59 research outputs found

    Residential buildings energy performance optimisation - faƧade openings and shading devices

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    This paper presents a methodological approach to optimization of facade openings and shading devices on residential buildings in the city of Belgrade, Serbia, from the aspect of buildingā€™s energy performance. The research is carried out using digital simulation tools, simulating a selected type of residential building, varying the conditions of the urban environment in which the building is located, the size and geometry of facade openings, as well as the types of sun shading elements, taking into account the functional, financial and social aspect of their application on residential buildings in Belgrade. The dimensions and types of openings and shading devices are evaluated based on the simulation results, taking into account differences in individual apartmentā€™s energy needs based on orientation and the position in the building. The analysis of the obtained data and their mutual synthesis leads to recommendations for the design of residential buildings of the observed type for the climate conditions of Belgrade

    Impact of Tourism on Roundabout of Economic Process

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    The relation between of production and consumption units, market mechanisms, and the behaviour of economic subjects in the market are aspects that enable an understanding of tourism in the economic process. Two basic factors of tourism ā€œfree time and free moneyā€ as the goal of creation of each individual, striving to meet the needs for luxury, rest, rehabilitation and recreation, are directly linked to the basic economic relationship, the relationship between limited resources and unlimited needs. Not respecting the principles and rules of the socio-economic sphere, by the dynamics of the development of techno-economic sphere, the increasing difference between the poor majority and rich minority in the world, causing many economic and social problems. Given the economic problems on a global level, further directions of development of tourism should be sought through the analysis of the relationship, or better to say, interdependence of development of techno-economic and socio-economic spheres. This paper seeks to determine and clarify the importance of tourism as a factor stimulating circular flow of economic processes


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    Ovaj rad posvećen je promiÅ”ljanju odnosa suvremenog pastoralno-katehetskog djelovanja prema činjenici evolucije, tj. promiÅ”ljanju načina na koji se tom važnom segmentu znanstvenog istraživanja pristupa u suvremenom pastoralnom kontekstu. K tome, ponuđen je pregled nekih ključnih segmenata problematike. Iako je riječ o znanstvenom pitanju, jasno je da ono ima brojne kulturoloÅ”ke, ali i teoloÅ”ko-pastoralne odjeke. U radu se upozorava na pogreÅ”ne pristupe i pretjerivanja koja naruÅ”avaju sliku Crkve po pitanju evolucije. Interdisciplinarni pristup čini temeljnu okosnicu metodologije ovoga rada, a u obzir su uzeti doprinosi prirodnih znanosti, teologije i filozofije, kao i pokazatelji iz pastoralne prakse.This article examines the relationship between the contemporary pastoral and catechetical activity in respect to the fact of evolution, i.e. reflects upon the approach to this important segment of scientific inquiries in the contemporary pastoral context. Furthermore, an overview of some key segments of the problem is offered. It is a question of science, but its cultural and theological-pastoral care echoes are self-evident. The article warns us of wrong approaches and exaggerations which do not do justice to the teaching of the Church regarding the evolution theory. Interdisciplinary approach is the backbone of the methodology, considering the natural sciences, theology and philosophy, as well as the outcomes of the pastoral experiences

    Neki problemi razvoja malih i srednjih preduzeća u poljoprivredi Srbije

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    Autori u radu daju kratak prikaz stanja u kome se nalaze mala i srednja preduzeća u poljoprivredi Srbije. Mala i srednja preduzeća u poljoprivredi treba da imaju značajnu ulogu u ekonomiji Srbije. Ta uloga bi se ogledala u reÅ”avanju problema visoke nezaposlenosti i nejednake distribucije zarada, ali bi doprinosila povećanju dohotka i kreiranju novih radnih mesta. Generalno posmatrano, autori smatraju da su MSP u Srbiji su veoma važna, jer podstiču razvojnu inovativnost novih tehnologija i ostvaruju direktan uticaj na nivo agregatne tražnje i investicija. U postojećim uslovima opstanak MSP je bio ugrožen tranzicijom i svetskom ekonomskom krizom. U procesu tranzicije mnoga stara preduzeća su prestala da postoje. U ovom periodu dolazi do formiranja novih preduzeća. Njihov broj se povećava, ali i dalje se čini da ih nema dovoljno. Srbija u poslednjih petnaestak godina sve viÅ”e posvećuje pažnju pospeÅ”ivanju razvoja ovog tipa preduzeća. To se čini pre svega donoÅ”enjem čitavog niza strateÅ”kih dokumenata. Na kraju rada autori su dali rezultate istraživanja. Cilj istraživanja je da se sagledaju problemi sa kojima se sreću MSP u proizvodnji, finansiranju i plasmanu proizvoda na tržiÅ”tu

    Energetska rehabilitacija postojećih objekata: Projektantski studio

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    This paper presents the methodology and results of design studio whose main topic is sustainability, specifically relating to existing building energy refurbishment, at the postgraduate level - specialist academic studies ā€“ Energy efficient and green architecture at the University of Belgrade-Faculty of Architecture. Weaknesses and opportunities in teaching sustainability in a design studio are discussed. It points to concrete challenges that the theme of building energy conservation and refurbishment present, and to ways in which they might be integrated in education. This paper considers how the design studio pedagogy could encourage deep and active learning for sustainable design in an attempt to expand the role of the architect to be more responsive to the environmental needs of contemporary society. Methodology of this studio uses the approach of project-oriented learning by simulating a real-life multidisciplinary project development environment. Three phases of design development are described as: research phase, refurbishment phase and redesign phase. It starts with the research phase, which is developed in parallel with the refurbishment phase. This is because the refurbishment process in this studio is not just limited to the technical aspects of energy efficiency improvement, verified through calculations and simulations. Several design scenarios are developed, examining the minimal, optimal and maximal range of energy efficiency improvements in technical systems and building thermal envelope. Analysis of these scenarios, but also analysis of a much wider spectre of aspects influencing the refurbishment design, results in a final redesign proposal which is a comprehensive, deep refurbishment proposal, tackling not only energy (under)performance, but also possibilities for upgrade of functional, technical and aesthetical aspects of existing building.U ovom radu je predstavljena studija slučaja dizajn studija sa temom energetske sanacije postojecĢih zgrada, na postdiplomskim studijama ā€“ Specijalističke akademske studije ā€“ Energetski efikasna i zelena arhitektura, na Univerzitetu u Beogradu ā€“ Arhitektonskom fakultetu. Metodologija ovog studija koristi pristup projektno orijentisanom učenju, simulirajucĢi realno multidisciplinarno okruženje za razvoj projekata. Opisane su tri faze razvoja dizajna: faza istraživanja, faza renoviranja i faza redizajna. Počinje sa fazom istraživanja, koja se razvija paralelno sa fazom obnove. To je zato Å”to proces renoviranja u ovom studiju nije ograničen samo na tehničke aspekte poboljÅ”anja energetske efikasnosti, verifikovane proračunima i simulacijama. Razvijeno je nekoliko scenarija projektovanja koji ispituju minimalni, optimalni i maksimalni opseg poboljÅ”anja energetske efikasnosti u tehničkim sistemima i toplotnom omotaču zgrade. Analiza ovih scenarija, ali i analiza mnogo Å”ireg spektra aspekata koji utiču na dizajn rekonstrukcije, rezultiraju konačnim predlogom redizajna koji je sveobuhvatan, duboki predlog renoviranja, koji se bavi, ne samo energetskim (pod)performansama, vecĢ i mogucĢnostima za nadogradnju. funkcionalnih, tehničkih i estetskih aspekata postojecĢeg objekta

    Teamwork valorisation in Serbian textile organizations of different lengths and levels of operations

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    The need of various textile organizations operating for different periods and at different levels for studying the values of teamwork as a significant performance of a successful operation expansion grows with the spreading of their business in the international environment and the strengthening of competition. The paperā€™s subject matter is research on the attitudes of the owners and higher-level managers of different Serbian textile organizations whose focus is on the valorisation of the performance of teamwork in an organization. The research intends to assess the defined characteristics interacting with teamwork as a crucial concept of human resource management that has to be consistent and explicit, frequently also being the decisive organizational success factor. The paper starts from the premise that member selection is the most significant for the success of a team striving to rotate the leadership structure to make the members do key organizational tasks. All the more so because those making relevant decisions and the leadership style differ depending on the business operations level, the length of business operations and the special attributes of each organization. The results obtained in this research study show that the business operations level and the length of business operations significantly influence differences in organizational teamwork rates as observed through a collective influence of the defined variables. In the given study, comparative statistics methods, hypothetical-deductive methods, analytical-deductive and comparison methods, historical and statistical-descriptive methods are used

    Heat flux measurements in diagnosis of defects on thermal envelope: a case study

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    Measurements of heat fl ux in order to determine characteristics of thermal envelope have been widely used in performance testing and verifi cation of building quality when it comes to new buildings. They are also used for determining thermal performance characteristics of existing buildingā€™s thermal envelope components of unknown structure. Through these measurements U value of building envelopes is determined and compared to the one estimated by calculations. This paper presents a case study of an analysis of defects present in the faƧade wall of an existing building in order to determine its thermal performance characteristics and improvement possibilities. Several spots were measures and respective U values have been determined based on the measures heat fl ux and temperature values. The results show the infl uence of numerous parameters on faƧade wall thermal performance, such as moisture content, shading, usage regime etc. The conclusions driven based on these analyses determined the proposed energy rehabilitation and refurbishment measures. Since the analysed building represents one of the typical buildings in residential building stock in Serbia and in the region, these conclusions can serve as valuable information for similar cases

    Corporate Culture ā€“ Business Performance Factor of National Organizations

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    The subject of this paper is to investigate the attitudes of owners and top managers of national organizations from different business sectors on how to increase the chances of the organization becoming competitive by raising the level at which the idea of corporate culture is realized. The paper starts from the assumption that the corporate culture depends on the context in which the organization operates and as such significantly affects performance. Each organization forms its own image in its organizational environment based on the strategy of quality of products and services it provides, the principles of behavior, and the moral principles of employees. Since it affects business performance and attitudes towards work, the corporate culture must be designed to be adapted to each work group. The results of the research show that depending on the decision makers in the organization and the management style, there are significant differences in the organizations in terms of the level at which the idea of corporate culture in the organization is realized. Hypothetical - deductive methods, analytical deductive and comparative methods, explanatory methods, historical, and statistical descriptive methods were used in the research

    Lost and Found: A Quest for Sustainability and Resilience in Rural Areas

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    Global trends of rapid and constant urbanisation are constantly revealing new societal, spatial and technological challenges, which naturally directs research focus towards urban areas. Urbanisation and imminent migrations, however, have significant repercussions on rural areas as well: exposure of tangible and intangible cultural heritage to decay, leading to extinction, can be identified as one of such processes that indirectly affect entire population, not only the scarce locals. In the quest for sustainable proposals tailored for small and fragile communities with notable architectural and cultural heritage, the W.A.Ve Abroad Workshop explored sustainable models of revitalization of the village Bebića Luka in the vicinity of Valjevo in Western Serbia. During the workshop which was held in Belgrade, Bebića Luka and Venice in June and July 2018, architecture students from Belgrade, Venice and Ljubljana were analysing the multiple layers of Bebića Lukaā€™s present and past, trying to envision future scenarios and define adequate programmatic and design proposals. The workshop results included new models of activities, tailored to enable preservation of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the village through interactions between permanent and temporary residents, providing first-hand mutual exchange of specific knowledges. This process should expose local residents to some useful state-of-the-art concepts while directly transferring unique heritage of the village of Bebića Luka and the surrounding area to the visitors that will eventually return to urban areas. The workshop results were presented at IUAV University in Venice, during the final manifestations of the W.A.Ve 2018 Workshop in which more than 1500 students participated, which for the first time also included mentorship from teachers from five foreign universities. The paper presents an overview of the methodological approach, derived concepts and design proposals for variety of interventions: from retrofitting the existing facilities to development of new complementary physical structures designed in accordance with principles of circular economy and sustainable development

    OtpuŔtanje fluorida iz konvencionalnih, smolom modifikovanih i hibridnih glas-jonomer cemenata

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    Introduction the aim of the study was to quantify and compare fluoride release from four different glass ionomer cement products (GICs). Materials and Methods Standardized disk-shaped samples (5x2mm; n=5/group) of GIC restorative materials: conventional (Fuji IX, GC Corp., Japan), resin-modified (Fuji II LC, GC) and hybrid glass ionomer cement (Equia Forte, GC) and a conventional GIC liner/base material (Alfagal, Galenika, Serbia) were tested for fluoride release up to 21 days post-setting. Each sample was immersed in 5 mL of fresh deionized water during each time interval. Universal microhybrid composite (Filtek Z250, 3M EPSE, USA) and adhesive (Adper Single Bond, 3M ESPE) were used as negative controls. Fluoride release was measured using an F-selective electrode (Cole-Parmer, USA) and an ion meter (Oakton 700, Cole-Parmer, USA). Data were statistically analyzed using one-way ANOVA, regression and correlation analysis at 0.05. Results the highest total fluoride release was measured from Alfagal (386Ā±61 ppm/g), and significantly less from Equia (188Ā±29 ppm/g), Fuji IX (143Ā±11 ppm/g) and Fuji II LC (104Ā±14 ppm/g) (p lt 0.05). All GICs showed the highest fluoride release during the first 24 hours post-setting. After 3 days, fluoride release slowed down reaching a plateau for all materials. Regression and Pearson correlation analysis showed significant inverse relationship between fluoride release and sample mass and density (p lt 0.001). Conclusion of the three GICs indicated for use as restorative materials, Equia Forte released the highest fluoride concentration. Fluoride release was material and density dependent, with higher release occurring from lower density GICs.Uvod Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio da se kvantifikuje i uporedi otpuÅ”tanje fluorida iz četiri glasjonomer cementa (GJC). Materijal i metode Napravljeni su standardizovani diskovi (5 Ɨ 2 mm; n = 5/grupa) od sledećih GJC: konvencionalnih (Fuji IX, GC Corp., Japan), smolom modifikovani (Fuji II LC, GC), hibridni GJC (Equia Forte, GC) i konvencionalni GJC lajner/baza (Alfagal, Galenika, Srbija). Ispitivano je otpuÅ”tanje fluorida tokom 21 dana tako Å”to je svaki uzorak potapan u 5 ml sveže destilovane vode posle svakog mernog intervala. Univerzalni mikrohibridni kompozit (Filtek Z250, 3M EPSE, USA) i adheziv (Adper Single Bond, 3M ESPE) koriŔćeni su kao negativne kontrole. OtpuÅ”tanje fluorida je očitavano pomoću fluor-selektivne elektrode (Cole-Parmer, USA) i jon-metra (Oakton 700, Cole-Parmer, USA). Rezultati su statistički obrađeni ANOVA testom, regresionim i korelacionim analizama sa Ī± = 0,05. Rezultati Ukupno otpuÅ”tanje fluorida je bilo najveće iz Alfagala (386 Ā± 61 ppm/g), značajno manje iz Equia Forte (188 Ā± 29 ppm/g), Fuji IX (143 Ā± 11 ppm/g), a najmanje iz Fuji II LC (104 Ā± 14 ppm/g) (p lt 0,05). Svi GJC pokazali su najveće otpuÅ”tanje fluorida u toku prva 24 h po vezivanju. Posle tri dana otpuÅ”tanje fluorida je postajalo sporije dostižući plato za sva četiri materijala. Regresiona i Pirsonova korelaciona analiza pokazale su značajan obrnut odnos između otpuÅ”tanja fluorida i mase i gustine uzoraka (p lt 0,001). Zaključak Od GJC indikovanih za ispune, Equia Forte je otpustila najveću koncentraciju fluorida. OtpuÅ”tanje fluorida zavisi od materijala i njegove gustine, pri čemu GJC manje gustine otpuÅ”taju viÅ”e fluorida
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