4 research outputs found
Association between Three Collaboration Outcomes and Intersectoral Degree (Model 1) and Intersectoral Reciprocity (Model 2) at Year 4, controlling for important covariates<sup>1</sup> (n = 38).
<p>Key: + p-value less than or equal to 0.10,</p><p>*less than or equal to 0.05,</p><p>**less than or equal to 0.01.</p>1<p>: Models control for city affiliation, member status (original vs. new member), and member sector.</p
Change in Density of Connections (Percentages) Within and Between Sectors from Inception to Year 4, n = 38.
<p>Density levels (percentages) at Network Inception and Year 4 provided in parentheses.</p
Connections among 38 MassCONECT members at network inception (panel A) and Year 4 (panel B).
<p>Lines represent connections between network members, arrows reference direction(s) of connections. Node size represents degree, or number of connections per member.</p
Descriptive Characteristics of 38 Members Participating in the MassCONECT Network Analysis at Year 4.
<p>Descriptive Characteristics of 38 Members Participating in the MassCONECT Network Analysis at Year 4.</p