65 research outputs found

    ZP hibridi kukuruza kao sirovina za proizvodnju skroba

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    Maize is the most important raw material in starch production not only in our country, but also worldwide. Maize grain consists of approximately 70% of starch. Starch is the component that has the greatest influence on the maize grain yield. As starch accounts for two thirds of maize grain dry matter, it is, therefore, economically its most important component. This paper encompasses results on improvement of ZP maize hybrids utilization as a raw material for starch production obtained within a long-term scientific and research programme performed at the Technology Research Department at the Maize Research Institute, Zemun Pole. This study presents the chemical composition, physical and technological properties of grains of widely grown ZP maize hybrids of different generations, various maturity groups and different endosperm types.Najznačajnija sirovina za proizvodnju skroba u našoj zemlji kao i u svetu je kukuruz. Kukuruzno zrno sadrži u proseku oko 70% skroba, komponente koja najviše utiče na njegov prinos. Pošto skrob čini 2/3 suve materije kukuruznog zrna, to je ujedno i njegova ekonomski najznačajnija komponenta. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati dugoročnog naučnoistraživačkog programa na unapređenju korišćenja ZP hibrida kukuruza kao sirovine za proizvodnju skroba u Odseku za tehnološka istraživanja Instituta za kukuruz 'Zemun Polje'. Pregledno je dat zbirni prikaz hemijskog sastava, fizičkih i tehnoloških karakteristika zrna najšire gajenih ZP hibrida kukuruza različitih generacija, različitih grupa zrenja i različitog tipa endosperma

    Poređenje sitnozrnih žitarica prema sadržaju dijetalnih vlakana i proteina

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    The content of dietary fibres (cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, NDF, ADF), tryptophan and proteins, as well as their quality index were determined in whole grains of bread and durum wheat, rye, hull-less barley and hull-less oat, each represented with four genotypes. In addition, content of β-glucans in hull-less barley were determined. In average, hull-less barley and oat had the lowest content of hemicellulose (22.54 and 13.11% d.m., respectively), cellulose (1.36 and 1.41% d.m., respectively), lignin (0.98 and 0.49% d.m., respectively), as well as NDF (24.84 and 15.16% d.m., respectively) and ADF (2.30 and 2.04% d.m., respectively). In average, the highest content of hemicellulose was in durum wheat (33.47% d.m.), followed by rye (29.63% d.m.), and bread wheat (23.24% d.m.). Among tested hull-less barley genotypes the the content of β-glucans ranged from 4.1% d.m. (IWHBON 97-18) to 5.6% d.m. (Apolon). The highest content of proteins (on average 15.65% d.m.) and tryptophan (on average 0.206% d.m.) was in hull-less oat. Hull-less barley had the highest protein quality index (1.48%) followed by bread and durum wheat and hull-less oat (IQ 1.35, 1.34 and 1.31%, respectively), and rye (IQ 0.93%). The results indicate that there is genetic diversity in content of dietary fibres and proteins among tested genotypes and that it should be possible to selectively breed for lines with high nutrition capacities, as well as, to improved diet requirements.U zrnu genotipova hlebne i durum pšenice, raži, golozrnog ječma i golozrnog ovsa određen je sadžaj dijetalnih vlakana (celuloze, hemiceluloze, lignina, NDF-a, ADF- a), triptofana i proteina, kao i njihov indeks kvaliteta. Pored toga određen je i sadržaj β-glukana u zrnu četiri reprezentativna genotipa golozrnog ječma. U proseku, golozrni ječam i ovas imali su najniži sadržaj hemiceluloze (22.54 i 13.11% s.m.), celuloze (1.36 i 1.41% s.m.), lignina (0.98 i 0.49% s.m.), kao i NDF (24.84 i 15.16% s.m.) i ADF (2.30 i 2.04% s.m.). Najviši sadržaj hemiceluloze bio je u zrnu durum šenice (u proseku 33.47% s.m.), sledi raž (u proseku 29.63% s.m.) i hlebna pšenica (u proseku 23.24% s.m.). U zrnu ispitivanih genotipovima golozrnog ječma sadržaj β-glukana se kretao od 4.1% d.m. (IWHBON 97-18) do 5.6% d.m. (Apolon). Najviši sadržaj proteina (u proseku 15.65% d.m.) i triptofana (u proseku 0.206% d.m.) bio je u zrnu golozrnog ovsa. Najviši indeks kvaliteta proteina bio je u zrnu golozrnog ječma (u proseku 1.48%), sledi hlebna i durum pšenica i golozrni ovas (1.35, 1.34 i 1.31%), a zatim raž (0.93%). Rezultati ukazuju na genetičku divergentnost u sadržaju dijetalnih vlakana i proteina između ispitivanih genotipova i mogućnost odabira genotipova za selekcione linija visokog nutritivnog kapaciteta, kao za i poboljšane zahteva ishrane

    Uticaj obrade u autoklavu i hidrolize pululanazom na prinos rezistentnog skroba iz normalnog kukuruznog skroba

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    In this study, resistant starch (RS), type 3, was prepared by the autoclaving and debranching of normal maize starch isolated from a selected ZP genotype. The objectives of this study were to optimize both starch autoclaving and debranching with pullulanase (PromozymeBrewQ) for the production of RS. Autoclaving at 120°C (30 min) increased the RS content of all samples, whereas freezing at -20°C did not have an obvious effect on the RS contents. The highest RS yield in the autoclaved starch samples was 7.0% after three autoclaving-cooling cycles. After pullulanase debranching at 50°C and retrogradation at 4°C, the RS yields ranged from 10.2 to 25.5 % in all samples (depending on the hydrolysis time). Debranched starch samples with a maximum RS yield of 25.5 % were obtained after a debranching time of 24 h. This study showed that starch from the selected ZP maize genotype is suitable for pullulanase treatment and RS preparation but that additional studies with a greater number of different treatments (incubation time/temperature) are necessary to manipulate and promote crystallization and enhance RS formation.U ovom radu, rezistentan skrob (RS), tip 3, pripremljen je obradom u autoklavu i hidrolizom sa pululanazom iz normalnog kukuruznog skroba koji je izolovan iz odabranog ZP genotipa kukuruza. Predmet istraživanja je bio da se izvrši optimizacija tretmana obrade u autoklavu i hidrolize pululanazom (PromozymeBrewQ) u cilju dobijanja RS-a. Obrada u autoklavu na 120°C (30 min) je uticala na povećanje sadržaja RS-a u svim uzorcima, dok temperatura čuvanja od -20°C nije imala uticaja na njegov sadržaj. Najveći prinos RS-a u autoklaviranim uzorcima skroba je bio 7,0 % nakon tri ciklusa obrada u autoklavu-hlađenje. Nakon hidrolize pululanazom na 50 °C i retrogradacije na 4°C prinos RS-a u svim uzorcima se kretao od 10,2 do 25,5 % (zavisno od vremena hidrolize). Hidrolizovani uzorci skroba sa maksimalnim prinosom RS-a od 25,5 % određeni su nakon 24 časa inkubacije. Ovo istraživanje pokazuje da je skrob iz odabranog ZP genotipa kukuruza pogodan za hidrolizu pululanazom i dobijanje RS-a, ali su neophodna dalja istraživanja sa većim brojem različitih tretmana (vreme/temperatura inkubacije) u cilju poboljšanja procesa kristalizacije i povećanja prinosa RS-a

    Genetic variability as background for the achievements and prospects of the maize utilisation development

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    Maize is one of the most important crops, and as such, one of the most significant naturally renewable carbohydrate raw materials of energy and numerous very different products. The dominance and superiority of maize are primarily caused by the extremely wide, very diversified and enormous possibilities of its utilisation. Previous accomplishments are presented and prospective developments of the maize chemistry and technology, i.e. maize utilisation in our country and worldwide were discussed in the present study. The objective of this study was to advert to this section of science that is full of real and great challenges. Changes in the maize production and utilisation are described. Some very important questions were asked, such as: what is it that makes maize such a valuable, naturally renewable raw material, how and why do we sow maize and harvest energy and products?

    Osobine skroba različitih ZP genotipova kukuruza

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    The objective of this study was to investigate molecular and functional properties of starches isolated from ZP maize genotypes of different genetic background. The protein, fat, ash and resistant starch contents were very low. The amylose content in the isolated starches of 10 ZP maize genotypes was characteristic for both types of maize starches, normal and waxy. The waxy type had the highest average molecular weight of amylopectin (4.84 x 108 Da). The onset temperature of gelatinisation values of starches of 10 ZP maize genotypes ranged from 62.1ºC to 65.0ºC. The waxy maize starch displayed a significantly higher enthalpy change for gelatinised starch (ΔH=18.1 J/g) than normal maize starches did (ΔH=13.6-15.6 J/g). Rapid Visco Analyser (RVA) profiles of starches of ZP maize genotypes were typical for both types of maize starches, normal and waxy.Cilj ovog rada bio je da se ispitaju molekularne i funkcionalne karakteristike skroba izolovanih iz ZP genotipova kukuruza različite genetičke osnove. Sadržaj proteina, ulja, pepela, kao i rezistentnog skroba bio je veoma nizak. Sadržaj amiloze u izolovanim skrobovima bio karakterističan za normalne odnosno voštane kukuruzne skrobove. Voštani tip skroba (ZP 704wx) imao je najveću prosečnu molekulsku masu amilopektina (4,84 x 108). Početna temperatura želatinizacije skroba 10 ZP genotipova kretala se u rasponu od 62,1°C do 65,0°C. Voštani kukuruzni skrob imao je značajno veću promenu entalpije želatinizacije (ΔH= 18,1 J/g) u odnosu na normalne skrobove (ΔH=13,6-15,6 J/g). RVA profili skroba ZP genotipova bili su tipični za normalne, odnosno za voštani skrob kukuruza

    A laboratory wet-milling procedure of ZP maize hybrids

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    Wet milling properties of 10 widely grown ZP maize hybrids and the amylose content of produced starch were investigated in this study. The starch yield varied from 57.3% in the hybrid ZP 633 to 69.0% in the hybrid ZP 808. Depending on the observed hybrid, the amylose content ranged from 23.3 to 26.0%, what is characteristic for normal maize starch. High starch yields and high recoveries, as well as, a low level of proteins in obtained starches lt 0.4) indicate the efficiency of the applied wet milling procedure in the evaluation of the utilizable value of ZP maize hybrids

    ZP hibridi kukuruz kao sirovina za proizvodnju bioetanola

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    The interest in maize as an ethanol producing plant was caused by the energetic crisis and restored as early as the beginning of the 1970s. The production of bioethanol as a fuel has been expanding for the last ten years. Renew ability of maze as a raw material and growing environmental pollution by oil products represent two principal reasons for maize becoming one of the major raw materials for the energy production. According to the insight into the development of the research work on the improvement of maize utilization, the objective of the present study was set up. The objective was to observe grain quality and fitness of ZP maize hybrids of a different genetic background in order to use them in the bioethanol production. The results obtained on the chemical composition, physical and fermentable properties of grain of selected ZP maize hybrids were presented in this study.Interesovanje za kukuruz kao etanol produkujuću biljku uzrokovano je energetskom krizom i obnovljeno je još početkom 1970-ih godina. Poslednjih desetak godina proizvodnja bioetanola za gorivo je u sve većoj ekspanziji. Obnovljivost kukuruza kao sirovine i sve veća zagađenost životne sredine produktima nafte predstavljaju dva osnovna razloga da on postaje jedna od glavnih sirovina za proizvodnju energije. Sagledavajući perspektivu razvoja istraživačkog rada na unapređenju korišćenja kukuruza za cilj ovog rada je postavljeno da se ispita kvalitet zrna i pogodnost ZP hibrida kukuruza različite genetičke osnove za proizvodnju bioetanola. U radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja hemijskog sastava, fizičkih i fermentacionih karakteristika zrna odabranih ZP hibrida kukuruza

    Fizičke, hemijske i tehnološke karakteristike novih zp hibrida kukuruza

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    Physical properties (test weight, 1000-kernel weight, proportion of soft and hard endosperm fraction), chemical composition (content of starch, proteins and oil) and wet milling properties (yield and starch recovery, protein content in isolated starch, yields of gluten, germ and bran) of newly developed and widely grown 12 ZP maize hybrids for starch processing were determined in the present study. Obtained results show that the starch yield ranged from 57.3% in ZP 633 to 69.0% in ZP 808, which corresponds to starch recovery in the amount of 81.5%, and 93.7%, respectively. The highest, i.e. lowest gluten yields were detected in ZP 633 (13.5%), i.e. ZP 808 (5.3%), respectively. The protein content in isolated starches ranged from 0.14% to 0.29%, pointing out to high quality of obtained starches.U ovom radu ispitivane su fizičke karakteristike (hektolitarska i apsolutna masa, udeo meke i tvrde frakcije endosperma), hemijski sastav (sadržaj skroba, proteina i ulja) i tehnološka vrednost zrna (prinos i iskorisćenje skroba, sadržaj proteina u izolovanom skrobu, prinos glutena, klice i mekinja) 12 novih najšire gajenih ZP hibrida kukuruza u skrobarskoj preradi. Rezultati su pokazali da se prinos skroba za ispitivane hibride kretao u rasponu od 57,3 % kod hibrida ZP 633 do 69,0 % kod hibrida ZP 808, Što odgovara iskorišćenju skroba od 81,5 % i 93,7 %. Prinos glutena bio je najveći kod hibrida ZP 633 (13,5 %), a najmanji kod hibrida ZP 808 (5,3 %). Sadržaj proteina u izolovanim skrobovima se kretao od 0,14-0,29 %, što ukazuje na dobar kvalitet dobijenih skrobova

    Određivanje tehnološke i upotrebne vrednosti ZP hibrida kukuruza i sorti soje

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    The evaluation of technological values of maize and soya bean grain is of a significant importance in grain trade, i.e. purchase and sale, then in processing and especially in studies performed with the aim to improve its utilisation. Physical and chemical properties are a principal criterion for technological quality of maize and soya bean grain. According to the evaluations of leading international experts within a field of seed quality technological values and processing, the value of maize and soya bean can be increased by conforming properties to requirements. Physical and chemical properties of 12 ZP maize hybrids (test weight, 1000-kernel weight, kernel density, floatation index, milling response, portion of hard and soft endosperm fractions, water adsorption index, content of pericarp, content of germ, content of endosperm, as well as contents of starch, oil, protein and crude fibre) were observed in the present study. In addition to a standard chemical content, the activity of trypsin inhibitor, urease and isoenzyme lipoxygenase was also analysed in six different genotypes of soya bean. Grain physical and chemical properties of studied maize hybrids varied significantly. Such differences present a good basis and assumption for wide growth of maize hybrids. These and previous long-term results obtained by the analyses of these properties point out that the highest number of observed grain properties varied in dependence on genetic basis, i.e. on hybrid types, growing and environmental conditions. The analysed soya bean genotypes are characterised by a high nutritive value, while a decreased trypsin inhibitor content in the cultivar ZP L91-44042 (14.85mg g-1) provides the possibility to apply a lower temperature treatment in soya bean grain processing, and thereby maintenance of the essential nutritive constituents.Osnovni kriterijum tehnološkog kvaliteta zrna kukuruza i soje su fizička i hemijska svojstva. Prema procenama vodećih svetskih eksperata u oblasti kvaliteta zrna, tehnološke vrednosti i prerade, usaglašavanjem svojstava sa zahtevima upotrebe moguće je povećati vrednost kukuruza i soje. U ovom radu ispitivan je hemijski sastav i fizičke karakteristike zrna 12 ZP genotipova kukuruza (zapreminska masa, masa 1000 zrna, gustina, indeks flotacije otpornost na mlevenje, odnos tvrde i meke frakcije endosperma, indeks adsorpcije vode, sadržaj perikarpa, sadržaj klice i sadržaj endosperma, kao i sadržaj skroba, ulja, proteina, celuloze, pepela). Pored toga, određivan je standardni hemijski sastav, sadržaj iskoristljivog lizina, sadržaj tripsin inhibitora, aktivnost ureaze i izoenzima lipoksigenaze kod četiri ZP i dva USA genotipa soje. Hemijske i fizičke karakteristike zrna ispitivanih hibrida kukuruza kretale su se u širokom opsegu. Ovakve razlike u ispitivanim karakteristikama su dobra osnova i pretpostavka za široku primenu hibrida kukuruza. Analizirani genotipovi soje odlikuju se visokom nutritivnom vrednošću, a genotip ZP L91-44042 i smanjenim sadržajem tripsin inhibitora (14,85 mg/g) što omogućava primenu niže temperature pri preradi sojinog zrna, a time i očuvanje bitnih nutritivnih konstituenata