475 research outputs found

    Ambient intelligence and intelligent environments for managers’ work support

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    One of the most developed and evolving areas promising for the future, which is already recently a subject of intensive research, seems to be the area of ambient intelligence. We present some recent results and contemplations about how this area could be exploited also for creating intelligent environments capable of managerial work support. Besides some general discussion we present also some of our views on the privacy concept which seems to be especially delicate in relation to the intelligent environments concept. Some notes about possible positive social acceptance of this phenomenon are concluding this work.

    On the Relative Contribution of Viscous Flow ys. Diffusional (Frictional) Flow to the Stationary-State Flow of Water through a "Tight" Membrane

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    The practice of calculating the diffusion contribution to the total pressure-driven flow of water through a tight membrane by using the self-diffusion coefficient for tritiated water is examined by a theoretical analysis. Equations of motion for water and membrane in pressure-driven water flow and water, membrane, and tritiated water in self-diffusion of tritiated water are adapted from Bearman and Kirkwood (1958). These equations of motion are used to develop an equation for the pressure-driven flow of water. Because of the lack of specific information about the detailed structure of most membranes, as well as considerations of the need to eliminate some of the mathematical difficulties, an “equivalent capillary” model is used to find a solution to the equation of motion. The use of the equivalent capillary model and possible ambiguities in distinctions between diffusion and hydrodynamic flow are discusse

    Old Forestry Traditions and Modern Chronobiological Research: Lunar-Cycle-Related Sowing Time Influences Effectively Initial Plant Growth

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    After a preliminary trial, 12 successive sowings (with 4 repetitions each) of the panafrican tree Maesopsis eminii had been realized, at alternating dates 2 days before Full Moon (FM) and 2 days before New Moon (NM) [1]. The mean height of the young plants 4 months after sowing was by 3 centimeters (= ca. 19%) larger for sowings before FM compared to sowings before NM. This phenomenon, now re-evaluated by Halberg´s cosinor regression, was statistically significant partly on the level α = 0.05, partly 0.1

    Global Insanity Redux

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    In our book Global Insanity we argued that the existential predicament faced by humanity is a predictable consequence of Western Enlightenment thinking and the resulting world model, whose ascendance with the Industrial Revolution entrained development of the global consumer Economy that is destroying the biosphere. This situation extends from a dominant mindset based on the philosophy of reductionism.  The problem was recognized and characterized by Robert M. Hutchins.  In 1985, Hutchins ideas were discussed by Robert Rosen in Chapter 1 of Anticipatory Systems: Philosophical, Mathematical & Methodological Foundations.  Building on Hutchins' ideas, Rosen laid the foundation for an entire new, non-reductionist paradigm, which he called "complexity theory".  This new paradigm is what we are further developing here.  One has to recognize that a paradigm shift is needed to overcome the entrenched mindset and world model that reductionism has created. Here we explore the myriad interconnected ways-psychological, social, cultural, political, and technological-that the Western world model and consumer economy works as a complex system to thwart, neutralize, or co-opt for its own ends any effort to bring about the kind of radical change that is needed to avert global ecological catastrophe and societal collapse. This resistance to change stems from the need, inherent in the Western model, to continually grow the consumer economy.  The media's continued portrayal of consumptive economic growth as a good thing, the widely held belief that the Economy is paramount, and current political and technological trends all manifest the system's active resistance to change. From the perspective of the mature economic system, any work that does not serve to grow the Economy is counterproductive, and viewed as unnecessary, a luxury, or subversive. The potential for real change (i.e. toward creation of a better system) is thus inversely related to the viability of the Economy, which will eventually decline as the system develops into senescence. To the extent that the fragile metastability of senescence affords opportunity for radical change, economic decline can be viewed as a hopeful sign. But taking maximum advantage of that opportunity will be extraordinarily difficult, as it will require widespread recognition of the problem, major voluntary sacrifice by the relatively large numbers of people who still benefit from the system (including what remains of the "middle class"), and concerted "grassroots" efforts.  It can be expected that the system will resist those efforts until the end, becoming increasingly reliant on media-enabled distraction and divisive politics, as well as violent coercion, to maintain itself.  Investment in education and science is widely touted as necessary for improving our situation, but this is misguided as long as the educational system and scientific enterprise continue to work in collusion with the larger system, as they currently do. Until the reductionist mindset and world model that drives the system is effectively challenged, there can be little hope for the kind of change needed to avert the catastrophic collapse of civilization


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    Kappeler research performed more than 50 years ago is widely used for HV transformers insulation design. Even though the original experiment was done for oil ducts width from 0.5 to 6 mm, the results have been extrapolated to ducts up to 100 and more mm without detailed publication that would confirm the validity of this extrapolation. This paper presents the experiment that aims to expand Kappeler research to oil duct width up to 30 mm. Model setup also allows creepage and barriers effect testing up to 30 mm


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    Relationship between bushing failure and transformer failure is discussed and, in regard of that, two bushing failure types are recognized: incipient bushing failure that does not result in transformer damage and terminal bushing failure having transformer failure as a consequence. It can be seen, that without applying the diagnostics, all bushing failures are terminal. Thirteen bushing failures have been analyzed regarding their cause, failure mechanism and consequences. In that sense, the ability and limitation of off line and on line diagnostics are discussed and some improvements are proposed. Some switchyard properties in the aspect of fire protection are indicated and, especially, the possible influence of rigid tubular connections on bushing failures. Beside mentioned design, service, condition diagnostics and other properties of all three condenser types of bushings are described in the paper


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    The aim of this paper is to examine different factors that influence the quality of insulation models high voltage testing results. These factors are related to model geometry and model testing procedures. Model geometry is visually checked, several influencing factors are detected and their influence on el. field calculation results is evaluated using finite element method (FEM) and cumulative method for oilbarrier insulation design. The procedure for model geometry uncertainty estimation is performed using first-order Taylor series approximation. Also, the influence of previous voltage exposure history of a specimen, so-called “memo effect”, is estimated with a cumulative exposure method