10 research outputs found

    Krachtige leeromgevingen: een handreiking bij het ontwerpen van Innovation Labs

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    We starten in hoofdstuk 1 met de uitleg van wat de kern uitmaakt van een I-Lab: wat bepaalt de kracht ervan? Je treft hier de term krachtige leeromgeving aan en je maakt kennis met de vijf karakteristieken die uitgewerkt moeten worden wil er een krachtige leeromgeving kunnen ontstaan; De vijf karakteristieken worden nader verkend en de onderlinge relatie tussen de karakteristieken wordt zichtbaar gemaakt. We brengen verdieping aan in onderdelen van de karakteristieken zoals het vraagstuk, het leerproces en professionele excellentie. Wat bedoelen we wanneer we deze begrippen gebruiken? In hoofdstuk 2 zijn aanvullende en hopelijk ook verhelderende overwegingen te vinden. Ze gaan over begrippen die steeds terugkomen en waar verschillende invullingen voor bestaan afhankelijk van vanuit welk perspectief gekeken wordt. In hoofdstuk 3 sluiten we tenslotte af met te onderscheiden invalshoeken bij het ontwerpen van een krachtige leeromgeving als een I-Lab. Het ontwerpproces blijkt een iteratief, onderzoekend en lerend ontwikkelingsproces voor de betrokkenen te zijn

    Powerful learning environments: a guide to designing innovation labs

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    Section 1 of this document begins by explaining the essence of an I-Lab. What makes it so powerful? Readers will come across the term ‘powerful learning environment’ and acquaint themselves with the five characteristics that must be present for such an environment to emerge. We explore the five characteristics in greater detail and reveal how they are interrelated. We also investigate various elements of these characteristics, such as the issue to be examined, the learning process and professional excellence. What do we mean when we use these terms? Section 2 presents additional considerations that we hope will also prove clarifying to readers. These are recurring concepts that can be interpreted in differing ways, depending on the viewer’s perspective. The final section, Section 3, describes various different approaches to designing a powerful learning environment like the I-Lab. Those involved in the design process experience it as an iterative, exploratory, and instructive process of development

    Building a Dictionary of Affixal Negations

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    This paper discusses the need for a dictionary of affixal negations and regular antonyms to facilitate their automatic detection in text. Without such a dictionary, affixal negations are very difficult to detect. In addition, we show that the set of affixal negations is not homogeneous, and that different NLP tasks may require different subsets. A dictionary can store the subtypes of affixal negations, making it possible to select a certain subset or to make inferences on the basis of these subtypes. We take a first step towards creating an affixal negation dictionary by annotating all direct antonym pairs in WordNet using an existing typology of affixal negations. By highlighting some of the issues that were encountered in this annotation experiment, we hope to provide some insights into the necessary steps of building a negation dictionary

    Competences for innovative working: learning to innovate for the Honours Programme at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences Version 02.12.2016

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    The competence profile Learning to Innovate has been specially developed for the honours programme at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences. The added value of an honours programme has been examined in consultation with the professional field. Professional practice has a need for people who can think innovatively, who are capable of departing from fixed patterns of thought and being creative. There is a demand for people who have learned how to collaborate with people from different professional disciplines and for people who are able to reflect effectively and who can develop and share new knowledge

    Competentieprofiel innoverend handelen: behorend bij honoursprogramma Hogeschool Rotterdam, versie 02.12.2016

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    Het competentieprofiel Innoverend Handelen is speciaal ontwikkeld voor het Honoursprogramma van Hogeschool Rotterdam. In samenspraak met beroepenveld en opleidingen is onderzocht wat de meerwaarde zou kunnen zijn van een Honoursprogramma. In de beroepspraktijk is behoefte aan mensen die vernieuwend kunnen denken, die in staat zijn vaste denkpatronen los te laten en creativiteit in te zetten. Er is behoefte aan mensen die hebben geleerd samen te werken met mensen uit verschillende (vak)disciplines Ă©n mensen die in staat zijn adequaat te reflecteren en nieuwe kennis te ontwikkelen en te delen

    Framework for Developing an Agile Future-Proof Supply Chain

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    Two of the key elements that define a supply chain are “product”, as the output of the business, and “supply chain operations”, as the means of delivering the output. The processes of designing and developing each of these two elements are highly inter-related across more than one dimension. Many of the drawbacks in the success and sustainability of supply chains often relate to the misalignment of these two elements in one or more dimensions. In this chapter an integrated approach is proposed to facilitate the dynamic and simultaneous design and development of products and supply chains, thus contributing to the notion of agile supply chains. A framework is developed and, through a field case study observation, a number of issues raised in the framework are discussed and validated. An implementation model is also proposed in which the practical aspects of the framework stages are presented