3,529 research outputs found

    Searching for magnetic monopoles trapped in accelerator material at the Large Hadron Collider

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    If produced in high energy particle collisions at the LHC, magnetic monopoles could stop in material surrounding the interaction points. Obsolete parts of the beam pipe near the CMS interaction region, which were exposed to the products of pp and heavy ion collisions, were analysed using a SQUID-based magnetometer. The purpose of this work is to quantify the performance of the magnetometer in the context of a monopole search using a small set of samples of accelerator material ahead of the 2013 shutdown.Comment: 11 page

    Interactions of Heavy Hadrons using Regge Phenomenology and the Quark Gluon String Model

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    The search for stable heavy exotic hadrons is a promising way to observe new physics processes at collider experiments. The discovery potential for such particles can be enhanced or suppressed by their interactions with detector material. This paper describes a model for the interactions in matter of stable hadrons containing an exotic quark of charges ±1/3e\pm {1/3}e or ±2/3e\pm {2/3}e using Regge phenomenology and the Quark Gluon String Model. The influence of such interactions on searches at the LHC is also discussed

    The HIBEAM/NNBAR Calorimeter Prototype

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    The HIBEAM/NNBAR experiment is a free-neutron search for nn \rightarrow sterile nn and nnˉn \rightarrow \bar{n} oscillations planned to be installed at the European Spallation Source under construction in Lund, Sweden. A key component in the experiment is the detector to identify nnˉn-\bar{n} annihilation events, which will produce on average four pions with a final state invariant mass of two nucleons, around 1.91.9\,GeV. The beamline and experiment are shielded from magnetic fields which would suppress nnˉn \rightarrow \bar{n} transitions, thus no momentum measurement will be possible. Additionally, calorimetry for particles with kinetic energies below 600600\,MeV is challenging, as traditional sampling calorimeters used in HEP would suffer from poor shower statistics. A design study is underway to use a novel approach of a hadronic range measurement in multiple plastic scintillator layers, followed by EM calorimetery with lead glass. A prototype calorimeter system is being built, and will eventually be installed at an ESS test beam line for \textit{in situ} neutron background studies.Comment: Contribution to the International Conference on Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics (TIPP2021

    Hadron multiplicity induced by top quark decays at the LHC

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    The average charged hadron multiplicities induced by top quark decays are calculated in pQCD at LHC energies. Different modes of top production are considered. Proposed measurements can be used as an additional test of pQCD calculations independent on a fragmentation model.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, to be published elsewher

    Development of High Intensity Neutron Source at the European Spallation Source

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    The European Spallation Source being constructed in Lund, Sweden will provide the user community with a neutron source of unprecedented brightness. By 2025, a suite of 15 instruments will be served by a high-brightness moderator system placed above the spallation target. The ESS infrastructure, consisting of the proton linac, the target station, and the instrument halls, allows for implementation of a second source below the spallation target. We propose to develop a second neutron source with a high-intensity moderator able to (1) deliver a larger total cold neutron flux, (2) provide high intensities at longer wavelengths in the spectral regions of Cold (4-10 \AA ), Very Cold (10-40 \AA ), and Ultra Cold (several 100 \AA ) neutrons, as opposed to Thermal and Cold neutrons delivered by the top moderator. Offering both unprecedented brilliance, flux, and spectral range in a single facility, this upgrade will make ESS the most versatile neutron source in the world and will further strengthen the leadership of Europe in neutron science. The new source will boost several areas of condensed matter research such as imaging and spin-echo, and will provide outstanding opportunities in fundamental physics investigations of the laws of nature at a precision unattainable anywhere else. At the heart of the proposed system is a volumetric liquid deuterium moderator. Based on proven technology, its performance will be optimized in a detailed engineering study. This moderator will be complemented by secondary sources to provide intense beams of Very- and Ultra-Cold Neutrons.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, proceeding of the 23rd meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources (ICANS XXIII) 13th - 18th October 2019 in Chattanooga, Tennesse

    An Updated Description of Heavy-Hadron Interactions in Geant-4

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    Exotic stable massive particles (SMP) are proposed in a number of scenarios of physics beyond the Standard Model. It is important that LHC experiments are able both to detect and extract the quantum numbers of any SMP with masses around the TeV scale. To do this, an understanding of the interactions of SMPs in matter is required. In this paper a Regge-based model of R-hadron scattering is extended and implemented in Geant-4. In addition, the implications of RR-hadron scattering for collider searches are discussed