26 research outputs found

    N=1/2 Supersymmetric gauge theory in noncommutative space

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    A formulation of (non-anticommutative) N=1/2 supersymmetric U(N) gauge theory in noncommutative space is studied. We show that at one loop UV/IR mixing occurs. A generalization of Seiberg-Witten map to noncommutative and non-anticommutative superspace is employed to obtain an action in terms of commuting fields at first order in the noncommutativity parameter tetha. This leads to abelian and non-abelian gauge theories whose supersymmetry transformations are local and non-local, respectively.Comment: One reference added, published versio

    N=1/2 Super Yang-Mills Theory on Euclidean AdS2xS2

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    We study D-branes in the background of Euclidean AdS2xS2 with a graviphoton field turned on. As the background is not Ricci flat, the graviphoton field must have both self-dual and antiself-dual parts. This, in general, will break all the supersymmetries on the brane. However, we show that there exists a limit for which one can restore half of the supersymmetries. Further, we show that in this limit, the N=1/2 SYM Lagrangian on flat space can be lifted on to the Euclidean AdS2xS2 preserving the same amount of supersymmetries as in the flat case. We observe that without the C-dependent terms present in the action this lift is not possible.Comment: 12 pages, latex file; v2: minor corrections, references adde

    Vertex Operators for Closed Superstrings

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    We construct an iterative procedure to compute the vertex operators of the closed superstring in the covariant formalism given a solution of IIA/IIB supergravity. The manifest supersymmetry allows us to construct vertex operators for any generic background in presence of Ramond-Ramond (RR) fields. We extend the procedure to all massive states of open and closed superstrings and we identify two new nilpotent charges which are used to impose the gauge fixing on the physical states. We solve iteratively the equations of the vertex for linear x-dependent RR field strengths. This vertex plays a role in studying non-constant C-deformations of superspace. Finally, we construct an action for the free massless sector of closed strings, and we propose a form for the kinetic term for closed string field theory in the pure spinor formalism.Comment: TeX, harvmac, amssym.tex, 41 pp; references adde

    Nonanticommutative Deformation of N=4 SYM Theory: The Myers Effect and Vacuum States

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    We propose a deformation of N=4{\cal N}=4 SYM theoery induced by nonanticommutative star product. The deformation introduces new bosonic terms which we identify with the corresponding Myers terms of a stack of D3-branes in the presence of a five-form RR flux. We take this as an indication that the deformed lagrangian describes D3-branes in such a background. The vacuum states of the theory are also examined. In a specific case where the U(1) part of the gauge field is nonvanishing the (anti)holomorphic transverse coordinates of the brane sit on a fuzzy two sphere. For a supersymmetric vacuum the antiholomorphic coordinates must necessarily commute. However, we also encounter non-supersymmetric vacua for which the antiholomorphic coordinates do not commute.Comment: 14 pages, minor changes, refs. adde

    Chiral effective potential in N=1/2{\cal N}={1/2} non-commutative Wess-Zumino model

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    We study a structure of holomorphic quantum contributions to the effective action for N=1/2{\cal N}={1/2} noncommutative Wess-Zumino model. Using the symbol operator techniques we present the one-loop chiral effective potential in a form of integral over proper time of the appropriate heat kernel. We prove that this kernel can be exactly found. As a result we obtain the exact integral representation of the one-loop effective potential. Also we study the expansion of the effective potential in a series in powers of the chiral superfield Φ\Phi and derivative D2ΦD^2{\Phi} and construct a procedure for systematic calculation of the coefficients in the series. We show that all terms in the series without derivatives can be summed up in an explicit form.Comment: LaTeX, JHEP style, 32 pages, typos corrected, references adde

    D=2, N=2, Supersymmetric theories on Non(anti)commutative Superspace

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    The classical action of a two dimensional N=2 supersymmetric theory, characterized by a general K\"{a}hler potential, is written down on a non(anti)commutative superspace. The action has a power series expansion in terms of the determinant of the non(anti)commutativity parameter CαβC^{\alpha\beta}. The theory is explicitly shown to preserve half of the N=2 supersymmetry, to all orders in (det C)^n. The results are further generalized to include arbitrary superpotentials as well.Comment: 32 pages, Latex; v2:minor typos corrected and a reference adde

    D=2, N=2 Supersymmetric sigma models on Non(anti)commutative Superspace

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    We extend the results of hep-th/0310137 to show that a general classical action for D=2, N=2 sigma models on a non(anti)commutative superspace is not standard and contains infinite number of terms, which depend on the determinant of the non(anti)commutativity parameter, C^{\alpha\beta}. We show that using Kahler normal coordinates the action can be written in a manifestly covariant manner. We introduce vector multiplets and obtain the N=1/2 supersymmetry transformations of the theory in the Wess-Zumino gauge. By explicitly deriving the expressions for vector and twisted superfields on non(anti)commutative superspace, we study the classical aspects of Gauged linear sigma models.Comment: 38 pages, Latex; v3: Minor changes in the text, correction in eqns. (2.22) and (4.8), added references, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Potassium channels in primary cultures of seawater fish gill cells. I. Stretch-activated K(+) channels.

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    Previous studies using the patch-clamp technique demonstrated the presence of a small conductance Cl(-) channel in the apical membrane of respiratory gill cells in primary culture originating from sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax. We used the same technique here to characterize potassium channels in this model. A K(+) channel of 123 +/- 3 pS was identified in the cell-attached configuration with 140 mM KCl in the bath and in the pipette. The activity of the channel declined rapidly with time and could be restored by the application of a negative pressure to the pipette (suction) or by substitution of the bath solution with a hypotonic solution (cell swelling). In the excised patch inside-out configuration, ionic substitution demonstrated a high selectivity of this channel for K(+) over Na(+) and Ca(2+). The mechanosensitivity of this channel to membrane stretching via suction was also observed in this configuration. Pharmacological studies demonstrated that this channel was inhibited by barium (5 mM), quinidine (500 microM), and gadolinium (500 microM). Channel activity decreased when cytoplasmic pH was decreased from 7.7 to 6.8. The effect of membrane distension by suction and exposure to hypotonic solutions on K(+) channel activity is consistent with the hypothesis that stretch-activated K(+) channels could mediate an increase in K(+) conductance during cell swelling