Movements of Japanese Infants following Treatment with Midazolam in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Incidence and Risk Factors

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    Background. This study was conducted to investigate the incidence of, and factors associated with, myoclonus-like abnormal movements of Japanese infants following treatment with midazolam in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Methods. We retrospectively investigated abnormal movements and associated risk factors in Japanese infants (less than 1 year old) who received continuous intravenous midazolam treatment in the NICU of the Neonatal Medical Center, Kumamoto City Hospital, Japan, between April 2007 and March 2009. Results. The study included 94 infants who received 119 sessions of midazolam treatment in total. Nine infants (9.6%) developed abnormal movements attributable to midazolam. These nine patients had a significantly lower gestational age at birth, a significantly lower number of weeks after conception at the start of midazolam treatment, and significantly lower body weight compared with patients free of abnormal movements. Logistic regression analysis revealed neonatal asphyxia as a factor associated with an elevated risk of abnormal movements (P = 0.03). Conclusion. The incidence of abnormal movements after midazolam treatment was about 9.6% among the Japanese NICU infants. This result suggests that neonatal asphyxia may be involved in the onset of abnormal movements in infants treated with midazolam

    Neonatal Lethality in Knockout Mice Expressing the Kinase-Dead Form of the Gefitinib Target GAK Is Caused by Pulmonary Dysfunction

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    Gefitinib (Iressa) is an inhibitor of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) that has shown promising activity in the treatment of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). However, adverse side effects of gefitinib treatment, such as respiratory dysfunction, have limited the therapeutic benefit of this targeting strategy. The present results show that this adverse effect can be attributed to the inhibition of the novel gefitinib target GAK (Cyclin G-associated kinase), which is as potently inhibited by the drug as the tyrosine kinase activity of EGFR. Knockout mice expressing the kinase-dead form of GAK (GAK-kd) died within 30 min after birth primarily due to respiratory dysfunction. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed that surfactant protein A (SP-A) was abundant within alveolar spaces in GAK-kd+/+ mice but not in GAK-kd-/- pups. E-cadherin and phosphorylated EGFR signals were also abnormal, suggesting the presence of flat alveolar cells with thin junctions. These results suggest that inhibition of GAK by gefitinib may cause pulmonary alveolar dysfunction, and the present study may help prevent side effects associated with gefitinib therapy in NSCLC patients

    LIPUS effect on osteoarthritic TMJs

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effect of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) application on rat temporomandibular joints (TMJs) with early-stage of osteoarthritis-like conditions induced by mechanical overloading. Fifteen-week-old male Wistar rats were divided into two experimental groups and a control group (n = 10 each). Both TMJs of all rats in one experimental group were subjected to mechanical overloading for 5 d, and those in the other experimental group were exposed to LIPUS for 20 min/d after overloading. Condyles were assessed using micro-computed tomography, histology and histomorphometry. LIPUS treatment attenuated cartilage degeneration, decreased the number of osteoclastic cells and restored the expression of aggrecan after an initial decrease induced by mechanical overloading. These results indicate that LIPUS may have a protective effect on the early progression of TMJ osteoarthritis

    Distinct Effects of Ketone Bodies on Down-Regulation of Cell Surface Insulin Receptor and Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 Phosphorylation in Adrenal Chromaffin Cells

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    ABSTRACT Treatment (м24 h) of cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells with ketoacidosis-related concentrations (м3 mM) of acetoacetate (but not ␤-hydroxybutyrate, acetone, and acidic medium) caused a time-and concentration-dependent reduction of cell surface 125 I-insulin binding by ϳ38%, with no change in the K d value. The reduction of 125 I-insulin binding returned to control nontreated level at 24 h after the washout of acetoacetate-treated cells. Acetoacetate did not increase the internalization rate of cell surface insulin receptor (IR), as measured in the presence of brefeldin A, an inhibitor of cell surface vesicular exit from the trans-Golgi network. Acetoacetate (10 mM for 24 h) lowered cellular levels of the immunoreactive IR precursor molecule (ϳ190 kDa) and IR by 22 and 28%, respectively. Acetoacetate decreased IR mRNA levels by ϳ23% as early as 6 h, producing their maximum plateau reduction at 12 and 24 h. The half-life of IR mRNA was shortened by acetoacetate from 13.6 to 9.5 h. Immunoprecipitation followed by immunoblot analysis revealed that insulin-induced (100 nM for 10 min) tyrosine-phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) was attenuated by 56% in acetoacetate-treated cells, with no change in IRS-1 level. These results suggest that chronic treatment with acetoacetate selectively down-regulated the density of cell surface functional IR via lowering IR mRNA levels and IR synthesis, thereby retarding insulin-induced activation of IRS-1

    Cytology Reporting System for Lung Cancer from the Japan Lung Cancer Society and the Japanese Society of Clinical Cytology: An Extensive Study Containing More Benign Lesions

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    Introduction: The Japan Lung Cancer Society (JLCS) and the Japanese Society of Clinical Cytology (JSCC) have proposed a new four-tiered cytology reporting system for lung carcinoma (JLCS-JSCC system). Prior to the proposal, the Papanicolaou Society of Cytopathology (PSC) had proposed a revised reporting system (PSC system), which comprises the “neoplastic, benign neoplasm, and low-grade carcinoma” category (N-B-LG category), in addition to the 4 categories of the JLCS-JSCC system. This study aimed to evaluate the interobserver agreement of the JLCS-JSCC system with an additional dataset with more benign lesions in comparison with the PSC system. Methods: We analyzed 167 cytological samples, which included 17 benign lesions, obtained from the respiratory system. Seven observers classified these cases into each category by reviewing one Papanicolaou-stained slide per case according to the JLCS-JSCC system and PSC system. Results: The interobserver agreement was moderate in the JLCS-JSCC (k = 0.499) and PSC (k = 0.485) systems. Of the 167 samples, 17 samples were benign lesions: 7 pulmonary hamartomas, 5 sclerosing pneumocytomas, 2 squamous papillomas, one solitary fibrous tumor, one meningioma, and one lymphocytic proliferation. There were diverse sample types as follows: 11 touch smears, 3 brushing smears, 2 aspirations, and one sputum sample. Fourteen samples (82.3%) were categorized into “negative” or “atypical” by more than half of the observers in the JLCS-JSCC system. Conversely, 3 samples were categorized as “suspicious” or “malignant” by more than half of the observers in the JLCS-JSCC system. On the other hand, 11 samples (64.7%) were categorized into the N-B-LG category by more than half of the observers in the PSC system. Conclusions: The concordance rate in the JLCS-JSCC system was slightly higher than that in the PSC system; however, the interobserver agreement was moderate in both the JLCS-JSCC and PSC systems. These results indicate that both the JLCS-JSCC and PSC systems are clinically useful. Therefore, both systems are expected to have clinical applications. It may be important to integrate the 2 systems and construct a universal system that can be used more widely in clinical practice

    Sheared Solid Materials

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    We present a time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau model of nonlinear elasticity in solid materials. We assume that the elastic energy density is a periodic function of the shear and tetragonal strains owing to the underlying lattice structure. With this new ingredient, solving the equations yields formation of dislocation dipoles or slips. In plastic flow high-density dislocations emerge at large strains to accumulate and grow into shear bands where the strains are localized. In addition to the elastic displacement, we also introduce the local free volume {\it m}. For very small mm the defect structures are metastable and long-lived where the dislocations are pinned by the Peierls potential barrier. However, if the shear modulus decreases with increasing {\it m}, accumulation of {\it m} around dislocation cores eventually breaks the Peierls potential leading to slow relaxations in the stress and the free energy (aging). As another application of our scheme, we also study dislocation formation in two-phase alloys (coherency loss) under shear strains, where dislocations glide preferentially in the softer regions and are trapped at the interfaces.Comment: 16pages, 11figure