46 research outputs found


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    Istraživanja djelovanja zaraÅ”tenosti Å”aranskih ribnjaka emerznim makrofitima provedena su a ribnjacima ribnjačarstva D. Miholjac tijekom Ijetnih mjeseci uzgojne sezone god. 1988. i 1989. Istraživanja su provedena u Å”est ribnjaka, od kojih se a četiri ribnjaka (1, 2, 3 i 4) uzgajao riblji mlad, a u dva ribnjaka (5 i 6) konzumna riba. ObraÅ”tenost pojedinih ribnjaka emerznim makrofitima bila je 40 do 70 % povrÅ”ine ribnjaka, a prevladavala je vrsta Nymphoides peltata. Rezultate istraživanja prikazuju tabl. 3. i 4. te sl. 1. Sadržaj kisika a vodi nezaraÅ”tenih povrÅ”ina varirao je unutar amplitude od 2,72 mgl-1 do 11,20 mgl-1, Å”to upućuje na povremenu nepoželjnu razinu s glediÅ”ta potreba za normalnom prehranom i rast uzgajanih riba. U dijelovima ribnjaka intenzivno zaraÅ”tenim emerznim biljem količina se kisika znatno smanjivala uz varijacije unutar amplitude od 1,28 mgl-1 do 7,84 mgl-1 odnosno a svim ribnjacima bila je od 0,32 do 3,84 mgl-1 (9 - 54 %) niža od količine kisika u vodi slobodnih, nezaraÅ”tenih dijelova ribnjaka. Ta je razlika bila i statistički opravdana (P < 0,05). Rezultati ovih istraživanja upućuju na znatan negativni utjecaj emerznih makrofita a Å”aranskim ribnjacima. Ovisno o intenzitetu obraÅ”tenosti ribnjaka, smanjuje se i količina kisika a vodi, Å”to smanjuje mogućnost normalne prehrane riba dodatnom hranom. Nedovoljna količina kisika a vodi rezultira slabijom iskoriÅ”tenoŔću dodatne riblje hrane, manjim ukupnim prirastima riba i povećanim hranidbenim koeficijentom. Stoga zaključujemo da je očita važnost suzbijanja prekomjerna razvoja vodnih makrofita, ekoloÅ”ke skupine emerznih biljaka, a Å”aranskim ribnjacima.Research on the influence of emersed macrophytes in carp ponds in fish-farm D. Miholjac was carried on during the summer months of 1988 and 1989. Six carp ponds were under research: in ponds number 1, 2, 3 and 4, the fingerlings were cultured and in the ponds number 5 and 6, marketable fish. Some ponds had 40 - 70% of their area covered by emerged macrophytes, Nymphoides peltata being the dominant species. The results are presented in tables 3 and 4 and on figure 1. The quantity of oxygen in the water of pond areas without emersed macrophytes varied between 2.72 mgl-1 and 11,20 mgl-1 indicating temporary insufficiency as far as requirements for normal growth were concerned. In extremely overgrown areas of the ponds, the quantity of oxygen decreased significantly varying within an amplitude from 1.28 mgl-1 to 7,84 mgl-1. As opposed to pond areas free of weeds, the quantity of oxygen was 9 - 54% lower (from 0.32 mgl-1 to 3.84 mgl-1) in overgrown parts of pond areas. The fact was even significant statistically (p < 0.05). The results indicate significantly negative influence of emersed macrophytes on the carp ponds. The oxygen level in water becomes lower as the overgrowth of the pond area becomes more extensive. That makes the possibility of otherwise normal fish feeding by additional food less convenient. Without the additional food, total fish mass increments are lower, and the food coefficient becomes higher. All of this shows the importance of reducing the overdevelopment of emersed macrophytes in the carp ponds. Therefore, the uprooting of emersed macrophytes from carp pond areas in of utmost importance

    UGROŽENE VRSTE RIBA U SVIJETU: Cobitis jadovaensis Mustafić & Mrakovčić, 2008 (Cyprinidae)

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    Cobitis jadovaensis is a stenoendemic freshwater fish species distributed only in the River Jadova, a small stream in the karst region of Lika in Croatia. Major threats for this fish species are: extremely limited distribution, water abstraction, introduction of alien fish species and increasing severity of droughts. Recommendations for conservation are: habitat protection, prevention of outspreading of alien species from the River Lika and bans on introduction of newalien fish species.Jadovski vijun je stenoendemska slatkovodna riba rasprostranjena samo u rijeci Jadovi, maloj rijeci u Lici, u Hrvatskoj. Glavni uzroci ugroženosti ove vrste su izrazito usko područje rasprostranjenosti, ekstrakcija vode, česte suŔe uzrokovane klimatskim promjenama i unos alohtonih vrsta riba. Za očuvanje ove vrste predlaže se zaŔtita staniŔta, sprječavanje Ŕirenja invazivnih vrsta riba iz rijeke Like te zabrana unosa novih alohtonih vrsta riba

    NOVI NALAZI OBRVANA, Aphanius fasciatus (Valenciennes, 1821), U HRVATSKOJ

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    Two new locations of Mediterranean toothcarp (Aphanius fasciatus) were confirmed along the eastern Adriatic coast: one on the island of Rab and the second near the small village of Zablaće, near Å ibenik. At both locations, multiple individuals of both sexes were caught using a small hand net. Total length ranged from 12.4 to 39.4 mm and weight ranged from 0.1 to 0.8 g.Dva nova lokaliteta obrvana (Aphanius fasciatus) potvrđena su na istočnoj obali Jadranskog mora. Prvi je lokalitet na otoku Rabu, a drugi je pokraj sela Zablaće u blizini Å ibenika. Na obje lokacije malom ručnom mrežicom zabilježeno je viÅ”e jedinki oba spola. U radu su prikazane glavne morfometrijske i merističke mjere. Totalna dužina (TL) zabilježenih jedinki obrvana varirala je od 12,4 do 39,4 mm, a masa od 0,1 do 0,8 g

    Estructura genƩtica poblacional e historia demogrƔfica de Aphanius fasciatus (Cyprinodontidae: Cyprinodontiformes) en hƔbitats hipersalinos del AdriƔtico oriental

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    In order to investigate the phylogeography and population genetic structure of the South European toothcarp (Aphanius fasciatus), we analysed gene sequences of two mitochondrial markers (cytochrome b and mtDNA control region) in samples from eight localities along the eastern Adriatic coast and combined them with sequences from other Mediterranean localities. Since the South European toothcarp primarily inhabits hypersaline water bodies, it is a good model species for understanding patterns of colonization and dispersal of species adapted to variable conditions. The eastern Adriatic populations are separated into two groups of genetically related populations. The Northern group contains the populations from Sečovlje, Pag, DinjiÅ”ka, Nin and Pantan, whereas the Southern group contains the populations from Ston, Ulcinj and Narta. The majority of divergence events date back to the Pleistocene epoch and it is likely that sea level changes during glacial cycles played a significant role in shaping the recent genetic structure of this species. Our results imply pronounced intraspecific structuring of this species, whereas great environmental variations resulted in a smaller intrapopulational genetic diversity of A. fasciatus than seen in other Mediterranean fishes.Con el objetivo de analizar la estructura genĆ©tica y filogeografĆ­a de las poblaciones del fartet oriental (Aphanius fasciatus), se analizaron secuencias de genes de dos regiones mitocondriales (citocromo b y regiĆ³n de control del ADNmt) en individuos de ocho localidades a lo largo de la costa oriental del AdriĆ”tico y de otras localidades mediterrĆ”neas. El fartet oriental habita principalmente masas de agua hipersalinas, y es una buena especie modelo para el estudio de los patrones de colonizaciĆ³n y dispersiĆ³n de especies adaptadas a condiciones variables. Los resultados de nuestro estudio muestran que las poblaciones del AdriĆ”tico oriental se separan en dos grupos genĆ©ticamente relacionados. El grupo del Norte contiene las poblaciones de Sečovlje, Pag, DinjiÅ”ka, Nin y Pantan, mientras que el grupo del Sur contiene las poblaciones de Ston, Ulcinj y Narta. La mayorĆ­a de los eventos de divergencia pudiera ser que se remontaran a la Ć©poca del Pleistoceno, y es probable que los cambios del nivel del mar durante los ciclos glaciales jugasen un papel importante en la estructura genĆ©tica reciente de esta especie. Nuestros resultados revelan diferencias intraespecĆ­ficas pronunciadas en el fartet oriental, y por otro lado menor diversidad genĆ©tica intrapoblacional como resultado de grandes variaciones ambientales en comparaciĆ³n con otros estudios de peces del MediterrĆ”neo

    PRVI NALAZ KOLJUÅ KE (Gasterosteus aculeatus Linneaeus, 1758) U DUNAVSKOM SLIJEVU U HRVATSKOJ

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    One specimen of three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) was found in a puddle near the Mura River in October 2014 near the town of Mursko SrediŔće. This is the first record of this species in the Danube Basin of Croatia.Jedna jedinka koljuÅ”ke (Gasterosteus aculeatus) pronađena je u privremenoj lokvi pokraj rijeke Mure u listopadu 2014. godine pokraj mjesta Mursko SrediŔće. Ovo je prvi nalaz koljuÅ”ke u dunavskom slijevu u Hrvatskoj

    UGROŽENE VRSTE RIBA U SVIJETU: Telestes turskyi (Heckel, 1843) (Cyprinidae)

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    Tursky dace, Telestes turskyi, is a freshwater species endemic to the Adriatic drainage. This species is found only in two rivers in Croatia, the River Krka and River Čikola, and is protected by Croatian law. Major threats for this species are extremely limited distribution, river regulation, water extraction and pollution. Suggested conservation actions for this species are: habitat protection, bans on regulation and alteration of watercourse and restriction of introduction of alien fish species.Turski klen, Telestes turskyi, je slatkovodna riba endemična za Jadranski slijev. Živi samo u dvije rijeke u Hrvatskoj, rijeci Krki i rijeci Čikoli te je zakonom zaÅ”tićena. Glavni uzroci ugroženosti ove vrste su ograničeno područje rasprostranjenosti, regulacije riječnog toka i onečiŔćenje vode. Za očuvanje ove vrste predlaže se zaÅ”tita staniÅ”ta te zabrana regulacije i promjene vodotoka kao i zabrana unosa alohtonih vrsta

    UGROŽENE VRSTE RIBA U SVIJETU: Delminichthys krbavensis (Zupančič & Bogutskaya, 2002) (Cyprinidae)

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    Krbava minnow, Delminichthys krbavensis is a freshwater fish species endemic to the Adriatic watershed in Croatia. It lives only in karstic springs, streams and subterranean waters in Krbavsko polje. This species is protected by Croatian law and is listed in the IUCN Red List as Critically Endangered (CR). D. krbavensis has very limited distribution which makes it vulnerable to different kinds of threats such as water extraction, exploitation of karstic springs and streams, agricultural pollution, road construction and introduction of nonindigenous fish species. Suggested conservation actions for this species are detailed study of biology, ecology and distribution as well as bans on watercourse regulation and road construction, reduction of pollution and restriction on introductions of nonindigenous fish species. Also, conservation of this species should be ensured through implementation of management and action plans.Krbavski pijor, Delminichthys krbavensis, je slatkovodna riba, endem jadranskog slijeva i hrvatski endem. Živi samo u krÅ”kim izvorima, vodotocima i Å”piljama u Krbavskom polju. Zakonom je zaÅ”tićena u Hrvatskoj, a nalazi se i na Crvenom popisu IUCN ā€“ a (International Union for Conservation of Nature) kao kritično ugrožena vrsta (CR). Glavni uzroci ugroženosti ove vrste su ograničeno područje rasprostranjenosti, isuÅ”ivanje i pretjerano iskoriÅ”tavanje krÅ”kih vodotoka, zagađenje, gradnja prometnica i unos stranih vrsta riba. Za zaÅ”titu ove vrste predlažu se detaljna istraživanja biologije, ekologije i stanja populacija te zabrana regulacije vodotoka, smanjenje zagađenja, zabrana gradnje i zabrana unosa stranih vrsta. Također, potrebna je izrada menadžment plana i plana upravljanja ovom vrstom