49 research outputs found

    Measuring equity market integration using uncorrelated information flows: Tokyo, London and New York

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    Equity markets do not pass all overnight information into prices instantly at the opening of trade. We adjust open-to-close return series for non-instantaneous information absorption and then use adjusted series to measure integration among three major equity markets. Because the adjusted daytime return series are uncorrelated, we can accurately measure the size, and identify the sources, of transmissions. Overnight news, as represented by foreign open-to-close returns, explains 13% of opening price variation (close-toopen returns) in NewYork, 14% in Tokyo and 30% in London. ForNewYork and Tokyo, the largest influences come from the market that trades immediately prior (London and New York respectively) whereas opening price variation in London is linked closer with New York than Tokyo. Foreign volatility spillovers are also significant, and subject to asymmetric effects

    Management Information System

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    Valuing volatility spillovers

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    We show that volatility spillovers are large enough to matter to investors. We demonstrate that standard deviations of returns to mean-variance portfolios of European equities fall by 11.5% at daily, weekly, and monthly rebalancing horizons when volatility spillovers are included in covariance forecasts. We estimate the conditional second moment matrix of (synchronized) daily index returns for the London, Frankfurt and Paris stock markets via two asymmetric dynamic conditional correlation models (A-DCC): the unrestricted model includes volatility spillovers and the restricted model does not. We combine covariance forecasts from the restricted and unrestricted models with a wide range of assumed returns relatives via a polar co-ordinates method, and compute out-of-sample realized portfolio returns and variances for testing. DieboldMariano tests confirm that most risk reductions are statistically significant. Stochastic dominance tests indicate that portfolios accounting for volatility spillover would be preferred by risk adverse agents

    Carbon Trading: Theory and Practice

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    We present a summary of current initiatives to climate change management including a review of existing carbon trading schemes and the economic arguments supporting those schemes. We also outline conditions under which the existing carbon market structures are optimal as well as those under which improvements upon the current schemes can be made

    Unobservable shocks as carriers of contagion

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    We propose an identified structural GARCH model to disentangle the dynamics of financial market crises. We distinguish between the hypersensitivity of a domestic market in crisis to news from foreign non-crisis markets, and the contagion imported to a tranquil domestic market from foreign crises. The model also enables us to connect unobserved structural shocks with their source markets using variance decompositions and to compare the size and dynamics of impulses during crises periods with tranquil period impulses. To illustrate, we apply the method to data from the 19971998 Asian financial crisis which consists of a complicated set of interacting crises. We find significant hypersensitivity and contagion between these markets but also show that links may strengthen or weaken. Impulse response functions for an equally-weighted equity portfolio show the increasing dominance of Korean and Hong Kong shocks during the crises and covariance responses demonstrate multiple layers of contagion effects

    Testing for Identification in SVAR-GARCH Models: Reconsidering the Impact of Monetary Shocks on Exchange Rates

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    Changes in residual volatility in vector autoregressive (VAR) models can be used for identifying structural shocks in a structural VAR analysis. Testable conditions are given for full identification for the case where the volatility changes can be modelled by a multivariate GARCH process. Formal statistical tests are presented for identification and their small sample properties are investigated via a Monte Carlo study. The tests are applied to investigate the validity of the identification conditions in a study of the effects of U.S. monetary policy on exchange rates. It is found that the data do not support full identification in most of the models considered, and the implied problems for the interpretation of the results are discussed

    Data for: Mapping Out Network Connections Between Residential Property Markets

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    Real Residential Property Price Indice

    Data for: Mapping Out Network Connections Between Residential Property Markets

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